IvanIvanoff 1 point ago +2 / -1

I look at each person's salvation the way I do coworker compensation. As long as I am satisfied with my compensation, I don't care about someone else's.

It's about each individuals relationship with god.

IvanIvanoff 7 points ago +7 / -0

I find this whole situation hilarious. She spent years pandering to and promoting these lunatics. It wasn't until her special role in society is threatened did she speak up. That's the way it is with these leftist. They will support the lunacy then either fight against it when they are threatened but only against the portion that threatens them or they continue with the suicide pact.

They lack both the critical thought or moral fiber to see that it is their whole ideology, not just the part that threatens them, is sick and self destructive. She's complaining about the destruction of her position as a woman as she actively assist in the destruction of others in the same manner.