OF COURSE I would vote for Trump. I don't think we will have to wait that long, but if this is the scenario, YES, GO VOTE.
If we don't go vote, we stand ZERO chance. If we do, and the system is rigged, at least we did our part.
You on this one? https://rumble.com/ve3a0f-cpac-2021-general-session.html
It looks to be not quite this phone, but in a very similar family: https://www.cryptomuseum.com/phone/cis/dtd7962/index.htm
note the security seal on the right side of both the unit in the photo, and the one in this link.
Very interesting looking computer - never seen something quite like it.
I thought the first episode was quite good. Presented Q in a relatively fair manner. The second one really only revolved around the chans.. I was very much not a fan of the ending of the second episode. What are your thoughts?