In Unprecedented Monetary Overhaul, The Fed Is Preparing To Deposit "Digital Dollars" Directly To "Each American" this is what address I found....
news release from homeland security
Daily Caller read the report and summarized:
So, what are sane people to do when they have Mockingbirds making up the 'reality' every minute of every day?
If you were told "You're BAD BAD BAD," all the time, pretty soon you'd start believing that you really are Bad.
It takes time to reprogram you into realizing that, "Hey, I'm a good person!"
yes....The allusion to the truth was really STRONG, though.
Look at JFK. The facts are out now. Did you see the video on this? It showed the former prez's dead body in the morgue.
The Main Stream News is focusing on Cindy McCain's support for Democrat Biden....while in the real world: Senate report on Hunter Biden, Burisman, Joe Biden's quid pro quo is coming most likely today.
I saw that Trump DID offer a pardon for exchange of info on who actually hacked DNC server.
So to make his life pleasant and therefore, resist extradition, would be a mistake.
I should think he welcome extradition, give us the testimony, and get his pardon
pigeon is the bird that has bans on its legs.
So this is code.
Pidgin is a worldwide communication digital program that helps people who don't have the same language to understand each other. I'm thinking this tweet means certain versions are no longer available for use. NSA shut it down...maybe?
If users modify Pidgin for their own use, they need to publish the modifications so that it is truly 'open source'. Maybe Deep State modified and didn't publish, so got their mod shut down.
X22 Report had a total rundown on Chris Wray. Q posted Wray's photo and drew a huge red X across his face (#4606). Q said Wray was a 'sleeper' meaning a Deep State that is waiting to do for their cause.
I was thinking Main Stream Media would be getting FCC violations and some would be on board to lose their broadcast licenses because of the Q Mickey Echo clock post....but now, I'm think not.
Here's a great explanation of some anons' thought process IPOT
IPOT covers the thought process well as to Q's hint about China surveillance.
I've been expecting censorship of X22 for some time now. Actually, I'm totally surprised Dave hasn't been picked at until now.
I think it is a Deep State tactic. Funnel Patriots into various 'groups', shrinking the number of groups lower and lower, then when Deep State needs to give a crippling blow, they ask the Big Tech to oblige.
THIS is WHY.....we here at Great Awakening need to be totally vigilant at staying versatile. We need LOTS AND LOTS of obtain info, but ALSO to share and post!
GA, here, might get the old attack, too, someday. So STAY FLEXIBLE. That is the BEST counter to being manipulated by Deep State.
I think the next will be this thing called EEE, or Eastern Equine Encephalitis virus.
It is transmitted by a mosquito. There are already 17 cases in Michigan since the illness discovery.