Jillburn 2 points ago +2 / -0

A poll is taken showing a big number of Trump supporters won't take the vaccine.....Fauci speaks and urges Trump to encourage his followers to take the vaccine....Trump magically shows up in a PHONE interview saying take the vaccine...it is safe....personally something is up....he has always gone against unnecessary medical treatment. This interview was pushed by Fox but never heard anything from Jr or anywhere else that normally promotes and interview from Tump....with CGI and all this technology out there....do we even know it was him? Everyone still needs to do their own research and make their OWN decisions regardless

Jillburn 18 points ago +18 / -0

Agreed! I'm a nurse and have been shunned for thinking like this and not getting the vaccine....I'm over it! The ONE element that doesn't make sense is WHY are people losing their taste and smell???? No other illness does this that normally floats around....are we having a normal cold and flu season MIXED with biological warfare perhaps??

Jillburn 26 points ago +26 / -0

I am fully prepared to leave my place of employment for almost 16 years....I am even prepared to leave nursing all together if this is mandated....that is how strongly I feel about it

Jillburn 1 point ago +1 / -0

Exactly! If this is part of the plan....his EOs shouldn't be allowed to go through putting the country in danger and putting thousands out of work.....then there is military in Syria....I thought he didn't have control over the military? I would not worry so much but his EOs are now showing up on the registry and go into effect on 1/25/21

Jillburn 1 point ago +1 / -0

A detox from All social media and MSM....it will continue as long as they are involved in those two things no matter what their beliefs are. I have people that are Trump supporters and Patriots who have literally GIVEN UP and reverted back to oppression because of social media and MSM. It is TOXIC....Do the Amish have these issues? No...wonder why ?