JoeBidensMissingSoul 1 point ago +1 / -0

And these "millions of others laughing at me"

Are they the ones who compelled you to use your free time to come on this site and be ridiculed for being unable to even do the simplest of research tasks?

These don't sound like good friends.

I think our conversation is over. I provided you with plenty of topics to research. If you choose to embrace your "millions of others" when the clearly do not care about your mental wellbeing that's on you.

Have a good life, man. Bless.

JoeBidensMissingSoul 2 points ago +2 / -0

I noticed you didn't answer a single question.

Is that because you're incapible? You physically don't have the mental strength to do research, yes?

That would certainly explain how you arrived at such a childish opinion.

JoeBidensMissingSoul 1 point ago +1 / -0

You sound extremely nervous and for good reason.

You can't answer my questions because if you do your cute little narrative falls apart.

This is adorable. How the hell did you manage to wander in here? I'm surprised you can work a phone or computer properly.

JoeBidensMissingSoul 0 points ago +0 / -0

Why is Biden not allowed to access Pentagon information?

Why can't he remove Chris Miller/Chris Wray?

What is being given to SCOTUS for review? What happens if a court is in an area declared a state of wartime emergency? Who runs the courts? What date is that court case? (Hint it's before all the troops leave)

You need to start asking questions instead of fellating every entertainer who makes you laugh.

It's pathetic, it's disgusting, and the fact that a fellow American is as dumb as you frankly makes me puke.

JoeBidensMissingSoul 2 points ago +2 / -0

Who is Chris Miller?

Who is the head of FEMA?

What conditions are required for the NG to coordinate with the marines.

Why is 10th mountain legion in DC?

Under sections 11.1 through 11.6 what final condition must be met for the military to usurp a belligerent government?

I'll wait. I'll help educate you out of the filth you've worked your way into.

JoeBidensMissingSoul 4 points ago +4 / -0

Correction: there's nothing YOU can do to stop us.


Hope you're ready for what comes next.

Biden becoming President is exactly what Q told us would happen. Guess what happens to a fully belligerent government?

Guess who's responsible for the debt of said belligerent government.

You might want to take a peak at what Trump signed his last few weeks in office.

You people are fucked.

JoeBidensMissingSoul 1 point ago +1 / -0

Do you feel better for having said that? Is this where you are in life? Bothering people who enjoy researching lawbooks?

Hey man if this is what you need to get by each day... have at it... far be it from me to judge the low lots of life.

JoeBidensMissingSoul 2 points ago +2 / -0

Why did they just make soldiers into capitol police?

Why were those soldiers given the oath from pre-1960s America?

What is coming up on the 22nd? The 24th?

Why are court cases still pending?

Why is Biden blocked from interacting with the Pentagon or removing Chris Wray?

What evidence is needed to prove 11.3 of the DOD war code?

JoeBidensMissingSoul 1 point ago +1 / -0

They will be gone by the 30th. It's all bullshit.

Which is why Flynn said done in 30. Head out of your ass, please.

What comes next? SCOTUS->JAG.

Why specifically did we swear people in using the 1960s oath. Why were oathkeepers made into capitol police.

Think. Use your head. Stop listening to the lies of the 13 wealthiest families. Use your own brain.

JoeBidensMissingSoul 3 points ago +3 / -0

And their little flunkies will happily beat their fellow Americans to put more money into the pockets of the 13 most wealthy families on the planet.


JoeBidensMissingSoul 2 points ago +3 / -1

Do you live in the unincorporated states of the united states or the Bank of London owned city state of DC? I think you misunderstand vassalage in the greater picture of the United States vs the Corporation of the United States.

Do you understand or did you float in from "I get all my information from the main stream media" land?

I highly urge you to crack open these ancient tomes we have at libraries called books. Unlike the Internet it's a lot harder to "mysteriously delete" entire volumes of human knowledge.

There's a common thread with people like you. You think you're smart, but you're vastly out of your element.

You lost in 2016 because you failed to understand our constitution and it's happening again because you failed civics.

JoeBidensMissingSoul 4 points ago +5 / -1

I've seen your name on Reddit before.

Qannon helped lead a coup attempt

It's not Qannon,a common misspelling from the people in your discord/slack channel.

It's actually "Q" as in "Q" level clearance.

"Anons" are from 8kun, 4chan. We're not "Anon" on this forum. We go by patriot, pede (centipede), etc.

You're so obviously guzzling the cum of the media establishment. You're so far out of your element it's sad.

Please just go play videogames and leave the work to the adults.
