Jtap 1 point ago +1 / -0

I haven't gotten to nested loops but I am excited to get to them. As of current I'm only halfway into the base structuring of NLP. I believe the last term I was on was on the _____ causatives (I can't remember the term but I remember the identifier. (It was centered around the use of the word "but" and how it links to distortions of the surface structure and consequently the deep structure)

Jtap 2 points ago +3 / -1

I know that the Holy Ghost is doing a work to show us the tools to loose the minds of those bound by the enemy. The secret is so much more simple than it appears. It rests in the Word of God. The issue is that there are people brainwashed by the very Word itself. (Mkultra truly even did what satan did and twisted the believer using the very Word of God in tandem with his traumatic employments.

Jtap 1 point ago +2 / -1

In cathy obriens book she mentioned that Kelly her daughter was brainwashed via frequency devices. Unfortunately in her case the same is true. The only way out is the same way she came in.

Jtap 1 point ago +1 / -0

Barron looks like he's seen too much for his age.

Jtap 1 point ago +1 / -0

That would be an ideal solution that I believe we could achieve if we as a church uniformly obeyed the scriptures. I like your thoughts in the Holy Ghost fren. God bless you in Jesus name amen.

Jtap 0 points ago +0 / -0

Like Sletcha said. In the book of genesis is the first tithe and it was Abraham giving a 10th of all his possessions to Jesus Christ incarnate as Melchizedek. I agree with your sentiments though, sibling.

Jtap 0 points ago +0 / -0

God bless you too and may the Holy Ghost guide us to righteousness. In Jesus name amen.

Jtap 1 point ago +1 / -0

Jimmy eat world, Polaris and 23 still get to me. Futures by far is still my favorite album. Excuse me while I go reminisce now. Thank you and God bless you fren. May the Holy Ghost pour into you and bring you joy this day. In Jesus name amen.

Jtap 2 points ago +2 / -0

God bless you with the Holy Ghost, brother. In Jesus name, amen.

Jtap 2 points ago +2 / -0

Love you sis. Thank you for the words given in the Holy Spirit. God bless you in the same Holy Spirit. In Jesus name amen.

Jtap 2 points ago +2 / -0

May God bless you with temperance of emotion and overall self control in the Holy Spirit, sibling. In Jesus name amen.

Jtap 3 points ago +3 / -0

May God bless you with resolve and commitment to pursue in the Holy Spirit, brother. In Jesus name amen.

Jtap 0 points ago +0 / -0

Happy mothers day and God bless you, sister, Mary. May the Holy Spirit give you a blessed and joyous time with your beloved family. In Jesus name amen.

Jtap 1 point ago +1 / -0

Most importantly, I highly recommend reading a Bible. If you're a man of logic you'll appreciate the challenge of reading the KJV and I highly suggest it. Otherwise, again. Be well friend.

Jtap 0 points ago +0 / -0

My friend. Make no mistake. God isn't waiting for you to be good enough. You won't be. That's what grace is. Giving someone what they don't deserve. The cross of Jesus Christ is free to you. You misunderstand; you do not need to be perfect to be forgiven of your sin and to be born again. You do however need to understand that in order to be forgiven you have to repent (confess and turn from the faults that separate us from God) and turn to Jesus Christ to be forgiven of the sin He paid for us. The transaction does not count if you don't come to Him. Once you have been forgiven you have to then begin the process of sanctification; i.e. you cannot stay as you were because what you were got you in the place you were in to begin with. The hard part of the faith is that you must be willing to admit you needed Jesus Christto begin with. You're free to choose as you will but it does you well in the long run to know that the faith does have requirements of us. (I.e sin no more).

When you're read He will be there, ready and willing, to have you, Moose.

Be well and I pray God the Holy Spirit falls upon you and you see in yourself what He sees. In Jesus name amen.

Jtap 0 points ago +0 / -0

This is it's own kind of punishment. I say we do it anyways just for the laughs.

Jtap 0 points ago +0 / -0

Bold question incoming:

If you yourself can see your limited intellect via Einstein whom was just another man like you;

Do you really believe your merits are good enough to please a perfect God?

If the answer is no... then the gospel gives you the answer you seek regarding the necessity for Holiness to enter heaven. You simply aren't Holy enough and neded a substitute to pay for the wrongs you committed. Hence Jesus Christ, whom was perfect and suffered the punishment you deserved, like us all, and offered a chance to accept that gift and walk new in the Holy Spirit to then put to death the things that made you liable for punishment.

If the answer is yes then the gospel of Jesus Christ will never a make sense to you because your own moral code dictates whether you deserve heaven or not.

All this is in love fren.

Jtap 1 point ago +1 / -0


Did you know that was the game fear caiaphas had hence the guards being there to begin with?

Similarly to u/OuttaMyAshes said

Quite plainly the bigger question is this:

Do you believe what the Bible says or not? (Not to be crude but this is the bigger question I believe)

If you don't, what impedes that?

Much love to you fren. May God bless you with the Holy Spirit unto wisdom and faith. In Jesus name amen.

Jtap 1 point ago +1 / -0

I can ask and I'll see if he is looking for good lawyers.

Jtap 0 points ago +0 / -0

My dad loves raw onions and it seems to be on the top 3 of chelating foods.

Jtap 0 points ago +0 / -0

God bless you, sibling. May the Holy Ghost enrich your life. In Jesus name amen.

Jtap 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thank you for praying for my dad. I'll be praying tonight for your continued safety concerning your water, sis. God bless you with the Holy Spirit, in Jesus name amen.

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