They are threatening us and boarder line forcing us to do this, so is this grounds for straight up sexual assault? They are forcing us to play their pretend sex games, so can we get the police involved?


Asking because I am wondering due to Patriot Mobile being a non Main Stream service, as well as nothing, literally nothing, happening in Japan, or from what I can tell, the rest of the world?

Asking for a friend here.... any info?


Would like to know if the clots thing is as prevailent as they say it is, because if it is, my wife took 2 shots... Aaaaaaaaaaand after watching this, I am sufficiently freaking out.


Look, it is going to happen.

Case and point, look at Walker and the other fucks name I cant remember. A sudden upspike in votes... just like we saw with Trump.

Georgia is cheating already.

Now that we have established this... I want to put forward a theory.

How do you think dems who are voting R today due to their displeasure with dems are going to see these steals?

How do you think the previous dems will then feel about the 2020 election?

I think this awakening is going to get DOWNRIGHT VICIOUS against the dems if they decide to cheat. If I know lefties(and I should because I was one), they are going to be PISSED their candidate lost... to cheating, like we have been saying all along.

I cant wait to see what will happen due to the cheating... especially when lefties have been brain fucked into believing THERE WAS NO STEAL.

I cant wait for this shit to get personal to them.


So I did kind of a deep dive on why the MSM is so hell bent on protecting Ukraine. I believe the answer to be because the country is a YUGE PRODUCER OF CP, and certain peeps in our government could be facilitating and buying it, or even getting deals to have some of these girls "perform certain favors" for them.

I did a mouthy budda deep dive to see how much CP is actually circulated on these sites shown on yandex, and most of these are forums with HUGE VOLUMES of this stuff!!!

Those poor kids, it is detestable what these fuckers are doing.

Most of these forums use upload sights, like WUPLOAD or ALFILES, and a lot more to facilitate all this fuckery. Its disgusting and i wouldnt know the first thing on how to get the ball rolling to stop this shit.

But one question I have is... are any of these Aid funds that we send over there directly or indirectly used to help these sick people peddle their kiddy prons?

That would be a nice step in the right direction.


Say you have a cold, or a flu.

Walk into your dental clinic and ask them for a simple cleaning.

Their reply my friends is simple.... NO.

Masks the doctors and assistance wear are referred to as PPE(personal protection equipment).

If masks are so safe, then why would they deny you treatment during your cold or flu?


They only work against blood splatter and such...

In the dental field we are dealing with all kinds of things, skin, bone, blood.

And the one thing masks cannot do is protect US from a pathogen or viral loads inside a patients body.

Dentists and their assistants already deal with LOADS of aerosols made from the drills we use on a daily basis. You would be mind fucked to see a dental room under a blacklight after an appointment.


Share with your crazy Karen Libtard to get her to test and comfirm.


The last post Q put up on the boards was the video WERE NOT GONNA TAKE IT. I dont know, seems like shit is ramping up now, and maybe that was a sign from BIG BALLED DADDY TRUMP that shit is about to get real. I dont know... making a simple connection and wondering if maybe I am just stupid. I could be, I have been wrong before.


I could be totally fucking wrong on this.

But something just fucking hit me. If there is no police, no emergency workers, pilots are dropping like flies, on and on and on.... Will military step in?.. not to mention the military vax mandate as well.

Difference between civilian sector and the military from what I have seen, the military is putting together a class action lawsuit against Biden, which is really interesting for the military to do, being that would actually... could be wrong here... break regulations on obeying POTUSs commands.... which btw could result in court martial or worse.... like treason.

But look at it this way... no police, no emergency, noworkers, no food, no anything.

Would that stir the military to do something???

What if the military itself was being threatened with being gutted like a fish just like the police and emergency forces??

Would this not constitute a national state of emergency??? And futher... if Xiden does.... NOTHING??

I dont know... Just a big light that went off in my brain. Looking for some bigger brains to either prove my theory or to tell me I am full of shit... either is accepted, knowing I am among the worlds FINEST PEDES!


The reason why I question this, I am wondering if the death rates and adverse side effects blew up after Biden was announce president.

I remember the jackass Xiden visiting one of the vaccine manufacturing plants, and was wondering if any of the vax numbers started to change for the worst after said visit.

Just wondering... I will do a little research and get back to everyone later... unless someone knows already.



I am thinking... if martial law were to be rolled out, how would it happen??

Just a theory... but if I am correct, SC ruled a little while ago how if in an election there was any cheating, that election would be voided.

With the AZ audit coming to a close around the corner... I see this may actually pretty much nullify the 2020 election, and with its completion, will trigger mass audits RIGHT AFTER.

But that is not how Martial law will go down... imo. I think what might happen according to the track record, the SC will reject the audit/s and or maybe, they will nullify the election.

Upon this, they will do the an Amendment 12, and Trump wins.

2 things that would spark ML.

  1. SC refusal to rule on foreign interference.

  2. Bidens refusal to leave the WH and spark mass unrest, now knowing where these cells are and how they are funding/aiding them.

Just a thought... I am pretty sure I am wrong here or there, or even possibly everywhere. But I think when every institution set up to hold up the law SHUNS said law, the military has no choice but to step in.

Thank you for reading my brain droppings.


In light of the big CDC disclosure that the PCR test cant determine if it is actually covid that you have, my question is WHO WAS SUPPLYING THEM THE WHOLE TIME??

Companies, money tracks, ties to black hats like CCP.

My reason for wanting to know is simple.

I live in Japan, my wife and her family all got the covid shot from pfizer... even though a while back, that same company was responsible for a few children dying from their vaccines. Japan threw them out.

I wonder if Japan is using the same PCR tests as the US or is using a similar patent to the faulty ones that dont do jack or shit.

I think this is a HUGE nail in the coffin of these fuckers that are fucking with my family. I am trying to find something as far as suppliers here in Japan, I will get back to you


I just have one small concern.

Is there any more text always going to pay the MSM in any way shape or form?

If they are then we need to make new rules in new laws forbidding that.

This came up as a thought after seeing that CNN after one week couldn't even make 1 million viewers.

Also regarding the laws on circulating false and fake news? Shouldn't there be laws against this?

I don't know all the laws pertaining to this but it seems like if these people are going to wield such power, then they need to have certain laws in place that we keep them from putting out this much false news. And if we can verify that they are putting out such false news, we need to have safeguards in place to make sure they don't put out that kind of news. And we need to be able to challenge them in court at the drop of a dime if there is a challenge to something they put out there as news.

Sorry just the thought. I'm not very well versed on media law and finance.


Asking for a little help here. I live in Tokyo and it seems like in order to go anywhere over here... I need Vax passport. My braindead wife who cant do a simple little research into this shit has already got the vax, and is fucking needling me to get it so my family can go travel.

In a rough friggin spot here pedes... what to do?


Think about it...

We have never heard of any of this information about Dominion or Smartomatic stuff ever... yet I have heard it all the time, that elections were rigged.

Trump gets into office, and BOOM!! BOOM!! BOOMDIGGIDY BOYS!! We have declassification of mass proportions everywhere from JFK to "The Finders" to even the Tesla Files themselves! Hell even the Q boards were a MASSIVE public disclosure to these fuckaroos fuckery.

You also had the Creation of Space Force which in many peoples opinion, another soft disclosure of things that were already happening behind the scenes.

Would it not be so surprising to find out that this ENTIRE FUCKING SHERAID was planned??

My guess is... these child diddling fart knocking fuck nuggets have been rigging elections for A LONG FUCKING WHILE NOW.

Difference this time around is... we have MOUNTAINS OF EVIDENCE, which we never had before.

Votes changing in the middle of the election ON LIVE TV FEED...

Republican ballot checkers not allowed in... poster board too!


Thousands of SWORN AFFIDAFITS...

Video of suitcases with illegal ballots...


The shit show of mass fuckery is all on huge display for everyone to see... hell even if you have a bias towards the dems, you gotta be scratching your head at the evidence when you see it.

I dont see them gloating or throwing it in Trumps face that they won with a big FUCK YOU LOSER, like you know they would be doing if shit was really going the way they wanted it to go.

There is something up.

None of this passes the smell test... NONE OF IT!

From Xidens inauguation seeming to be faked and done in different times... what with the weather going cloudy to sunny to light shining on one side to the other... ITS ALL REALLY FUCKING WIERD.

And did you catch the 17 EXECUTIVE ORDERS on Pedo Joes first day???

This fuckwad has a hard on for little kids SO HARD it makes Michael Jackson blush.

So yeah... this all has to be a movie... hell even Q said it to be so.

Dont worry about the SC either... one of 2 things will come out of that.

  1. Never in the history of election have their been NO COURTS WILLING TO SEE THE EVIDENCE. Courts corrupt TO THE TOP, military steps in.

  2. Military is already trying this case in Tribunals, and SC not going to step on a case that is already being taken care of.


So are they getting rid of anyone now because they support Trump?

I don't get it... A lot of my business data was backed up on drive.

So much for that!

Anyone facing the same problems?


Think about this folks.

Trump is out, and because of it, all the people who stood against him in the house and senate are being NAILED with people requesting... no... DEMANDING they resign. even in his own party!!. I HAVE NEVER SEEN ANYTHING LIKE THIS!!!

And there are so many of them!!

I saw here today that boulder-dash turkey-neck McConnell has a lot of people telling him to GTFO after his betrayal of Trump.

Now in retro-spec... Trump was using basic logic and reason in his platforms on running for office.

Now you see old scrotum-throat and company opposing said dumb common sense.

Even the normies are starting to grow wise to this.

The plan is much more than just arresting puppets, IT WAS ALWAYS ABOUT UNITING THE PEOPLE!!

Whats more if we stand united not only behind a common enemy, but the enemy that if we take down will usure in a literal new age of prosparity for not only the US, but those countries touched by said enemies corruption...

Then my friends... we are seeing something purely BIBLICAL.

Keep in mind, Trump could order the military to declass at any moment, which is why these cucks are so rushed to do any action that would fuck us over long term... and that is REALLY making a lot of minds tick.

The Great Awakening is real.

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