2 points...
They believe that if they can install Biden in the Whitehouse, they can control the narrative.
Part of their power comes from the cognitive dissonance causing mental instability in the citizens.
Not that I don't believe it's possible this was done by White hats... Publicly outing Kamala over some career ending scandal will prove the White Hat theory... For me.
From the article: "According to reports, Japanese researchers have been instructed to investigate..."
The article never states who instructed the researchers.
I could not find anything indicating "who" and I'm usually dubious of unnamed sources crap, but in this case the research is on going. That's why I shared it.
How many people have skipped reading it now because of your "misleading" warming.
Or do you have sauce proving it was not official?
The "narrative shift" I'm talking about it the news outlets suddenly talking about CDC looking into vax causing stroke in the elderly (without looking at 10 year olds having heart attacks).
people are certainly dropping dead around me.
yes, we have 4 Buff Orps, 4 Gold laced Wyandottes and 4 partridge chantecler
one of the Buffs is the Rooster.
My wife and sister in law picked them out... but I would get only Buffs from now on - much bigger eggs.
I only had Rhode Island Reds growing up.
I stole it from somewhere... Prolly twit.