Previous posts on this very site by actual former Yellow Jackets in France attest to the fact that local rallies will do nothing. And they give very valid reasons as to why.
If I can find that post i will repost here.
The late hour is way past Scooby Doo peekaboo optics folks.
I understood why facts had to be disseminated the way they were 3 years ago but now? Naw, if it can't be said plainly then don't waste your time on "peekaboo patriot".
Which brand has been tested on humans? Which only has the ivermectin without the other ingredients for tape worms etc?
I'm down with it but would like some experienced advice on what brand. Even the dog stuff has added and possibly fatal additives.
Maybe this anon is correct.
Or maybe Thousands of patriots sacrificed will wake the 100 million still sitting on the friggin couch.
Either is plausible.
But to go to DC (a legally foreign land) without arms is insane unless your a willing sacrifice.
I still have faith.
Look all they bad guys EVER had to do was mess with our power grid and 80%-90% of us would all be dead within a year. The survivors being the toughest rural country folk with coordination and weapons.
They literally only have to switch the lights off and stop the walmart trucks from arriving and we would be gone.
So prepare while living with hope IN THE MOMENT.
No one was ever promised tomorrow.
No one here caught MR's interview with Don Lemon a couple days ago?
I hope he was just playing his part because the words from his mouth were damning to our POTUS DJT.