dumb shit, mods delete this call for violence.
This is Fake Maga shill nonsense.
Disregard and report.
That's funny I just saw Paul Ryan's twitter page last night with banner with him and a bunch of kids....
It was so odd I sent a screen grap to by brother.
Pedo theme here. White hats controlling their accounts perhaps.
The comparison is stunning...
That said it seems we have escalated with China as well, we've been in a cold war with them that appears to be heating up.
You can't have any juicy false flags in a covid lockdown, not on a grand scale.
I've often thought the COVID lockdowns were a double-edged sword.
Dems use to kill Trump's/our economy
White Hats use them to protect people and prevent mass terror at ball games.
This was one of my 1th thoughts back in March as I left NYC for good when the lockdown first hit.
Do you really think the Deep State is in control of those troops, really?
Why are they there?
Think more.
Controlled opposition.
Look up Jones on a Q feed.
He also tweeted an photo of Robert Kennedy Jr. next to a man in a Guy Fawkes mask...
and an photoshopped image of Time mag with "man of the year" with an aged version of JFK Jr.
He also tweeted an aerial view of the Kennedy grave site= Q
Yes the pic in the upper left is John G. Trump, Uncle of 45.
He was deeply connected to government/military-industrial complex and an MIT professor. People speak of connections to Tesla, I know not.
you can search for the image on the upper left, not hard to find.
Some have thought that John was 45's enter way into the true nature of DC politics.
Boy they do look similar don't they.... Perhaps they are related, but only time will tell.
Good question. Hope someone has a good link for this
A PDF file of all Q drops would be ideal.
If you followed, thought critically, used discernment and did some research we all know the moment we are at today.
Why would the media and politicians all collectively go after a Larp?
Larps don't threaten Nancy Pelosi?
Hey y'all please what Fox News Sunday where Chris Wallace interviews snake Jim Clyburn.
He asks about how people found his office given that it was unmarked. He speculates in his question that there was a preplanned raid and that it might be an "inside job". Of course it was deplorables did it for Wallace.
The removal of computers was first reported by Simon Parkes on the evening of the 6th, the next day it came our in Reuters and other mainstream media that in fact they were stolen.
Look at the Bigo pics in Pelosi's office. One pic with 'puter on the desk, next without.
They were broadcasting that the laptops were taken.
Who do you really think took them?
General Thomas McInerny was interviewed by Anne Vandersteel the other day and said he had learned of some of the contents of Pelosi's laptop...
Who do you think took them and knew where to find them?
Let's ask this. How many ordinary citizen Trump supporters like you and me actually even went into the Capitol building as compared to operatives on BOTH sides?
lol, that's a bogus account. I guess there's a first time for everyone to see an internet scam... lol.
Here is Ron's only account now.
yeah, alot a tweets!
I've reached the conclusion that this account is ECW.
As for everyone else, think for yourself and use discernment.
exactly the point.
there's NEVER been any other kind of communism at the nation-state level than this satanic totalitarianism.
Marxists DO NOT believe in equality.
You are very wrong. Communist is a charade, promising the utopia of the brotherhood of man, egalite et fraternite' but it is all a Satanic rouse. It is build on a fundemental lie about what it purports to be.
If marxism/communism is as you describe it they why are all communist regimes that greatest totalitarian technocratic regimes? which have killed 10s of million more people than Hitler and yet this is never condemned.
Communism is a modern technocratic form of feudalism.
In 1984 Orwell correctly identifies Communism under the name "oligarchic collectivism"
Ezra Cohen Watnick on Parler started the 10 days on Gab and Parler.
He started it on Jan 6, fittingly. You can think of the many meaning of darkness that apply here.
It's an endorsement by Jack Dorsey, whose Twitter is about to crash and burn...
What do you think of Jack Dorsey?
did this all already happened
WE ARE IN THE STORM. "My Fellow Americans..." with a Red Flag was tweeted by an twitter account @patriot1776
If we want a self-governing republic we need to be vigilant for the duration because we the people are the governors.
yes they should be told we can do this the easy way, via decertification or we can do it the hard way, the military.
Just tell them if its the military its all on you.
yes, we should the be thanking the msm and commie social media for committing suicide.
sorry that was not the signal that the storm is here.
Trump's twitter takedown signals RED!
you will find that the storm is here at @patriot1776 on twitter now down as well
Yes I would say so... Patrick Bryne,
He recently did an interview and said/did the following things: