But damn has this all happened in super slow motion or what!?
lol no black pills here. I'm still on board! LOL in 2018 I was thinking of the glorious 2020 Trump victory and the arrests that would immediately follow, lol.
Juan O Savin is the empties suit of seen. Hard to understand who anyone thinks he's JFK Jr. Must be the shoes and legs.
I'd rather listen to Simon Parkes tell me he talked to Q or Charlie Ward saying that we are elevating to the 5th dimension.
they didn't just forgo them, doctors cancelled tons and tons of medical procedures that were probably deemed "discretionary" rather than life or death necessary but many of them were likely needed and the kind thing you have if you like your life.
yes, I'd love to think that all the vaccines are in reality saline and it was all just a big scare. But we are still in a real war so I think that's unlikely.
Wow will college be "free" too.
Perhaps there are med beds but didn't someone invent them. Aren't they part of business? People get to make money no?
I don't doubt Big Pharma has colluded to hide cures, but at the same time, someone developed those hidden cures and when you provide a service you are entitled to get paid for it.
There are some Great Awakees out there who think the post Awaking world will be a like a communist utopia without realizing that is what they are dreaming about.
I agree, but Gamestop to the average normie is just an "isolated" incident about a small company which "doesn't" connect with the rest of the market in their eyes.
What is this APE posting in specific reference too?
This is specifically about market manipulation and how it ties into "everything else"? That in and of itself is rather vague.
Also what knowledge does this person have.
We've all been hearing this kind of message for some time, but this post is a zero on the details.
Folks I'm mystified that some of you think this is a secret Trump White Hat Op.
What is being described here is blatantly unconstitutional and this type of thing possess an existential threat to our constitutional way of life.
Look at when it was started.... Under the Hussein admin....
It is originally from Newsweek which of course has been Operation Mockingbird for years, but in the last year has actually broken many big legit stories.
The author, William Arkin, is a bona fide national security and intelligence journalist who has written a few very good and well sourced books.
What is being described here is profoundly unconstitutional.
This is NOT Trump's army. It was started 10 years ago. This was the Obama army that was likely going to be used for the "12 yr plan".
Probably putting us in FEMA camps.
Brilliant, but devastating observation.
Sheep are necessarily passive, they just want authorization from above to oppress and control the lives of others.
One of the most interesting articles on the nature of totalitarianism can be found on JSTOR. The articles opens by glossing the belief that most people think totalitarianism means massive centralized state control in all aspect of life public and private.
The thesis of the articles is about the extent to which the Soviet Union outsourced control to ordinary citizens by turning them into informants and enforcers. The regime played on the psychology of giving the ordinary guy power over his neighbor and that this became a convenient and efficient enforcement mechanism.
nailed it. Interesting seeing the conservative punditocracy split an confused about Bruce at this time.
The Election was not stolen and Bruce is actually a real women who can give birth.
got my $2.95 a gallon fill up today.
(Q)Stormer on twitter has suggested that the silent war behind the scenes is starting to bubble to the surface and this is one example.
Says there is a plan to attack all computer controlled infrastructure in an attempt to bring the nation to a halt, that this was a HRC plan along with COVID until Trump one, so now they are attempting to re-impliment their 16 year plan under Bidan.
where's the evidence he's in the real White House? You been there and seen him go in and out?
"Rhinos".... lol
I'm fine with Rhinos in the GOP, just no RINO's.
LOL, I got one of those letters well.
I was writing a 4 page letter but this is alot more fucking effective.
I said almost exactly the same thing. LOL.
Not a dime.
As for that being O's daughters, I think there are other pics that also confirm they were with Hunter including an AmEx black card in Malia's name.
Only problem is, that's not the dog the Husseins lived with despite Obama being pictured with the white dog. Best I can find the pic on the right was when the Obama's were deciding on a dog for the White House.
They chose a black and white dog in the end.
I think I'm done with Scott Adams, the ride started out nice and all, but then I realize I'm just starting at a bald guy with empty cabinets who likes to talk to himself and opine from Mt. Olympus.
Newtown may have been fake, but Parkland was not.
My brother worked in FL hospital that had a number of the shoot victims there. He saw them, the shooter was there as well.
It probably was a FF and their probably was a second shooter, but kids got shot.
Ghost ezra is wearing thin on my. On anon up he now has a very loyal following who eats all the shit he serves up.
He's never confirmed his identity but he lets people believe his is Ezra Cohen Watnick, that's what most assume.
Last week he was effectively saying the Earth is flat and their is a crystal firmament that prevents us going to the Moon and beyond.
He plays the religion/God note rather hard and gets his audience wet with that.
He likes avoiding making claims outright, he just insinuates them. And of course he provides no proof.
Recently he said both Matt Gaetz and DeSantis were both corrupt and have been both replaced by actors. Matt did lose weight and get better hair and DeSantis gained weight...
Guy acts like an insider but who the F knows. He's said a lot of misleading things which many have pointed out in the time that he's been posting.
I never liked watching the grass grow and men grab their crotches while spitting tobacco juice while standing around waiting for something to happen.
Giving up the MLB is gonna be hard, but I'll just have to bite the bullet.
LOL this tweet is aging well, at least you'd of thought they'd written it in May 2020 and not today... lol