Lking14 1 point ago +1 / -0

A thought just came to me reading this. The last time we had an country unifying event was 9/11. At the time people rallied around the government to go after the terrorists responsible. At least this is a the general normie view of that event. Now I really hope this isn't the case, because we don't want another 9/11 like event, but something like that happens and it's so obvious that those behind it was our own government. Something like that I think would unite and show everyone around the world and in the US how truly evil and corrupt our government has become.

Lking14 13 points ago +13 / -0

My sister had migraines all of her adult life, went to several neurologists and specialists who put her on different medications that might work a little while then come back just as bad. Finally one doctor did a food sensitivity test and discovered that a she had an allergy to a protein in eggs that caused her migraines. Since removing eggs from her diet, no more migraines!

Lking14 1 point ago +1 / -0

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