As a rule the New Testament usage refers to an evil spirit; that is, a ruling consciousness that dethrones the normal reason.
Meta. Demons, or evil spirits, are conditions of mind, or states of consciousness, that have been developed because the creative power of man has been used in an unwise or an ignorant way. If in thought or in word you are using your creative power in an ignorant way, you are bringing forth an ego or a personality of like character. The mind builds states of consciousness that become established in brain and body. Both good and evil are found in the unregenerate man, but in the new birth evil and all its works must be cast out. The work of every overcomer is to cast out of himself the demons of sin and evil, through the power and dominion of his indwelling Christ.
Obsessions, dual personalities, and all mental aberrations are the result of personal error thoughts' crystallizing around the will of man. This crystallization must be broken up with a focalized thought energy of greater power, such as is found in the Christ I AM. We are empowered by the name of Jesus Christ to "cast out demons" (Mark 16:17). To reach the place referred to as "my name," affirm your unity with the Christ I AM; then silently, or audibly if you are so moved, speak the word of rebuke directly to the false personality.
"Jesus rebuked him; and the demon went out of him" (Matt. 17:18). He "suffered not the demons to speak" (Mark 1:34). These texts mean that Jesus did not admit for a moment that demons have any power; nor did He allow them to affirm power, but with the "finger of God" (Luke 11:20) He cast them forth. He concentrated the dissolving power of Spirit upon them and their hold was broken.
We have spent the last few decades understanding the "Blue Pill Mentality", also known as the "Agent Smith Defender of The Matrix Mentality". We've seen how people react when their beliefs are challenged, and we've learned why they react so.
The "shatterpoint" has been identified. We will target one key fact, which is this: Disease = dis-ease.
People have been unable to awaken because they're afraid for their "health" and have become dependent on lies to "stay healthy".
They have been duped into believing that they "have diseases" caused by genes, bacteria, toxins, viruses - the unknown, invisible, material world.
They have been duped into believing that the "cures" for their diseases are some material things that they "take". Supplements, antibiotics, vaccines, foods, etc.
But in 2023 they will understand that disease = dis-ease.
They themselves are "not at ease" in relation to various entities in reality. How did they become this way? By being unconscious of reality and forming silly associations based on silly ideas from silly people.
The cure for dis-ease is this: notice your dis-ease.
Notice its reality at the deepest levels of perception. You can feel it in your muscles, in your heart, in your mind... if only you "Look Closer".
In 2023, all will notice their dis-ease. They will no longer blame their health symptoms on a virus or bacteria or 5G, because that is absurd.
They will learn to look and feel so deeply within themselves, that they notice that much that they concluded about the causality of the material world, was their own consciousness the whole time.
They will learn that they are not victims of a cruel material world, but CREATORS of reality. They will learn that consciousness is causal.
Part 1:
We've established that materialists hold only "matter" as a primary. They do not consider "consciousness" as a primary. That means that they believe that "consciousness" is a just an arrangement of matter, brought into existence by the causality of matter, dictated by the "laws of physics". This belief leads them to negate consciousness when they attempt to understand the nature of reality and their experience of life. Now, back to the doctors (physical scientists of the human body). The materialist doctor does not consider consciousness as a cause of disease. Let me prove that to you by presenting the explanation of disease from wikipedia:
"A disease is a particular abnormal condition that negatively affects the structure or function of all or part of an organism, and that is not immediately due to any external injury.[1][2] Diseases are often known to be medical conditions that are associated with specific signs and symptoms. A disease may be caused by external factors such as pathogens or by internal dysfunctions. For example, internal dysfunctions of the immune system can produce a variety of different diseases, including various forms of immunodeficiency, hypersensitivity, allergies and autoimmune disorders.
In humans, disease is often used more broadly to refer to any condition that causes pain, dysfunction, distress, social problems, or death to the person affected, or similar problems for those in contact with the person. In this broader sense, it sometimes includes injuries, disabilities, disorders, syndromes, infections, isolated symptoms, deviant behaviors, and atypical variations of structure and function, while in other contexts and for other purposes these may be considered distinguishable categories. Diseases can affect people not only physically, but also mentally, as contracting and living with a disease can alter the affected person's perspective on life."
Pay total attention to the very last sentence. They say that disease can affect a person's perspective on life. HELLO! HELLO PEOPLE! ARE YOU GETTING THIS? They believe that matter affects a person's perspective on life. They have the entire equation backwards. Disease is not pronounced "di-zeez". It's pronounced "dis-ease". When you have dis-ease, you are not at ease. Your consciousness is dis-eased by something. And the dis-ease of your consciousness is CAUSATIVE. It is part of the emergent causality that leads to "symptoms".
Let's look at COVID. I have posted before: "The cause of COVID is fear, not a fictitious virus. When you're scared, your bronchioles widen to give you more oxygen to 'fight or flight'. When you're not scared anymore, the extra temporary lung tissue is purged (broken down by bacteria) and you get 'symptoms'. The more scared you are, the worse your eventual symptoms will be. This one paragraph is the entire explanation of COVID and all colds or flus".
But instead of this 1-paragraph explanation, the materialists insist that the COVID symptoms are caused not by consciousness, but entirely by matter. They go to the most absurd lengths to believe in tiny, invisible floating particles called "viruses" that waft across the room from one person to another. They don't even pause one second to check their premises. The leftist materialists choose to believe that a vaccine will "create physical antibodies that do battle with the virus". The rightist materialists choose to believe that special pharmaceuticals like ivermectin and hydroxycloroquine will have some special effect one the cells and prevent the virus getting into them. Trust me, I have never laughed so hard.
The lengths that a materialist will go to, to maintain their nonsensical world view, instead of just accepting that consciousness is a primary is great indeed. And this raises the question: WHY???
Why do people insist that consciousness is not primary, when it obviously is? Here is the answer: because that would be a recognition of truth. It would be a recognition of the facts of reality. And recognition of the facts of reality CAUSES PAIN. Or rather, it causes us to experience the pain that we evaded when we were first confronted with it. Why do people who have a head full of falsehood block their ears when you try to explain the truth to them? Because you are pushing them toward the painful truth they are evading. Which truths? All of them. ALL OF THEM.
Materialism is a full-being negation of consciousness. It is a negation of self.
One of our efforts must be to help others to remember that they are conscious and that consciousness is a primary. Meaning that their consciousness plays a role in CAUSING their experience of life, especially their health. To cure their diseases, they must look inside at their dis-ease. Any attempted treatment of their dis-ease with borax, vitamin b12, ivermectin, mRNA is pure falsehood and only maintains their biological "coping" state.
Please wake people up by sharing this message.
I’ve been working for years on a way to explain the ‘big problem’ to normies… and I’ve identified a crucial part that they can probably understand. I was trying to explain how ‘big pharma’ medicine is based on a false premise, which means that all of their conclusions wrong.
I initially wanted to say that it’s because John D Rockefeller was a villain who realised that pharmaceuticals could be made from petroleum. And seeing as how he was an oil magnate, hey why not expand into this industry. Now, he was not a doctor of any kind. He was an ‘entrepreneur’, which is the chosen job title of narcissists who produce nothing and simply manipulate resources including humans to give them money so they can pay others to make them food and make fun experiences for them.
So JDR starts making pharmaceuticals and he’s like ‘how do we sell these’? Simple - tap into the problems people are expressing and say that these solve the problem. (Did you catch the part where pharmaceuticals are made out of oil? Yeah that crap normies swallow most days is mad out of oil.) What were people saying about their problems? Well, they were expressing an opinion based on the philosophy known as ‘physicalism”. This is a derivative of a wider philosophy called ‘materialism’.
Materialism is the belief that matter is the only primary, that matter is supreme, that all causes are from matter. When you take that idea and apply it to the physical sciences, you get ‘physicalism”. These ideas were invented around the 1600s, 1700s and 1800s. Before this, people thought of another primary called ‘consciousness’. Nowadays, thanks to materialism, people do consider consciousness to be a primary, This leads them to certain conclusions about the nature of scientific phenomena, especially health related phenomena.
The most important phenomena to talk about is disease. Almost everyone, throughout their lifetime will think that they ‘have a disease’. Their knowledge starts with the identification of certain symptoms, such as a rash, pox, respiratory issues such as coughing, sore throat, runny nose, and also symptoms related to organs. So they will go to the doctor and say ‘I’m having some.m problems, I have this symptom and that, so what can I do to stop it because it’s very unlikable to me’.
The doctor, who is also a materialist, will say that he has seen these symptoms among a number of patients, and in med school, and he has studied in books and read it in papers and heard very intelligent people say that this can be cause by for example genes, environmental factors, stress, certain vitamin and nutrient deficiencies so it’s very important to start living healthily for example a balanced diet, exercise, avoiding addicting habits, trying not to stress and a whole bunch of things to ‘do’ and ‘try to do’. He will also mention the risks of your disease, whatever they may be, and let you know about the pharmaceutical options.
Now, he doesn’t need a kickback for any of this. There doesn’t need to be any payment, because the medical empire has given them power. They have the title of doctor, people pay to listen to them, they have automatic credibility because they went to medical school and have treated lots of patients. Well, I will tell you right now. These people have no idea what they’re talking about. They are hypnotised by status seeking unconscious behavior and are memorising what the medical establishment tells them is true and to repeat it to customers. They have almost zero independent thinking capacity. They don’t know the first thing about disease, and they are advising you on absolute nonsense. Almost everything that they tell you is 100% BS. And they don’t even know it. They never learned to tell wrong from right because they were never taught an objective rational way of thriving in reality… they were only ever told to cope by people who knew nothing but how to cope.
The reason they’re coping and not thriving is this key element: materialism. They do not believe in consciousness as a primary with matter. They only believe in matter so they don’t believe in fee will, identity, soul. I can only write for so long at a time, so part 2 will be later.
The amount of normies here is off the charts.
It takes all of 20 minutes to verify that viruses have never, ever been isolated. It's as simple as it is for a liberal to verify that Trump is not what the MSM says he is. The reason you do not accept it, in the face of ample explanation, is because you are afraid. You are afraid of having the veil pulled back on reality and seeing it for what it is.
To renounce belief in viruses you would have to accept that (a) you have believed a hoax perpetrated by none other than the big pharma establishment, (b) your illnesses that you "know" were caused by viruses were caused by something else -- that cause being conflicts in your life.
It's time to acknowledge reality -- you have never seen a virus. You have never witnessed a virus move from one person's body, float through the air, go into someone's else's mouth or eyes or whatever, and then "go into" their cells, and "reproduce" itself. What an achievement for a lifeless thing to do!
Admit that you believe in viruses. You believe in viruses because "experts virologists with 30 years experience studying viruses" told you they exist. You believe in viruses because of those times you had symptoms and so did someone else. That is not objective science, my friend.
The major struggle with letting go of viruses is metaphysical. Belief in viruses goes hand in hand with belief in a cruel universe and belief that you are a victim in life. It is an anti self-esteem position.
People in .win communities have proudly laughed at leftists for their refusal to even contemplate that Trump is not the bad guy the MSM paints him as. We have easily figured out that the reason for this is because questioning their narratives would make their heads explode. But .winners who believe in viruses are suffering from the exact same fear. It takes energy, it takes courage, but you must look at reality objectively.
Viruses are not needed to explain any virus symptoms. All symptoms can be explained by "conflicts" described comprehensively by Dr Hamer his almost-perfect German New Medicine.
But almost everyone is too afraid to contemplate or look at their conflicts, because those are what are repressed deep below the surface. But fine -- just say you're too afraid and not ready to look their. Don't agree with Dr. Fauci and every leftist leader that the cause is invisible, unisolated, dead "viruses".
Hopefully this wins some of you over. I understand that this is a red pill of the deepest shades of red, and it goes down hard. Every repressed thought will scream at you that Logic20xx is a shill idiot who has lost the plot. I assure you -- that couldn't be further from the truth.
Letting go of belief in viruses will be a huge part of The Great Awakening. As soon as you're ready for this phase -- we welcome you.
We may begin with the possibly true premise that the totality of society is a manifestation or projection of the totality of human consciousness.
When we look to society, it is clear that a "swamp" has formed. What is a swamp? A swamp is a dirty, opaque fluid that fills a natural receptacle... hiding its features.
When Donald Trump announced that he would "drain the swamp", he meant that he would remove that which has made invisible the evil actors in our society.
The tool which Trump has used to drain the swamp is the mere act of "pointing". Or "shining a light". He has said repeatedly, "Look there at that swamp monster. It is a swamp monster that does evil upon us".
Most of us are too afraid to look at the monsters. We deny their existence.
The monsters themselves have spawned minions that tell us "They are not monsters! There are no monsters, except for Donald Trump himself - he is the monster you should be afraid of!"
And despite their efforts, the light has shone brighter and brighter. And we have become less afraid to look directly at the monsters.
The veil of the dirty, opaque fluid, which had previously perfectly masked those monsters, has been made translucent to many, and transparent to some.
Our work as anons is to learn to shine our own lights on the swamp, so that others may see.
When enough see society objectively... when they see it as it truly is, rather than believing in an illusion, the monsters will cease to exist.
Can you see the metaphor for your own mind?
What are your mind's monsters?
What is the dirty, opaque fluid inside your mind that shrouds those monsters in secrecy?
What is the light that may be shone upon those monsters?
What is the "Donald Trump" of your mind?
What is the objective truth inside your mind that may come to light?
Is everyone to go through such a process, internally, as we do collectively in concrete reality?
It has always puzzled me…
I bet there could be some juicy ones.
When enough people understand that we are slaves, and our governments and corporations are our oppressors… When enough people understand that we need to stop churning their money machine, their war machine, their propaganda machine for them. We will go on strike. 7 billion people will stop running the world for them. And they will rot.
No Facebook, No CNN, No Rothschild bank, No Visa… Few liberals… Apart from 2A, what more could you want ? :)
Australian living in Moscow. What do you think? Get out asap, or chill? Wait for some red flag event to leave?
I'm hearing people tell me "Sorry I didn't get around to doing that thing I said I was going to do -- my whole family got COVID". That's it, COVID is dead. When people are using it as an excuse to get out of doing shit, it's reduced to a joke.