Look at this in today's Wales Online about the 'Mystery Illness from China'
And look what the DIRTY COMMUNIST BASTARDS have done. They have put 'amid new mask advice' in the headline, and yet in the article itself THERE IS NO REFERENCE to fucking masks. The tragedy is that it has already worked - I wondered why in the supermarkets this evening, before I got home and saw this, that there were suddenly a small number of people wearing the face shitrags.
I guess this is WHO not going down without a fight lol 🤣 But UK pedes and beyond, in all seriousness, be on guard for this shit.
Here is Ursula Von Der Leyen, or as I prefer to call her, Arsehola Fond Ov Lying, recently announcing to the 'Global Citizen Festival 2024' that she pledges to 'vaccinate' 500 million children by 2030.
My friends, a better world also means a healthier world. And vaccination is our best chance for this. Vaccines have saved millions of lives in the past 50 years. But right now, millions of children are still at risk. They need vaccines. We must continue to support vaccination around the world. So today I am pleased to pledge 290 million dollars for Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance.
Each child should be protected. And more will come. Together with GAVI we have the goal to vaccinate 500 million children by 2030. Europe will do its fair share. You can count on us.
If you can't depopulate down to 500 million, then plan B, create them from the ground up.
Agenda 2030 and the Georgia Guidestones go hand in hand. A first generation of 500 million 'global citizens', to be forevermore controlled and tracked through whatever infernal evil is in their 'vaccines', under all the foretold and openly published 'philanthropic' joys of 15-minute city pod living and bug eating.
See it yet?
Biden feeling kids up as usual.
But, at 5 mins, when he says "I like kids better than people", who's the woman that rushes past and brusquely says "Yeah" in the disugsted tone of voice???
For UK Pedes, is your CUNTCIL one of the 'UK100' signed up to accelerate the green agenda, ie obliterate cars and everything freedom-related?
Mine, Bridgend, is notably one of the only two Welsh Local Authorities to be doing so. But then that's hardly surprising, since in September 2020, they advertised "an exciting new post" of "Climate Change Emergency Response Manager" at a cool 50k. Despite pleading poverty because of dealing with the NONdemic. And yes I know because I was an employee at the time so saw the advert.
And that's after Cwm Taff Morgannwg Health Board, which covers Bridgend NHS services, internally published a 'Mass Vaccination Plan' in August 2020 which explicitly stated that admin requirements would include "completion of Vaccine Passport", despite the government swearing blind at the time that there was absolutely no consideration of such a thing. And yes I do have a copy of it.
WAKE. THE. FUCK. UP. The SATANIC DEMONS have infilitrated right down to this level of 'management'.
Households are being offered £10 a day to cut electric usage at peak times in a bid to avoid winter blackouts. The deal relies however on smart meters which are unreliable and have been installed in around only half of homes and small businesses. National Grid yesterday issued a dramatic warning that gas shortages could lead to three-hour power cuts in some areas. Customers would be warned in advance of the blackouts which are likely to occur in the morning peak or between 4pm and 7pm. A move to implement power cuts would need approval from the Government and King Charles, who would need to sign off an emergency Privy Council order. The number of homes left without electricity would depend on how many power plants need to be shut down because of gas shortages. The warning will spark memories of the 1970s, when strikes by coal miners forced Ted Heath's Tory government to introduce blackouts and a three-day week.
My selected bold bits.
It's almost as if 'conspiracy theorists' must have copies of the NWO's actual script when they warn of these moves a few months before, and they then without fail and to the letter come true!
Recently ranting from stage at a theatre-goer not correctly muzzled, whilst she sits there RIGHT NEXT to her fucking unmasked co-stars.
How the FUCK can anyone in NYC not see the cognitive disonnance between ACTORS being allowed to be all over each other on stage, then BERATE YOU, the paying audience for not complying with state-enforced bondage.
I'm glad I wasn't there is all I can say.
This WITCH has a history of throwing hissy-fits mid-performance, on the basis of a mild irritation spotted in the audience, which likely has only distracted the fewest people around them, thereby ruining the continuity of the show experience for the entire place.
And lastly, can we talk about those legs of a supposedly 73 year old 'WOMAN'??
I think there's more to the Alefantis and Podesta connection here to tentatively explore, but here goes. We do have the islands alignment of Water Island > Buck Island > Little St James. In DC you have Comet > Buck's Fishing & Camping > and what was Besta Pizza.
'Bucks's is an old-fashioned scouting term. The kids dropped off at Bucks Island are encouraged to do related activities. If you Google Maps Buck's F&C in DC, at the right angle you'll notice that the window display calls it's BUCK'S CAMP, ie a camp for bucks. Or a place where 'camp' (ie the homosexual subculture) takes place for bucks?
And, zoom in on the front door, the word 'welcome' is divided between the two glass door panels above the handles. However, it is spelled out very noticeably as 'WELL' and 'COME'. Now don't tell me that Alefantis doesn't know how the word 'welcome' is spelled. WELL, COME has uncomfortably sleazy connotations for a 'family themed' establishment.
We know that John Podesta is on the Epstein flight logs, and we know the associations between the Podestas and Alefantis. I therefore highly doubt that there would have been no association between Alefantis and Epstein, which IMO makes these anecdotes a little less... coincidental.
Memory Hold did a great video on this also.
Little St James is said to have a submarine port. Maxwell has a submariner licence.
Water 'Biden' Island has old submarine ports. Maxwell has a submariner licence.
There is one island in between those two - Buck Island, which was a regular stop off for the Terra Mar and Disney tours. James Alefantis has Buck's fishing and camping in DC.
I will add my own observations. The nearby divided island of Sint Marteen is official Dutch (Netherlands) territory on their half. Therefore customs and travel regulations would not apply to Netherlands citizens. I am unsure if it has a submarine port, but it certainly has air ports, and Maxwell also has a pilot's licence.
The Netherlands is part of a customs union with Belgium and Luxembourg, the 'Benelux'. Belgium, which is a hub for human trafficking and production of CP and where the head of the EU sits. Presumably the customs union extends to shipping and travel to Sint Marteen from Belgium and Luxembourg also. Meaning people from those countries get to freely travel to Sint Marteen too. And from Sint Marteen, maybe take a submarine or helicopter ride to other nearby islands?
Belgium gave us Dutroux and the Mother of Darkness castle. Netherlands itself also has its long-established reputation as a hive of trafficking and CP activity.
The royals, nobility and political classes of all the 'low countries'; including nearby Denmark, have countless trafficking, child abuse and cabal stories and scandals swirling around them.
The European royal and nobility set is up to their long overdue necks in all this satanic shit. What pretty necks, what sharp guillotines.
Just restarted my laptop with an 'ooh, some updates pending' option. And what do I find under 'Services' on the restart? A new 'AppReadiness' exe, as well as updated ME tabs. Killed that fucker straight off and now going to go laser-blast any new traces of ME.
Oh look, here in the UK, it's raining in September. Bill Gates must have switched Climate Change, aka 'the weather', on!!! Quick Greta, do a press release how dare you!!!
Yes this is a shitpost and I make no apologies.
The latest from Dr Vernon Coleman, spelling out in black and white raw language about what is happening to children due to the C19 NON-vaccines.
Please - send this to every parent you know who is even 0.000000001% considering letting their child be genocided.
Would have been my OH's dad's 100th birthday today, so he wanted to go to the crematorium to lay some flowers, reminisce and pay respects.
As soon as we drive up to the end of the car park before the concourse into the crematorium - big sign - CORONAVIRUS - SOCIAL DISTANCING MEASURES ARE IN FORCE.
15 - FIFTEEN of these fucking things emblazoning SOCIAL DISTANCING, DO NOT GATHER BEYOND THIS POINT, STAY 6FT APART, FUNERAL CARS ALLOWED ONLY all festooned around the area where people coming to a cremation, or to pay respects to their loved ones, first park up.
Really? Are words like 'FORCE', 'DO NOT', 'STAY APART' the things that mourners want to be greeted with on the day they come to bid their departed loved one farewell, and or pay their respects to those on an anniversary?
And get this. 'CORONAVIRUS' features the spiky 'virus' animation for the first 'O'. Underneath is written, in much smaller letters, 'Covid 19', with the circle in the 9 filled in in bold. So which is it? Coronavirus or Covid 19? If I've got a common cold, which is a coronavirus, should I heed these signs?
A place of sanctity, a place of deity watching over our departed, defiled with this SATANIC FILTH of officialdom gone mad.
Fortunately, I swiftly deduced that the signs were driven into the ground in terracotta earthenware stumps. I uprooted the nearest one and shoved it under a nearby hedgerow, where it FUCKING belongs.
Tomorrow I am going to be lodging an official complaint with the Local Authority for this disgusting debasement of the dignity of death.
Had my first 'mask nazi' encounter today. What an honour, and what a result. A CHECKOUT operator had the temerity to quip, whilst approving my 'age-restricted product' (it's been a long day ?) "So you don't wear a mask then?" "No I'm exempt". "Sorry?". "I'm exempt." "Oohh" in the least-attempted disguise of disdain ever.
Cue me summoning the Store Manager at Customer Services, and off we go for a private chat for me to register the complaint. I immediately relay the scenario, that this conduct was not only wholly inappropriate but also unlawful, in line with government guidance. His face (what I could see of it above the diaper) immediately drops, in complete capitulation, attempting to fit in a "if people wear a lanyard" clause to his "full understanding", but submissively countered by my pointing out that said government guidance makes clear that no-one should be asked to justify why they are not wearing a face covering (me purposely not saying 'mask').
Turns out, he blurts out to me about how they've had similar complaints about this rogue operator, and that he is already currently on a 'process'!! Now, I can forgive the Manager for his own flouting of an individual's respect and privacy given the circumstances ? To add saccharinely-coated salve to injury, as we get up and are leaving he throws in "in fact, I'm going to take him off the tills now".
Don't be afraid. Know your rights, stand up for them, be calm and polite but resolute about it, and not only do you win, but the fuckers who can't foresee the long-term consequence of their Karenism lose - in this case it appears, their job. The sweet smell of success ?
I watched this for the first time last night. Infinitely moving. The galley/pirate sequence, and the Chariot race, absolute masterpieces of special effects and editing. I've no doubt it would captivate the minds of willing teenagers today. Folks, if you have receptive teens, please sit down and watch some silent films with them. Ben-Hur almost moved me to tears at times in its reverent off-screen depiction of the Christ.
I'm new to posting, so powers that be, this is light-hearted and please append any of those fancy tags you feel appropriate, although it does fit in with the community as I'll explain.
Here in the UK, we have a website called 'Save Our Rights' set up by our patriots fighting to defend the fast erosion of our civil liberties through the imposition of corona bollocks and all the tyrannical laws they're bringing in under the guise of it.
Now, I forgot that the domain is .uk, and absent mindedly typed 'saveourrights.org'.
Try it and see what you get!!
(It is safe for work and is web secure, it's just the most hilariously ironic shite I've seen this year.)
I normally avoid mainstream media like the proverbial plague, but I like 'Hard Bastard' and his sardonic deconstruction of MSM shit, so I gave this a go.
Oh my God. Not one single sentence either of these two viragoes exchanges does not contain the grossest, most bare-naked emotional manipulation, fearmongering, and outright indoctrination LIES.
I may light-heartedly post on here that the vaccinated deserve what's coming to them etc, but in reality I do reserve humanity for them in my true conscience and hope as many as possible escape their potential fate.
But for these EVIL SICK SOULLESS BASTARDS in the MSM, and I really mean this, they truly deserve public execution in the most painful, protracted, degrading way possible. How the fuck can people have children, look them in the eye each day, and then still go and commit these crimes against humanity for their day jobs?