MayimSpeaks 4 points ago +4 / -0

"A question was posed on Gab today regarding Q & Project Trust:

Q: "Just out of curiosity, what should the Q followers have done instead of “doing nothing”? Serious question."

My response: Don't bother. These people do a bunch of mental gymnastics and completely ignore certain things in order to pigeon hole this narrative. They will never admit that the objective of Q was to provide people with information in a SILENT INFORMATION WAR (what a concept) without jeopardizing National Security by saying it in plain English, therefore helping to avoid a kinetic Civil War (which is required for the Great Reset). We've already seen what good a huge Patriot rally at a federal location does (Jan6th, today 9/18); it's just weaponized via 'domestic terrorist' mockingbird-propaganda. Furthermore, they also all ignore that there was no internet in the 1920's when Operation Trust was active. People had no ability to communicate with others all over the world in real time. This alone refutes their claim GREATLY. They think because out of 4,954 posts, 34 of them having a phrase that includes the word "trust" means that it's the equivalent of doing absolutely nothing. They completely take it out of context & ignore the other 4,920 drops that include concepts like how our vote should matter / education about the voting machines, finding the will to change/participate, to usurp the MSM and literally BECOME the news, to study American history, how to research open source material, staying up to date on executive orders & intelligence agencies, learning the constitution... not even to mention all the hard truths like trafficking and the banking system. These are people who claim they think critically and with sound logic, yet can't see the forest for the trees.

The people regurgitating this usually hold about a 10,000ft view of the world & disregard crucial context when coming to conclusions about current events because they think certain things can be left to interpretation... they aren't going to put any stock into someone trying to detail what has happened since WW2 and how the Mil.Ind.Complex & Intelligence apparatus, along with the Central Banks & Bloodline families have constructed a large matrix of lies that needs to be dissolved in order for humanity to move forward (i.e. cannot be resolved politically, economically or otherwise). In their mind, there's simply no way that you can KNOW this, it's just your opinion; because if it wasn't then all the media platforms they follow that are 'anti-MSM' & "for Truth" would be talking about it. Thus: it's all a big psy-op and the world is crazy and no one can explain it and we're all fucked and absolutely NO ONE in the world is trying to help humanity in their own capacity and if you say so you're just trying to keep people complacent even though we're not offering any ideas as to what we should actually be doing instead of toiling around the drain in our own alt-right echo-chambers and occasionally yelling at local government committees for your measly allotted 2 minutes (your original question)... hope that helps.

Please share this to help educate your fellow American that they are currently experiencing a silent WW3 and that 'Q' is merely a drip-nurture campaign intended to help supplant the Fake News Media and set the stage for future phases of disclosure that go beyond the political landscape"


MayimSpeaks 1 point ago +2 / -1

Fire post. I've been arguing this exact sentiment for over 2 years, plus a few other strategically-structured points that round-out a perfect orchestra to render any argument against Q negligible:

"Hey guys, my name is Q. I am a psy-op meant to "pacify you" by shedding light & sewing dissent against the very mechanisms of darkness & control that are meant to enslave you. I know... it sounds like a slippery slope for us Deep Staters. Stay with me...

We will compel you into "complacency" and "doing nothing" by encouraging you to start actively out-researching the Legacy Media to the point where all network viewership will bow to alternative podcasters & conspiratorial personalities, eventually losing all credibility.

You will be shamed into not taking armed action even though a Civil War is exactly what is needed to bring this country to it's knees.

You will be mocked for instead being armed with information even though we exist in the most highly complex information war the world has ever witnessed.

You will be gaslit by those who chuckle at the idea of a global, elite pedophile blackmail network, only to be believed by "qtards" - all as we simultaneously reveal the world of Jeffery Epstein & Clinton Foundation before your very eyes.

You will be chastised for believing in "far-right-wing conspiracy theories" even though possibly the main villain of our entire story is John McCain [we don't like to say his name].

Your movement will be infiltrated by people claiming wild, fantasy spin-off versions of what we're actually saying, and THAT will be consumed by those who didn't look into anything themselves [lazy] - therefore your entire movement will then become whatever those wild, fantasy spin-off narratives say it's about. ["Trust the Plan"... mentioned a mere 27 times in 5k posts]

Those vilifying you for doing nothing to fix the problem will also be doing pretty much nothing to fix it.

Those angrily barking at you to stop believing the military will do anything to help or simply have any role whatsoever in stopping this, would also be BEGGING for the military to step in & "do their jobs" should the CCP or UN troops invade American soil. [Hypocrites]

Naysayers will now take the position that "eVeRYOnE iS In oN iT" against us even though these same people mocked this very idea for our entire lives when discussing "conspiracy theories". They will claim they are critical thinkers using sound logic.

They used to contend that it's irrational to think all (100%) peoples or individuals in government or intelligence would sell out humanity, but NOW it's the "cool" & "logical" way to think.

Ultimately... we will give you all the tools you'd need to drive this vehicle yourselves, but many will simply refuse.

They think like emotional civilians who don't understand they are at war.

They think like lukewarm Christians (yeah, I said it) who think the word 'Occult' means Satanic. Therefore, they will never understand the world of the Occult because they are afraid of it. Therefore, they will NEVER STAND AGAINST the dark occultists or even understand their schemes.

Their dog simply does not hunt.

Thus, they were never meant to fight this battle. Only you, with the eyes to see & the ears to hear. Only those who can see the forest for the trees will be prepared.

Ironically, the task is quite simple. We show you all this, and you endure ALL OF THIS, just to find out who killed your President 58 years ago in broad daylight.

When you (ANONS) can convince both the child-like liberals & the cocky, strutting pigeon-RINOs that this is all that matters...

The Game Is Over. We hope you figure it out in time.


