It would be " I like children". J'adore is to love, j'aime is to like... if my high-school French is correct.
Misspellings matter.
So is it worth buying in or is it over now? I know nothing about stonks.
I see Hudson and can only think "GAME OVER MAN, GAME OVER!..."
Fuck this loser.
Thats a fucking stupid idea. Why not get some numbers on the inside of your forearm?
Quality post.
Now we have giant arsed Jennifer Lopez.
I'm watching. He didn't come out with any of the other Justices.
I knew I didn't have to post this... cause someone else would have thought the same thing and done it. kek
The German military plane from the other thread is in pretty much the same area...
American Gangster is an awesome movie. It's like observing the evolution of the swamp on a smaller level.
As a Scot, I agree.