An interesting perspective on the true meaning of the prophecies of Daniel from someone who provides actual, historical monuments in stone that strongly support his interpretation. An interesting video. If true, it explains Q's posts about April Showers, a war with Iran, and the Pope having a terrible May. It's a video worth an hour of your time, as there's real evidence presented, just fanciful interpretation.


(Apologies if someone already posted this video. I couldn't find it in the search, and it was new to me.)


Ron Watkins asks the following in a Tweet:


If Trump wins the Republican nomination, and is disqualified later, who would the RNC choose to replace him?

I started out by thinking that is nonsense, but then it struck me that RFK just announced an independent run. An interesting dynamic could occur if this really is the plan by the RNC. They dump Trump due to some corrupt judges decision, and then Trump and RFK join up on a ticket to run as an independent team.

I still don't think it will happen, but I don't completely rule anything out these days either. We know this is a psyop with actors. Who knows what plot twists the script writers might have in store.

Why I love the number 17. 🗣️ DISCUSSION 💬
posted ago by Monomial ago by Monomial

OK. I'll admit I'm procrastinating at my desk, posting this instead of doing work. But I justify it by saying I'm adding to human enjoyment throughout the universe, and that is much more important than my job.

When most of us went to school, we were taught simple divisibility rules. For example, if a number is even, we can divide it by 2. If the sum of the digits is divisible by 3, the number is divisible by 3. If it ends in 0 or 5, it is divisible by 5, etc. But the divisibility rule for 7 is rarely taught. And unless you take a university level number theory course, you may never learn it. (hang with me and you'll see how this applies to 17) The rule for 7 goes like this:

Take any number. Cut off the last digit. Multiply that cut digit by 2 and subtract it from the remaining number. If the result is divisible by 7, the number is divisible by 7. As an example, take the number 861. To test for 7, we first cut the last digit [1], leaving us with the number 86. We then subtract twice the digit we cut [1], yielding 86 - 2 x 1 = 84. And since we all still remember our 12 times tables, we immediately know 84 = 12x7. If not, we could just do it again. (Cut 4, leaving 8, subtract 2x4 = 8 from 8, leaving 0, and zero is divisible by 7)

So that's 7, but what about 17? Well, it turns out that this trick comes directly from a whole family of tricks involving the Diophantine equation (10x + N + 1) mod(N) = 0. You can check it for 7, with x = 2, N = 7

(10 x 2 + 7 + 1) = (20 + 7 + 1) = 28 mod(7) = 0.

  • (mod(N) is just a fancy way of saying "remainder". So 13 mod(5) = 3. (5x2+3 = 13) 19 mod(3) = 1. (6x3+1 = 19) *

Now I can explain why I like 17.

The multiplier (x) to make this trick work for 7, turns out to be 2, the easiest possible multiplier. Most people can easily double a single digit number in their heads. But the second simplest value that most people can easily do is 5. And guess what the multiplier is for 17? Yep. 5. (10x5+17+1 = 68 = 17x4)!

So knowing this little trick and just a few multiples of 17, you can easily look for congruences of 17 in all the numbers you encounter throughout the day. Does your bill come out to $8.84? Well, you see 884, cut off the 4 leaving 88, then subtract 4x5. Leaving 68. But 68 is 4x17. The universe just showed you a 17 and you probably didn't even realize it. Driving and notice the license plate in front of you is 391? You guessed it. That's also a 17. (39-5x1 = 34 = 17x2) Start doing this everyday and you will be amazed how often the number 17 actually comes up in your life. For me, it seems to appear far more often than random chance would suggest.

And if nothing else, at least it's a fun trick to impress your friends with at parties.


Hi everyone. Any legal pedes out there? Have a question.


An American expat lives overseas with a foreign spouse who is not an American citizen or resident.

Said expat wishes to visit his/her family in the USA, but has been unable to for several years due to the vax mandate required for his/her spouse. The children require the presence of both parents during the trip to provide appropriate supervision and support. The foreign spouse has a 10 year tourist visa issued prior to the pandemic.

With the ending of the Covid emergency, can the CDC and/or Department of State legally continue this discriminatory policy against foreign visitors? Does the expat have any standing to sue in this case?

Would love to know how or if this can be done. Yes, there is a real inspiration for this inquiry.


This one is just so superbly ironic that it has to be shared. All of these radical left, virtue signalling, green zealots were thrilled during the lockdowns because people were forced to stay at home and it took all those evil, fossil fuel guzzling cars off the road.

So what actually happened during that time? Effective green house gas emissions went UP! Yes. Up. Why you ask? Well, it turns out that those evil fossil fuel burning engines actually (via the production of NO/NO2/NO3 and CO) lead to additional hydroxyl ions in the atmosphere. Those hydroxyl radicals in turn reduce methane concentrations. And since methane is a significantly more potent green house gas than CO2, the net effect is an increase in the greenhouse effect when people stop driving fossil fuel burning cars.

Bet you won't see this reported on the fake news.



So everyone had been saying that we were going to hear the status of this case by Nov. 23:


Apparently, that is not true. All that happened yesterday is the government officially declined to file a response to the petition. So still no idea when SCOTUS will tell us whether they have agreed to take the case or reject it.


I think most of us have given up on the civilian courts entirely and are waiting for the military to resolve this, but there is still a chance this could be a kickoff to the series of events we have been waiting for. Anyway, if you were like me and thought we would know the answer before the holiday, we all thought wrong.

The petition is still in limbo, but at least they haven't outright rejected it yet.


My daughter just showed me an interesting feature in Roblox (an online children's game like Minecraft). The game automatically censors many words (replaces them with hashes) if you try and type them in chat. This includes the obvious profanities, which is not unreasonable for a game targeted at children.

But there are also some oddities. In particular, you are not allowed to type Jesus. That gets censored. However, there is no censorship and it is perfectly acceptable to discuss Satan and hell.

Now, some might argue that people use Jesus as a swear word, and therefore it should be censored. But people also say hell in exactly the same context, and that is deemed OK. That argues to me it is not really the profane context they are censoring, but the religious connotations.

Just a data point to consider when deciding what your children are allowed to play.


From the South China Morning Post a few minutes ago:


I actually find this part of the movie very entertaining.

I have absolutely hated the downright viscous economic problems this horror movie has brought, but this subplot right now is actually enjoyable. I feel bad for the normies who don't realize that Pelosi and China are both playing roles...creating optics so that the cabal can try to launch their war. Man are they going to be terrified.

I fully believe this is going to be thwarted in the end. But I can feel the precipice coming up. The buildup. The threats of nuclear launch. The tension is going to be palpable.

I just really hope no innocent Taiwanese citizens are harmed in the making of this movie.


Know the story of the Black Knight Satellite?

I remember hearing something like this growing up, but I never really paid much attention. Since my youth I have mostly forgotten about it. But after seeing this video from The Why Files, it piqued my interest again. This figure of ~13,000 years seems to show up a lot when you start looking at the history of our planet. And while the narrator does admit that official explanations for some of the coincidences are sensible and likely correct, it still leaves others that are rather dubious plus a whole raft of things with no explanation at all.

As we sit here contemplating why all this is happening at this particular moment in time, I find that re familiarizing ourselves with these forgotten victuals of history may turn out to be more important that we realize. For me, I still haven't heard a convincing argument about why the deep state is pushing so hard now. They've waited hundreds or even thousands of years by most accounts. What is coming up so urgently? They have risked everything on this period. Why couldn't they have simply come up with a less contentious financial reset and waited another 50 years to implement global tyranny? Both Trump and Q would be long gone.

So I tend to look carefully at anything which might be related to geological or celestial patterns about to be renewed. There is a reason it all has to be done now. Whether this fits the bill or not, I can't say. But if you have 20 minutes, I think you'll find the video below is both entertaining and thought provoking.



17 networks. Oddly specific number. With the crypto sphere in chaos over the last few days, the timing of this just seems too convenient. And then there is that number again...


Is this the white hats trolling the deep state yet again?


The complete list of voting by the US Congress. Check to see whether your representative voted to give $40 billion in slush funds to the deep state for money laundering. I am truly depressed at the number of congressmen I thought were reliable and on our side. Only 57 out of 435 actually stand with us:



Just got a notice from my parts supplier in Shenzhen.

All businesses in Shenzhen, China's manufacturing hub, are closed effective immediately for an indefinite period. That includes all shipping companies including FedEx. NOTHING is going in or out of the most important manufacturing hub in the world right now, and there is no timeframe on when it may reopen.

Supposedly, this is due to a Coronavirus outbreak. We all know that reason is crap. I suspect the invasion of Taiwan is about to begin. Can't think of any other event big enough to warrant this.

Just thought I would pass along the information in case anyone had any doubts.

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