Monomial 3 points ago +3 / -0

Unfortunately the vast majority of this is the USD losing value against gold, rather than gold rising in value. Alot of it due to the lowering of interest rates.

Looking at gold vs. currencies other than the USD, and gold is flat or even down. The USD is down 6% on the DXY over the last 90 days.

The collapse of the dollar is starting.

Monomial 5 points ago +5 / -0

In fact, most other countries have exactly that rule.

Foreigners are never allowed to own land. They can buy upper story condos, but not the actual real estate. It is actually quite ridiculous that the US allows this when the vast majority of other countries do not.

Monomial 1 point ago +1 / -0

Some things are more important than money. Getting rich by oppressing your fellow man isn't worth it to me.

Monomial 1 point ago +1 / -0

I do not mine Bitcoin. Not profitable where I'm at. I have simply been involved in crypto since 2016, and I watched as projects like XRP undermined everything that the crypto movement represents. I won't allow people to think that XRP is a decentralized cryptocurrency. It is not.

Monomial 1 point ago +1 / -0

You are entitled to do as you will and believe whatever you want.

I will work to file lawsuits under the anti CBDC statutes passed by many states to make sure XRP never succeeds. It is a dangerous precedent we can never allow. Whoever is in charge of certifying the proof of authority authenticators is in exactly the same position as the current private cartel, central banking system. I'm not fighting to get rid of one corrupt, centralized system only to have it replaced by another. Public, proof of work chains like Bitcoin are the future. Nothing else is acceptable.

Monomial 3 points ago +3 / -0

Honestly? All that is necessary is a completely decentralized, public, Proof of Work blockchain like Bitcoin. That was always the whole point of the blockchain technology. A system that required no trust, and no governance structure. It gives me great pause when people start trying to get government involved in things that should be nothing more than personal choice.

Monomial 5 points ago +5 / -0

Worse than being a nothing burger, it is raising serious questions in my mind about who is influencing him, and what that implies for how he's going to re-engineer the US financial system.

Monomial 2 points ago +2 / -0

XRP uses centralised Proof of Authority authenticators. It is a thin veil of blockchain over a CBDC. It is not a decentralized crypto like Bitcoin. From the beginning, Ripple Labs has been working to get Rothschild's owned private central banks to adopt it. Helping along the adoption of XRP would merely show DJT is being controlled by the globalists. There is no way anything you posit here is a good thing.

Monomial 2 points ago +3 / -1

The one thing I believe is nobody has the slightest clue what is really going to happen. Those directing this thing have already plugged the destination into the autopilot, and we're merely passengers along for the ride at this point.

If you happen to enjoy meaningless speculation, knock yourself out. But Mike Adams doesn't have any more insight into what is going to happen than I do. So I see no point in joining in on his ruminations.

Best option? Ignore it all. Concentrate on improving yourself, and helping your friends and family with whatever daily challenges they face. We've got a very unpredictable (and likely unenjoyable) journey over the next few months. The best thing any of us can do is to ignore it.

Monomial 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm wondering if, rather than being meant to support Trump in the election, all of this might just be to provide political cover for Biden signing some legislation that might be coming up which would be very unpopular with the Democrat party.

Things like the SAFE Act, that he should normally veto as a Democrat stooge, but people will be able to say "They effed him over, so he signed it to screw them in return."

Monomial -1 points ago +1 / -2

I have to agree. Trump is definitely doing everything he can to make his loyal user base distrust him. This one looks like it is going to be another instance of "it is a safe vaccine" that gets him boo'ed at his own rallies.

So WHY would he be doing this? Nobody who believes in and understands the promise of decentralized crypto currency like Bitcoin is going to be fooled by yet another shitcoin.

So either all the rumors about what this is are wrong, or there is a purpose to him pissing on the crypto community right before the election. Trump certainly doesn't need the money, and I don't think he's that stupid. So if you remove greed and ignorance from the equation, what else is left?

Has to be a psyop.

Monomial 4 points ago +4 / -0

Hmm...the problem here is thinking that any country is actually in charge. You claim Germany was a vassal state of America, but America itself is merely a vassal state of a small group headquartered in Switzerland.

There is a reason the Swiss have always been neutral and never invaded in the world wars. Geography is one aspect, but it goes far beyond that.

I agree it will probably take the leaders from all 3 of the current superpowers to gang up on that small group in Switzerland, who are the ones that really need to be defeated.

Monomial 3 points ago +3 / -0

They're not stupid. Much like us they span the entire range of intelligence levels. Most are simply so hopelessly addicted to the false virtues of globalism, that any threat to that is met with violent cognitive dissonance. To accept Trump isn't a dangerous liar would mean their entire world view must collapse. This is the true meaning of the precipice, and we're not there yet. Not sure what Trump et. al. have planned to break the programming, but it better be something more than what they've done so far.

Monomial 2 points ago +2 / -0

You raise an interesting point of the purpose of the debate. If the debate was intended to reach and possibly sway undecided voters, it can only be called a failure.

But if there was a different purpose, then perhaps it was a success. The question, is what was that alternate purpose? It's not clear on the surface that it served any purpose at all. Just avoiding the debate altogether would have been equally effective.

So are you saying this debate was intended to set up something that we haven't seen yet? Do you have any speculative examples of how this may play into a larger plan?

Monomial 5 points ago +6 / -1

Ripple has been known from the beginning to be a globalist inspired mess.

It's a thin veneer of blockchain over centralized Proof of Authority transaction authenticators. That entity who certifies the Proof of Authority has ultimate control over everything that happens on the network. It is no different from the central banking cartels.

It has never been a decentralized cryptocurrency, and I have always done my best to try and make this point any time it comes up.

Nobody who has participated in the blockchain revolution, and understands why Proof of Work is so important, was ever confused about Ripple. More insidious though, are all the Proof of Stake coins that came up because they were considered "green". These PoS coins are equally as bad as Ripple, but fewer people truly understand the nature.

Ethereum is the prime example of a coin that fell due to its founder, Vitalik, being captured by the dark side.

Monomial 5 points ago +5 / -0

The important part about eliminating the income tax isn't just the tax itself, but the incredible drain on productive resources that is required to maintain compliance. Think how many industries have warped valuations due to taxes. Real estate, commercial real estate in particular, will be radically revalued without the artificial tax advantages it enjoys today. Not to mention removing an entire accounting and legal industry built up around it. All of that capital can redeployed to constructive areas of the economy.

If you have to deform an industry with taxes, warping overseas imports in favor of domestic production is the absolute best place for that to occur. It promotes resiliency over efficiency, which is a good thing for any country. And no, I don't feel the slightest bit sorry for the wealthy elite who are going to have to readjust to a more equitable tax structure.

Monomial 31 points ago +31 / -0

They do it by US Code Section 26. Using a nebulous definition of "taxable income" which is never explicitly defined. But thanks to the Chevron Deference, the courts were legally bound to accept, without contest, the IRS's definition of what this actually meant.

Things could be very different in the future now that this doctrine has been overturned.

Monomial 1 point ago +2 / -1

Money is always just an accounting mechanism. Gold is just a rock. Nothing has "intrinsic" value except that which we decide it has.

End the Fed, sure. But end ALL centrally controlled monetary systems. Only Proof of Work cryptographic ledgers like Bitcoin are truly decentralized and do not require trust in a 3rd party.

That is why BTC is special. Those who argue things like "backing" don't understand what that means. All money of any kind is always backed by whatever people are willing to trade in exchange for it.

Monomial 3 points ago +3 / -0

This is a fabricated crisis and is created entirely by the State Department taking 18 months to process even a simple, non controversial immigrant visa application. That is an egregious time frame which artificially creates a problem that has no business even being an issue.

The government needs to concentrate on streamlining its procedures for legal immigration. Why are they instead helping immigrants to break the rules they made? Might it be because legal, law abiding immigrants tend to be conservative?

They wouldn't want that now, would they.

Monomial 4 points ago +4 / -0

So far, the US government has only seized Venezuela's plane. But you're correct it doesn't explain it.

However, we do know Elon was told he could be the new D.O.G.E. (Director of Government Efficiency) in the coming Trump administration. So it shouldn't be discounted as an idle threat. Elon is likely going to have some position of influence very soon.

Monomial 0 points ago +9 / -9

I also don't believe Trump was hit by a real bullet. It's not a "baseless" conspiracy.

I DO believe the government/deep state planned to assassinate Trump. But I think that plan was neutralized very early on. The whole show in Butler was just to mop up the others involved in the plot.

Monomial 1 point ago +1 / -0

SECURED. Not backed. The backing of crypto is whatever someone is willing to trade you to get it.

Security is the algorithm that solves the Byzantine General's problem. That is what uses energy. It says nothing about the value of the underlying transaction, other than you can trust it. You can trust cash in hand too.

Monomial 3 points ago +3 / -0

Ripple is a centralized CIA/globalist controlled nightmare. It uses centralized Proof of Authority for authenticators, and is nothing more than a thin veneer of blockchain over something ultimately under the singular control of whomever grants the Proof of Authority.

Monomial 7 points ago +7 / -0

Yeah....the Tweet is correct. The headline above isn't.

If the internet goes out, the Bitcoin miners are offline, so you can't send and receive anything. Even the mempool isn't available without internet. Nothing works.

This Tweet is just saying you can send a transaction to a gateway without an internet connection. But if the entire INTERNET is actually down, so is any ability to mine/authenticate the transactions.

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