This is the shortest time it took to turn that frown upside down!
They have a ripe lil boy waiting for him in n his hotel room as soon as he lands so he can have that lil ramen!
Looks like steam tunnels.. know where there are miles of underground steam tunnels? DC
They want to kill our food supply. Scaring ppl into not buying chicken and farmers destroying their chickens to kill the new "epidemuc" feeds into Gates plan of getting us accustomed to eating Franken food!
Didn't the Vatican just say it was broke and needed donations?
Their responses to ppl calling them out about their failed predictions is, "My sources purposely gave me dissinfo to throw off the deepstate."
Looks like those blue frozen ice packs I put in my kid's lunch except that it might suck off his baby carrots.
I was surprised to hear Dan Bongino talking about getting it today. For a guy who deeply researches everything the guy was whatever about it.
I'm convinced those weren't even reporters yelling out. Those were ppl on the Biden team all yelling over each other to give the appearance of a real public speech.
Check out the shadow to his left it isn't his. You can see it nodding with approval reminds me of Peter pan and his shadow.
If ppl don't see that was deliberate they are asleep or don't care.
No the 5 blue states sent sick ppl into old folks homes accounting for more than 40% of all COVID deaths. They did purposely jacked up their death #s so the govt would send them a bunch of funding.
Because most are paid off through their special interests in these pork Bill's. Most Rinos wanted Trump gone bc he killed their cash cow. With Dems running everything they just have to act upset while cashing in and getting rich.
Shills infiltrating in as mods pretty soon they will ban legit ppl and flood neg content in to build the perception of Q as violent extremists. Sounds like 6th all over!
Why isn't his name going out on the stimulus checks?
Send this to MSM and tell them Qanon is attacking the Capitol 15th in frog costumes
Pinocchio is full off pedophilia undertones actually. Disney movies are full of hidden sexual references.
Pinocchio was about a creepy old man who wanted a boy whose wooden nose would grow long and hard like a penis.
At the bottom of the second article there's a previous article titled "Pence eludes capture." Whoever writes these has quite the imagination.
If this dude is speaking out Hillary is dead or in jail
NH audit counted the ballots in a few areas and found the machines shorted all repubs and now they are subpoena the dominion machines now. If AZ knows NH is about to blow up they may want to save their asses by just letting Jovan do the audit. If not they will look guilty by dragging their feet.
I know he was talking major shit on the state senators while they still hadn't made a choice about who they would choose to do the ballot audit. I think they are either going with him and he took them down or someone said the vids were hurting his chances of being selected.
If Dave vacations the suicide rate will spike. He is the sherpa taking us through the deep dark swamp.