MrBig4575 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm offering a window for you to look at that furthers the Great Awakening and you cucks downvote and dismiss so easily rather than doing the research. I think I'm on the wrong board, this one has been taken over by normies, posing as patriots.

MrBig4575 6 points ago +6 / -0

The Angel Number 17 in numerology signifies the beginning of the path to spiritual awakening and enlightenment, aka "The Great Awakening"

MrBig4575 1 point ago +1 / -0

Vaccines caused most of those dis-eases. The glyphosates and other herbicides/pesticides cause significant amount of dis-eases as well. There are tons of other environmental hazards (i.e., toxins & heavy metals) such as industrial factories, high power lines, etc that disrupt the normal bodily processes causing dis-eases. Think outside your box and you’ll see that their hoax can’t stand to what they claim it to be. They have done experiments of exactly what you propose I do, injecting “viruses” directly into people and no did-eases were spread. Watch the video I linked to and it cites all of those studies. Enjoy your newly found freedom. https://www.bitchute.com/channel/MKanl25dSUxl/

MrBig4575 2 points ago +2 / -0

you know why they implemented 6 foot social distancing? nothing to do with distances these fairy dust particles called "viruses" can travel. it had every thing to do with one's vibrational frequencies and the distances they are emitted. they literally wanted to kill everyone's vibe. low vibrational frequencies are a breeding ground for other dis-eases. just another vector to try and kill us all.

MrBig4575 2 points ago +2 / -0

well said. yes, when you start at the very very begging of their hoax, it immediately falls apart. people ignore that and just start reading on chapter 17 of the book (the chapter on covid) and now think that they are informed, when in actuality they just parrot what the big pharma fraudsters want them to say. as long as people continue to believe in an "it" (good or bad) they can use the "it" to continue to control you. perfect example is the "lab leak" theory. they don't care if that story is out there (otherwise it wouldn't be, trust me) because that theory assumes you still believe in "it" and therefore you are still under their spell. https://www.bitchute.com/video/rloCSmKl8b4l/

MrBig4575 1 point ago +2 / -1

You are now in the business of believing the government and big pharma? It’s all smoke and mirrors! Dr Lanka has shown that “viruses” and healthy cells look the same when you process them the same way that they do. Do the research, watch the video I sent that has tons of data disproving their germ theory, and you will thank yourself.


MrBig4575 0 points ago +2 / -2

I've deployed to southest asia many times and took HCQ, safely.

i can also say i had a negative reaction to the paste, just saying, so proceed with caution. i woke up one morning and it took a significant amount of time for my eyes to adjust to the kitchen light while i was making coffee and breakfast. i didn't make the connection then. however the next morning, it took half the day to get my eyesight straightened out. it was almost like someone was sliding the dimmer on the light switch up and down. i was freaking out a bit and realized that i had just started a round of pea-sized paste treatments a couple days before and that was likely the cause. i did some internet digging and saw that was a potential side-effect. i stopped taking the ivermectin immediately and i'm not saying i won't take it again ever but i'd have to be in really bad shape to risk that again.

take this for what it's worth, thought you'd appreciate something outside of "group think" you often get on these boards.

MrBig4575 -1 points ago +1 / -2

glad you are open to the idea, watch more... germs/viruses have never been proven to exist, in fact they have been only disproven in their own research. once you are awake that the government and big pharma lie to us, it's not a stretch to say that they lie more than just about covid, but about everything. you too will see it's all a hoax once you peel back the onion layers. enjoy your discoveries, it's truly enlightening

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