MuchoGuapo 1 point ago +1 / -0

I caught covid a couple weeks ago for the 2nd time and this is the exact same treatment I did. You'll be doing cartwheels in your living room in a couple of days. Get plenty of sleep and rest. Drink vitamin C as well.

MuchoGuapo 2 points ago +2 / -0

Born in 87 and can respectfully say that my childhood was always outside playing with friends until streetlight curfew. Then came the internet. However we did have video games to play but outside was always the thing to do.

MuchoGuapo 2 points ago +2 / -0

Your father will be put on a ventilator and possibly die within the wek. Are you okay with that or will you against everyone's will for the love of YOUR father self-administer the Ivermectin to save his life?

This is the choice you face...

MuchoGuapo 1 point ago +1 / -0

My wife and I had this same experience throwing every idea we had at the company ultimatum (or be fired). We had to dig around our city for a Dr. that was against this idea of forced mandates and after several appointments, we sure found one who was absolutely in line with our ideals. It took a while but we found him. He wrote a letter for my wife to her company stating how she is immunocompromised for blah blah blah reasons (not too specific) and it was accepted. BTW she is one of 4 that was approved in a company-sized around 10K. A hospital software cp. nonetheless. The first letter was denied but the 2nd was accepted for w/e reason.

MuchoGuapo 2 points ago +2 / -0

Was thinking the same thing while watching

MuchoGuapo 1 point ago +1 / -0

Mods or anons please bump this up!

MuchoGuapo 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thanks for correcting that