Looks like the Biden Campaign got a hold of the domain a few months ago. Here's the original site: https://web.archive.org/web/20200724052633/https://www.antifa.com/ last updated 7/24/2020 From August -> Jan 21 it forwarded to JoeBiden.com Today it started forwarding to Whitehouse.gov, for a while, now they've deactivated the domain completely so it isn't tied to Biden. They are memory-holing congressional cooperation with known TERRORIST ORG.
This is disinfo -> it was retracted in June, FOLLOW THE SOURCES
HAS THIS SOURCE: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/jun/04/covid-19-lancet-retracts-paper-that-halted-hydroxychloroquine-trials
FROM JUNE - stop being dumb, you'll falling for this shit. ALWAYS FIND THE DATE ON THE ORIGINAL SOURCE
This is disinfo -> it was retracted in June, FOLLOW THE SOURCES
HAS THIS SOURCE: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/jun/04/covid-19-lancet-retracts-paper-that-halted-hydroxychloroquine-trials
FROM JUNE - stop being dumb, you'll falling for this shit. ALWAYS FIND THE DATE ON THE ORIGINAL SOURCE
"From a scientific perspective, though, the reflectivity of the D region at these frequencies make ELF/VLF a unique tool for remote sensing of the D region, which responds to a variety of inputs like solar activity, lightning energy, electron precipitation from the radiation belts, cosmic gamma-rays, and earthquakes."
This could be literally anything
The WHO article about false positives has been DELETED. (Posted <2 days ago, weird it would need to be removed already) Here's the archived version -> https://web.archive.org/web/20210120222748/https://www.who.int/news/item/14-12-2020-who-information-notice-for-ivd-users
"Top" comments as the default sorting method adds to this problem. The shills can comment on the top comment, get other shills to upvote, and fuck the whole discussion.
This thread should be default sorted by "new". It will solve a LOT of problems.
u/catsfive u/God_Bless_America1 u/high-valyrian
Most people would use the daily discussion if the comments sorted correctly. The default sort for the scheduled discussion post should be "NEW" not the site-wide default "TOP". Top sorted comments hinder and pigeon-hole discussions.
11.1 is the beginning of the section on MILITARY OCCUPATION -> Military occupation is also called belligerent occupation. The conduct of military occupation has also been characterized as an exercise of “military government” or “martial law.” (FOR REFERRENCE) CLEARLY STATED, OCCUPATION = MARTIAL LAW
11.3 -> Belligerent occupation ends when the Occupying Power no longer has effectively placed the occupied territory under its control.
11.4 -> Military occupation of enemy territory involves a complicated, trilateral set of legal relations between the Occupying Power, the temporarily ousted sovereign authority, and the inhabitants of occupied territory
11.6 -> Under the law of belligerent occupation, the Occupying Power has certain duties with respect to the population of an occupied territory, including protected persons under the GC (General Counsel of the DoD).
anybody sharing this video is spreading MISINFORMATION
u/1Vigilantbastard DELETE THIS POST
Wasn't Jared Kushner involved in updating the VA system, it was supposedly outdated and not interconnected with any other military??
Vaguely remember this from 2017-ish.