NewFag17 14 points ago +15 / -1

Yes. And I think that things aren’t rushing forward because of a few reasons... (none of them having to do with mental health)

• The necessity to maintain control over the plan.

• “By the book” is paramount. The standard we are held to during this time is disproportionately pristine. Biden & Crew staged a massive election fraud of international scale and admitted to it (although likely freudian slip). No one bats an eye. One conservative kid smiles at a native american and everyone loses their mind.

We make one mistake, break one law, move into one gray area, and the plan is toast—or at the very least, becomes harder to implement. It has to be legit, legal, constitutional and completely above board. And I think this is really what’s taking the most time.

• Adding on to the last point, we need to be sure that when this operation comes to a close, there is no room for speculating that we staged a coup. Optics. I hate it but that’s how things are. Myanmar, for example.

NewFag17 1 point ago +2 / -1

And no tweet time will ever lead to any drops beyond drop #2359 (unless you “mirror” the time)

NewFag17 1 point ago +1 / -0

Came here to say this lol






NewFag17 3 points ago +3 / -0

I know, fren. But we have more than we know.

NewFag17 1 point ago +2 / -1

That statement is copypasta straight from their "About" description on both channels. The entirety:

Welcome to GEORGE NEWS ORG: We are D.C & NYC based. We are STATE, DoD and White House credentialed, and we bring you updates direct | WWW.GEORGE.NEWS | WWW.GEORGENEWS.ORG | 2021 All Rights Reserved GEORGE NEWS ORG #KnowYourMil #DefenseTV | Not Just Politics as Usual


NewFag17 1 point ago +1 / -0

Don't worry, I didn't take it that way at all! And it was my pleasure.

NewFag17 3 points ago +4 / -1

Top-tier reply quality, fren. And I agree. It aligns so perfectly.

NewFag17 3 points ago +4 / -1

Whoever downvoted this, why not just answer? Anyway, GEORGEnews is an interesting development.

• Q Post #17 says HELLO GEORGE at the very end.

• GEORGE's (owned by GEORGEnews) YouTube channel link is youtube.com/AnonymousQ

• Their content is definitely unique, in that they are clearly the source of the videos they post. Inside footage of military ops, behind the scenes, etc.

From their channel(s):

We are STATE, DoD and White House credentialed, and we bring you updates direct

Anyone else feel free to add. I am certain this is surface-level stuff.

NewFag17 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thank you. Scrolling through the chat was a challenge as it kept skipping large chunks of chat history. I poured over it multiple times, still managed to miss that one.

NewFag17 2 points ago +3 / -1

Green text in the image is my own for context.

Interesting correlation between "here till 12:35am EST" (00:35 EST) and Drop #35 (POTUS well-insulated during ops due to nature of entrenchment).

Earlier today, GEORGEnews posted a video to a short documentary of Kim Clement's prophecy of "Two Presidents." In it, the new season, Spring was brought forth as a time of embarrassment for those that wish to bring evil upon America.

This latest chat featured an interesting reference to the approaching arrival of Spring:

"YOU HAVE NOT BEEN ABANDONED" a new season is coming...

Disclaimer: no one here is saying GEORGE is Q. And neither is GEORGEnews. We're all here to share in hopium, joy and faith in a brighter future for America and for the world. Sharing these chat logs helps do that. Peace & Love, frens.

NewFag17 11 points ago +11 / -0

Two years ago, if anyone had told me that at some point in the future, it would be considered a major act of rebellion to go out in public without a nurse’s mask on your face, I would have laughed them out of town.

I remember fondly the days when it was weird to wear a mask in public. Yet here we are. Godspeed, patriots! Go BREATHE.

NewFag17 2 points ago +2 / -0


NewFag17 27 points ago +27 / -0

It’s also an acronym for the National Council of Statewide Interoperability Coordinators. NCSWIC. Established by the DHS Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency.

It has to do with national communications systems, cyber security and coordinating national emergency and defense related comms.

NewFag17 6 points ago +6 / -0

I literally call that train the Q train.

NewFag17 1 point ago +1 / -0

I understand things don’t look right. And I agree. But there are so many factors at play with a gunshot to the neck, I can’t personally conclude that it was fake.

How much blood was going into her airways? Her stomach? How much was being absorbed by clothing, fabric, scarves, backpack? Where did the bullet penetrate? Did it somehow manage to avoid major arteries? These are all questions we can’t answer... and because of that, I can’t conclusively say the event was staged.

And just the same, I can’t conclude that it wasn’t. I’m only suggesting we be cautious about calling fakery when it comes to someone’s life.

NewFag17 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah, I’ve seen it. The narrator was very confident and well-spoken with a charming sarcasm which all reinforced his hypothesis. But I’m still not convinced. Do I believe it was still a false flag? Yes. But is every false flag a fake event? No. As Killary likes to say, never let a good crisis go to waste. I wish we could know for certain. No matter what, the events of Jan 6th are nothing like what the communist occupation is making it out to be. Hyperbole at its best. The double standard when compared with an entire summer of BLM/Antifa riots is unbelievable.

NewFag17 4 points ago +5 / -1

Imagine Epstein being the first arrest that shocks the world.

NewFag17 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don’t see it going down this way if he isn’t successfully impeached. The twists and turns of this slow moving judicial ship are going to make predictions very challenging.

As for antifa, they’re bored, jobless angsty kids with an emotional attachment to strange ideals and they’ll find any reason to riot, any time, any day, under any circumstance or administration.

NewFag17 1 point ago +2 / -1

I trust the plan as much as the next tard here, and I too find it unthinkable that a patriot veteran lost her life during the clearly-planned events of Jan 6th.

But in my opinion, it’s disrespectful to Babbit and her family to continue insisting that she didn’t lose her life during this event. Especially if we aren’t sure she’s alive.

Unless you’re 100% positive and you’ve seen her yourself since the event, why spread this kind of thing around? It’s tragic and the last thing I’d want if it were me is to for my life to become part of an ongoing conspiracy theory.

If you’r sure she’s alive, please share sauce.

NewFag17 5 points ago +6 / -1

Got a link? Not even 100% sure I buy into hand symbolism but I’m curious what you saw.

NewFag17 2 points ago +2 / -0

You could see him internally dropping the mic as he walked off smirking. Obnoxious.

NewFag17 2 points ago +2 / -0

That’s a good point.

Left brain: imagination, emotion, creativity, inventiveness

Right brain: logic, categorization, analysis, pattern recognition

When in harmony, they work well together. When in discord, insanity is observed.

Edit: I realize I got the brains backward, but the point stands lol

NewFag17 3 points ago +3 / -0

That one earlier about the bank robber tho ?

Not even close to the same thing.

NewFag17 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yes. They’re hoping that what’s left of their emotional supporter base is watching and nodding in agreement.

They’d be wrong.

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