NotImpossible95 1 point ago +2 / -1

Because they're panicked bub. If they impeach Trump he can't run again in 4 years. Also.

NotImpossible95 2 points ago +2 / -0

His administration probably doesn't even know about it. Their own people wake up every day and turn on cnn they don't know shit beyond what's spoon fed to them. The military is in control, we WON!

NotImpossible95 13 points ago +14 / -1

I've watched much from that pastor in the past. Surprising to hear from him. He's a truth seeker. We win.

NotImpossible95 -7 points ago +1 / -8

You posted on a public forum this is how it works. More people need to see. You said there was and is no storm coming correct?

NotImpossible95 1 point ago +1 / -0

Oh no. If you're gonna say the media has any hint of good guy power showing through some dork is going to come along and claim your a PIG OIGS GO HOME PIGS GO HOME. Careful. Nobody wants you thinking for yourself.

NotImpossible95 1 point ago +2 / -1

You're seriously being stupid, I'm not smart enough or fit enough to be a pig. There's 0 information for a pig to gain in this thread. Further proving you an idiot. You fail to lay out your specific points clearly. Sounds like a personal problem.

NotImpossible95 0 points ago +1 / -1

When you say "this" you are referring to an imaginary game in your head. I have to goal here. If I'm wrong people will provide counterproofs based on logic. Not nonsense fbi talk get over yourself you're not that important.

NotImpossible95 2 points ago +2 / -0

Stop blabbering and answer my questions first.

NotImpossible95 5 points ago +5 / -0

The link is a story. Probably why he linked it bro. Just read it, and when you're done. Remember. Don't widen the plate.

NotImpossible95 2 points ago +2 / -0

You don't believe in Q? Forget my post. How many COINCIDENCES before something becomes impossible? Get a load of this guy.

deleted -8 points ago +1 / -9
NotImpossible95 0 points ago +1 / -1

And Q has links up sense before Trump's presidency don't they? What's your point?

NotImpossible95 -4 points ago +3 / -7

THIS IS WHAT I MEAN! PAY ATTENTION! THE MILITARY IS IN CRONTROL! They CANNOT jolt awake the people. They need to be awoken slowly over weeks. They have the media. They have the tech companies. This isn't normal as you've said yourself. Subliminal messaging through the media! WHY DOES THE MEDIA TALK ABOUT Q AT ALL! WHY WOULD ANY ELITE TALK ABOUT Q? WHY DOESNT FACEBOOK YOUTUBE OR ANY OF THEM NOT BAN Q? THEYRE RECRUITING WITH THE MEDIA TO BUILD MORE Q!

I'm gonna calm down this is crazy. I keep seeing this kind of stuff. /Storm really? They're telling us the storm is among us. They are in control and by building the Q following, by naturally sending hundreds of thousands if not MILLIONS of people down the rabbit hole it's the TURN AROUND!

IF Q is the MSM enemy they would not be acknowledging them. We know the MSM feeds lies and falsehoods. Think about it.

Anyone ever call about an internet OUTAGE? Thats what they tell you when you dial up the web companies and ask why your shit doesn't work. They say let me check for OUTAGES in your area.

Safely? Who cares?

NotImpossible95 1 point ago +1 / -0

Bro sense the beginning of internet ever. A /url would be OUTAGES not storm. Whenever you have a problem and call they check for OUTAGES not a storm! This is wild you came across something here mate.

NotImpossible95 2 points ago +2 / -0

YO THIS IS WHAT I MEAN! PAY ATTENTION! THE MILITARY IS IN CRONTROL! They CANNOT jolt awake the people. They need to be awoken slowly over weeks. They have the media. They have the tech companies. This isn't normal as you've said yourself. Subliminal messaging through the media! WHY DOES THE MEDIA TALK ABOUT Q AT ALL! WHY WOULD ANY ELITE TALK ABOUT Q? WHY DOESNT FACEBOOK YOUTUBE OR ANY OF THEM NOT BAN Q? THEYRE RECRUITING WITH THE MEDIA TO BUILD MORE Q!

I'm gonna calm down this is crazy. I keep seeing this kind of stuff. /Storm really? They're telling us the storm is among us. They are in control and by building the Q following, by naturally sending hundreds of thousands if not MILLIONS of people down the rabbit hole it's the TURN AROUND!

IF Q is the MSM enemy they would not be acknowledging them. We know the MSM feeds lies and falsehoods. Think about it.

NotImpossible95 6 points ago +6 / -0

His mental shape is a non factor. A vegetable can read a teleprompter and that's what he does. They use him he doesn't run shit. We know this man.

NotImpossible95 5 points ago +5 / -0

I agree and expect them to impeach Trump. Not that he deserves it but just because they are all twisted and we know it. They'll do as they please. Up to and including murder. Next up, roundups. Keep your guns up, these guys aren't going to take us that easy. Fight Fight Fight HOLD THE WINE HOLD THE LINE

More and more I see, move to a free state. I hope WV joins soon.

NotImpossible95 5 points ago +5 / -0

Not a chance. The Dems aren't here to talk about election fraud they are here to talk about how scary orange man sent angry people to attack the capitol. And that's what Trump's team is countering. They're trying to bait out election evidence, not gonna work. Trump doesn't play cards until he's ready, you can't rush a game master. 5d chess yo.

NotImpossible95 5 points ago +5 / -0

And they keep coming back ? ?? No shortage of demonic slaves I guess.

NotImpossible95 4 points ago +4 / -0

laughs maniacally in a Joker tone I can't wait...

Oh I mean.. pray for me.

NotImpossible95 7 points ago +7 / -0

if this was on the game day then what's to come will make 75 arrests look like child's play.

What's coming will be even bigger!

People can't deny truth when thousands are arrested.

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