OSS_1 4 points ago +6 / -2

Kek. Quick news about Jews funding IDF agents to come to America and attack students is getting traction. Let's post a what-about-iran article.

**IDF member and Israeli CEO linked to bloody attack at UCLA ** https://justicereport.net/2024/05/16/idf-member-and-israeli-ceo-linked-to-bloody-attack-at-ucla/

UCLA Attackers Exposed: Meet the Violent Zionist Agitators LA Police Haven’t Arrested


A few weeks ago at a group of pro-Zionist/Israel thugs showed up to the encampment at UCLA and beat the shit out of the unarmed protestors with metal poles, baseball bats, and 2x4s for over 4 hours straight while the LAPD watched and did nothing. It was captured on livestream and even on helicopter cam for the whole world to see.

For weeks the LAPD, the FBI, and the DA have been unwilling to identify and arrest the ones responsible. This injustice will no longer stand, the identities of these criminals who are guilty of countless violent counts and even attempted murder (pic related) are now being released.

Through the investigation we have identified one of the perpetrators as Alon Abishoor. Alon Abishoor comes from a very wealthy family and through my investigation I have found him and his entire family to be running a money laundering scheme with nearly a dozen 501(c)s and a fraudulent real estate company along with multiple investment LLCs.

None of these people are American Citizens, they are all here on 90 day visits that don't require Visas. They are running fraudulent companies, scamming US tax dollars, one of them is literally a foreign soldier attempting to murder US citizens on US soil.

The media, the LAPD, the DA, the Governor NO ONE is willing to touch these jews because they are rich and powerful! NO MORE! Their names are now known to all!


UPDATE: https://x.com/KyungLahCNN/status/1790908711898165639

CNN reports on the violence for the first time in three weeks and names a few names (not the important ones though) -- CNN names pic related as "Edon On" and he "Plans to join the IDF in September" also "He is 17 years old"

CNN also confirms no pending/active investigation from LAPD, CHP, or UCLA Police as everyone suspected.

The United States Congress is obligated to bring these people to justice.

The name of one such IDF soldier was Eliran Bismut. He was in the US not on a VISA but on a 90 day "special visiting pass" that allows Israelis to bypass VISA requirements. HE IS AN ISRAELI SOLDIER WHO SPECIFICALLY CAME TO THE US TO ATTACK AMERICAN CITIZENS AND ATTEMPT TO SERIOUSLY INJUR OR KILL THEM. Eliran Bismut a literal IDF soldier who had his brother recently killed in Gaza. He was there to crack skulls and he accomplished that goal using a large piece of wood to crush a mans skull in to the point where it needed over 20 staples

To make matters worse the DA, the Police Chief, the FBI, every LEO is actively protecting these men after they so viciously and brazenly attempted to kill American Citizens on livestream. There are no warrants out for their arrests. There ARE no ongoing investigations. The media is refusing to talk about it!

ARCHIVES OF PREVIOUS THREADS: https://archive.is/7Du6v



















Alon Abishoor

Rony Abishoor

Maytal Abishoor

Aviel Fattal

Eliran Bismut

Nathan Shaolian


Malachi Joshua Marlan-Librett

Alon Abishoor comes from an extremely wealthy and jewish family with lots of connections

He is running 5 or 6 501(c)s out of the same address and he is listed as the Chief Financial Officer for all of them (Pic related)

The other employees at his companies consist of members of his family such as Rony Abishoor

Alon Abishoor supposedly works at House of Shoor (another family business) which as of a few hours ago took its instagram account private in an attempt to hide more information from leaking out https://www.instagram.com/houseofshoor/

When Alon's identity was first discovered somehow he immediately was able to dox his doxxer (within 15 minutes) who posted Alon's information on Instagram and sent him this seething and threatening voicemail demanding that he take down the post or Alon would use his connections and destroy the doxxers "Credit Score": https://vocaroo.com/1iyfjxMIlxrA

Rony Abishoor recently (as of 2022) purchased a multi-million dollar development property in LA.

Rony Abishoor

listed as contact for Love is Real Movement 501(c)


DATE: 03/31/2022

?ADDRESS: 315-319 N. Alvarado St.

MARKET: Los Angeles

ASSET TYPE: Development Site

BUYER: Rony Abishoor

SELLER: Justin Bokhoor

BROKERS: Nathan Shaolian (@NathanShaolian) & Ardy Ishal (@ArdyIshal) - BRC Advisors

SALE PRICE: $1,375,000

Looks like when they aren't conducting seemingly shady business through their 501(c)s they are buying lots of multi million dollar properties.

Money laundering for MOSSAD?

Would explain why the Police Chief, the DA, and even the FBI are unwilling to go after these men despite overwhelming evidence of them committing assault, attempted murder, battery, and hate crimes on livestream.

This is Eliran Bismut, Here is Eliran Bismut proud to be a soldier***




His brother who died


This is Alon Abishoor




This is his families money laundering operation that they run through half a dozen or more 501(c)s



More Ashiboor MOSSAD Uniy











Maytal and Shai Abishoor which are both listed as employees at Alon Abishoors 501(c)s both signed this letter which was sent to UCLA administration.


This is a whole family of IDF agents

IDF Agent Dodgers Cap





Video of MALACHI JOSHUA MARLAN-LIBRETT repeatedly assaulting a protester.


Here is Malachi Joshua Marlan-Librett making on @ABC7 the day after he assaulted UCLA students and journalists. A week later, UCLA responded by arresting journalists that covered this event.

Not the attackers.


Aerial shot of Malachi Joshua Marlan-Librett attacking the black journalist in the blue hi vis






House of Shoor = 12 letters

Be Careful Who You Follow. Symbolism will be there DOWNFALL.


12 Letter News Agencies - 12 Tribes - Obama IRS Scandal - [MOS]/[AJ] Backed Media - Edited Graphic to conform with rules


MEET Matin Mehdizadeh - Throwing fireworks into crowds


OSS_1 0 points ago +1 / -1

I denounce Hitler.

Now you admit The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion are 100% authentic and legitimate.

OSS_1 -1 points ago +1 / -2

Then: SA carried out unchecked street violence against JEWs and Nazi opponents

Protocol No. 2

Through the Press we have gained the power to influence while remaining ourselves in the shade; thanks to the Press we have got the GOLD in our hands, notwithstanding that we have had to gather it out of the oceans of blood and tears. But it has paid us, though we have sacrificed many of our people. Each victim on our side is worth in the sight of God a thousand GOYIM


  1. And how far-seeing were our learned elders in ancient times when they said that to attain a serious end it behooves not to stop at any means or to count the victims sacrificed for the sake of that end .... We have not counted the victims of the seed of the GOY cattle, though we have sacrificed many of our own, but for that we have now already given them such a position on the earth as they could not even have dreamed of. The comparatively small numbers of the victims from the number of ours have preserved our nationality from destruction.
OSS_1 0 points ago +1 / -1

I'm unwilling to engage with you further in the General Chat, I created a thread for this discussion. This is not the place for it.


OSS_1 -1 points ago +1 / -2
  1. Avoidance. They never actually discuss issues head-on or provide constructive input, generally avoiding citation of references or credentials. Rather, they merely imply this, that, and the other. Virtually everything about their presentation implies their authority and expert knowledge in the matter without any further justification for credibility.
OSS_1 0 points ago +2 / -2








  1. We must be in a position to respond to every act of opposition by war with the neighbors of that country which dares to oppose us: but if these neighbors should also venture to stand collectively together against us, then we must offer resistance by a universal war.

  2. The principal factor of success in the political is the secrecy of its undertakings: the word should not agree with the deeds of the diplomat.

  3. We must compel the governments of the GOYIM to take action in the direction favored by our widely conceived plan, already approaching the desired consummation, by what we shall represent as public opinion, secretly promoted by us through the means of that so-called "Great Power" - THE PRESS, WHICH, WITH A FEW EXCEPTIONS THAT MAY BE DISREGARDED, IS ALREADY ENTIRELY IN OUR HANDS.

In a word, to sum up our system of keeping the governments of the goyim in Europe in check, we shall show our strength to one of them by terrorist attempts and to all, if we allow the possibility of a general rising against us, we shall respond with the guns of America or China or Japan.

THEY USE THE MEDIA. Def no Jews that own News Media

THEY USE HOLLYWOOD. Def no Jews in Hollywood

THEY USE POLITICAL LEADERS. Def no Jews controlling political leaders - AIPAC IS A MYTH!!!

Is this going as well as you hoped?

OSS_1 -1 points ago +1 / -2
  1. Artificial Emotions. An odd kind of 'artificial' emotionalism and an unusually thick skin -- an ability to persevere and persist even in the face of overwhelming criticism and unacceptance. This likely stems from intelligence community training that, no matter how condemning the evidence, deny everything, and never become emotionally involved or reactive. The net result for a disinfo artist is that emotions can seem artificial.
OSS_1 -1 points ago +1 / -2

WWG1WGA means you are never alone. You would know this if you ever read the Q drops.



It has nothing to do with criticism of Jews or Israel, no matter how much you would like to twist it to mean that.

OSS_1 0 points ago +1 / -1
  1. Teamwork. They tend to operate in self-congratulatory and complementary packs or teams. Of course, this can happen naturally in any public forum, but there will likely be an ongoing pattern of frequent exchanges of this sort where professionals are involved. Sometimes one of the players will infiltrate the opponent camp to become a source for straw man or other tactics designed to dilute opponent presentation strength.
OSS_1 -1 points ago +1 / -2
  1. Teamwork. They tend to operate in self-congratulatory and complementary packs or teams. Of course, this can happen naturally in any public forum, but there will likely be an ongoing pattern of frequent exchanges of this sort where professionals are involved. Sometimes one of the players will infiltrate the opponent camp to become a source for straw man or other tactics designed to dilute opponent presentation strength.
OSS_1 -1 points ago +1 / -2
  1. Teamwork. They tend to operate in self-congratulatory and complementary packs or teams. Of course, this can happen naturally in any public forum, but there will likely be an ongoing pattern of frequent exchanges of this sort where professionals are involved. Sometimes one of the players will infiltrate the opponent camp to become a source for straw man or other tactics designed to dilute opponent presentation strength.
OSS_1 -1 points ago +2 / -3

Was that not how the entire conversation started, you claiming I was a "Muh joo" shill for having the audacity to post about the chosen ones?

OSS_1 0 points ago +3 / -3

This all came from u/GQD_ trying to convince me that Q was saying the Jews/Commies are the good guys and that Antifa was part of the Nazi World Order taking over the world. I made this thread for them to make their argument, but I guess they were not interested.

It all started in this thread with him trying to convince me "not all jews"


OSS_1 4 points ago +8 / -4

If I told you 24 sock-puppets would appear and scream "not all _ _ _ _"


OSS_1 3 points ago +3 / -0

Antifa, short for "anti-fascist," and the German Communist Party (KPD) share historical and ideological roots, particularly in their opposition to fascism.

Historical Context and Origins German Communist Party (KPD)

Origins: The KPD was founded in 1918-1919 in Germany, emerging from the Spartacist League. It aimed to establish a communist state in Germany, inspired by the Russian Revolution.

Origins: The term "Antifa" originated from "Antifaschistische Aktion," a militant anti-fascist group founded by the KPD in 1932. This group was established to combat the Nazi Party and other far-right movements in Germany.

Activities: Antifaschistische Aktion engaged in street battles, propaganda, and other direct actions to oppose the Nazis. The group was dissolved after the Nazis came to power in 1933 and banned all communist organizations.

OSS_1 3 points ago +3 / -0

Black Lives Matter (BLM), the May 19th Communist Organization (M19CO), Students for a Democratic Society (SDS), and the Days of Rage share certain ideological and historical connections, primarily through the individuals involved and their approaches to activism. Here’s how BLM, particularly through its connections to Thousand Currents and Susan Rosenberg, relates to these earlier movements:

Black Lives Matter (BLM)


BLM is a contemporary social movement founded in 2013 to address systemic racism, police brutality, and racial inequality.

The movement uses various tactics, including protests, advocacy, and policy reform efforts, to achieve its goals.

Connections to Thousand Currents and Susan Rosenberg

Thousand Currents:

Thousand Currents is a nonprofit organization that provided fiscal sponsorship to the BLM Global Network Foundation. This means they managed the funds and donations for BLM, allowing it to operate more effectively.

Susan Rosenberg:

Susan Rosenberg, a board member of Thousand Currents until 2020, was a former member of the M19CO. She was convicted for her involvement in illegal activities, including a weapons possession charge and connection to armed robberies, and later received a commutation of her sentence by President Bill Clinton.

Historical and Ideological Links

May 19th Communist Organization (M19CO)

Overview: M19CO was a militant far-left group active in the 1970s and 1980s, known for its revolutionary activities, including bombings and armed robberies.

Connection: Susan Rosenberg’s involvement with M19CO ties her directly to BLM through her later role at Thousand Currents.

Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) and Days of Rage

Overview: SDS was a prominent student activist organization in the 1960s that focused on civil rights, anti-war protests, and social justice. The Days of Rage was a series of protests organized by a militant faction of SDS, the Weather Underground, in 1969.

Connection: SDS and the Weather Underground's tactics and philosophies influenced later movements, including M19CO. The radical elements within SDS and the Weather Underground, particularly their use of direct action and confrontation, set a precedent for later groups like M19CO and, by extension, influenced individuals like Susan Rosenberg.

OSS_1 3 points ago +3 / -0

The May 19th Communist Organization and the Days of Rage, which occurred during the late 1960s and early 1970s in the United States, drew some inspiration from earlier communist movements, including the German Communist Party (KPD) of the post-World War I era.

May 19th Communist Organization


The May 19th Communist Organization (M19CO) was a far-left militant group active in the United States from 1978 to the mid-1980s. It evolved from the Weather Underground Organization (WUO) and was named after the shared birthday of Malcolm X and Ho Chi Minh.

M19CO was involved in armed robberies, prison breaks, and bombings, with the aim of overthrowing the U.S. government and establishing a socialist state. Similarities to the KPD:

Revolutionary Ideology: Both M19CO and the KPD were driven by Marxist-Leninist ideology and sought to establish a socialist state through revolutionary means.

Use of Violence: Both organizations embraced violence as a tool for achieving their political goals. The KPD engaged in armed uprisings and street battles, while M19CO carried out bombings and armed robberies.

Opposition to the State: Both groups viewed the existing government as illegitimate and oppressive. The KPD sought to overthrow the Weimar Republic, while M19CO aimed to dismantle the U.S. capitalist system.

Days of Rage


The Days of Rage were a series of protests organized by the Weather Underground Organization in October 1969 in Chicago, aimed at confronting the U.S. government and raising awareness of the anti-war and anti-racist movements.

The protests involved violent clashes with the police, property destruction, and attempts to bring attention to the radical left's causes. Similarities to the KPD:

Direct Action: Both the Days of Rage and the KPD's activities involved direct, confrontational tactics. The KPD engaged in street battles and uprisings, while the Days of Rage saw militants smashing windows, vandalizing property, and clashing with police.

Anti-Government Stance: Both movements were staunchly anti-government. The KPD opposed the Weimar Republic, while the Days of Rage aimed to protest against U.S. government policies, particularly the Vietnam War. Youth and Militancy: Both movements were characterized by the involvement of young, radical activists willing to use militant tactics to achieve their goals.

OSS_1 2 points ago +3 / -1

Spartacist uprising date

The Spartacist uprising, also known as the Spartacist uprising, took place from January 5 to January 12, 1919, in Berlin, Germany.

January 12 is eastern orthodox Christmas.

Jan 19th is Eastern Orthodox Epiphany

Jan 19 - Q - Remember THIS day.



OSS_1 2 points ago +3 / -1


Notable estimate attempts include the following:[60]

In 1993, Zbigniew Brzezinski, former National Security Advisor to Jimmy Carter, wrote that "the failed effort to build communism in the twentieth century consumed the lives of almost 60,000,000."[61]

In 1994, Rummel's book Death by Government included about 110 million people, foreign and domestic, killed by communist democide from 1900 to 1987.[62] This total excluded deaths from the Great Chinese Famine of 1958–1961 due to Rummel's then belief that "although Mao's policies were responsible for the famine, he was misled about it, and finally when he found out, he stopped it and changed his policies."[63][64] Rummel would later revise his estimate from 110 million to about 148 million due to additional information about Mao's culpability in the Great Chinese Famine from Mao: The Unknown Story, including Jon Halliday and Jung Chang's estimated 38 million famine deaths.[63][64]

In 2004, historian Tomislav Dulić criticized Rummel's estimate of the number killed in Tito's Yugoslavia as an overestimation based on the inclusion of low-quality sources, and stated that Rummel's other estimates may suffer from the same problem if he used similar sources for them.[65] Rummel responded with a critique of Dulić's analysis.[66] Karlsson says that Rummel's thesis of "extreme intentionality in Mao" for the famine is "hardly an example of a serious and empirically-based writing of history",[67] and describes Rummel's 61,911,000 estimate for the Soviet Union as being based on "an ideological preunderstanding and speculative and sweeping calculations".[68]

In 1997, historian Stéphane Courtois's introduction to The Black Book of Communism, an impactful yet controversial[55] work written about the history of communism in the 20th century,[69] gave a "rough approximation, based on unofficial estimates". The subtotals listed by Courtois added up to 94.36 million killed.[70] Nicolas Werth and Jean-Louis Margolin, contributing authors to the book, criticized Courtois as obsessed with reaching a 100 million overall total.[71] In his foreword to the 1999 English edition, Martin Malia wrote that "a grand total of victims variously estimated by contributors to the volume at between 85 million and 100 million."[72] Historian Michael David-Fox states that Malia is able to link disparate regimes, from radical Soviet industrialists to the anti-urbanists of the Khmer Rouge, under the guise of a "generic communism" category "defined everywhere down to the common denominator of party movements founded by intellectuals."[73] Courtois' attempt to equate Nazism and communist regimes was not fruitful on both scientific and moral grounds, because such comparisons are generally controversial.[74]

In 2005, professor Benjamin Valentino stated that the number of non-combatants killed by communist regimes in the Soviet Union, China, and Cambodia alone ranged from a low of 21 million to a high of 70 million.[75] In 2010, professor of economics Steven Rosefielde wrote in Red Holocaust that the internal contradictions of communist regimes caused the killing of approximately 60 million people and perhaps tens of millions more.[76]

In 2012, academic Alex J. Bellamy wrote that a "conservative estimate puts the total number of civilians deliberately killed by communists after the Second World War between 6.7 million and 15.5 million people, with the true figure probably much higher."[77]

In 2014, professor of Chinese politics Julia Strauss wrote that while there was the beginning of a scholarly consensus on figures of around 20 million killed in the Soviet Union and 2–3 million in Cambodia, there was no such consensus on numbers for China.[78]

In 2017, historian Stephen Kotkin wrote in The Wall Street Journal that 65 million people died prematurely under communist regimes according to demographers, and those deaths were a result of "mass deportations, forced labor camps and police-state terror" but mostly "from starvation as a result of its cruel projects of social engineering."[79][80]

OSS_1 1 point ago +4 / -3

There are no "true Jews" the Jewish faith ended when Christ uttered "It is finished" any following the faith after that are by definition denying Christ, and there by a member of the Synagogue of Satan.

Have a wonderful day.

OSS_1 0 points ago +2 / -2

Since you are so intent in arguing this, I made a post that we can continue our discussion instead of doing it here.

The birth and rise of the Nazi Party (National Socialist German Workers' Party, or NSDAP) in response to the German Communist Party (KPD)



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