Optimistic 6 points ago +6 / -0

For those that haven't encountered it yet, the truth appears to be that the "HIV" "virus" never existed. It was the "HIV" testing that generated millions of "cases" and the vast profits which followed. Faucci reportedly killing millions with his "AZT".

What is REAL though is the "Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome" (i.e. "AIDS"). Essentially a collapse of immune functions due to poisoning (e.g. drug use ...including pharmaceutical", chemicals) and nutritional deficiencies.

The collapse of immune functions to to the MRNA (or "Adenoviral Vectors") hijacking of cell function is just the latest poisoning.

I disagree with independent media's use of the acronym "VAIDS" ...because it implies that a "death jab" is a "vaccine" and it is not. Similarly, I don't care for references to the "death jabs" as "Gene Therapy". NWO Eugenicists have NOT been giving us "Therapy"!

The injected have "AIDS" pure and simple. This of course is just one of the lethal pathways resulting from everything that was put inside them. There can be no cure (as "HIV" was a "PCR" testing scam) except for recovery of immune functions ...if that is even realistically possible.

Optimistic 4 points ago +4 / -0

Good comment! After the earthquake (not tsunami) caused the cooling failures at Fukushima's Daiichi plant (supposedly) "spent" fuel rods (stored in cooling ponds above the reactors) reached red hot, then white hot (then vaporising) over a matter of hours ...as did the exploded fragments of reactor rods. If spent rods can generate so much heat then it is clear that they could generate steam for turbines.

Perhaps there is much more emitted thermal energy from newer reactor rods, resisting cooling (for steam generation) than spent ones ...but I take your point that we may have been slipped a less than truthful version of things?

Optimistic 8 points ago +8 / -0

The reactor(s) melted-down years ago! What cooling? Even spent fuel cooling ponds (were any ever left) only require five to eight years of cooling after removal.

Without further research (so little time) this appears to be yet more MSM nonsense.

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