OutofyourleagueDonny 2 points ago +3 / -1

I meant comrade in chief haha

OutofyourleagueDonny 4 points ago +6 / -2

I think you misspelled comrade

OutofyourleagueDonny 9 points ago +10 / -1

100% correct. Mike is a patriot, I have a ton of respect for this dude. I wish everyone had 1/10th the gumption that this dude has. I bought one of his pillows last week, trying to show support and I hope some of that money went to make this happen.

OutofyourleagueDonny 0 points ago +2 / -2

Idk why they’re using him. Do you know why? No, one does. But the point is they are. Gtfoh shill boy

OutofyourleagueDonny 11 points ago +11 / -0

The info at the end is evidence that hasn’t been shown. I’m fully aware of what’s been going on and that everyone that he’s interviewed up until the last woman has been paraded through the hearings.

OutofyourleagueDonny 9 points ago +9 / -0

Good for you, I’m not going to sit here and doom. I think this is great and I can only hope that POTUS will use all this and more in the battles ahead. I mean where do you think a fucking pillow salesman got this info? An anonymous source that created this out of thin air? Or maybe it’s MI and POTUS was in a SCIF with MI on election night watching this in real time and handed over some of the evidence to Mike to present to the public. They have it ALL, this is more red pilling and for me more hope. If I don’t believe this is part of the plan then what the fuck am I even doing on here? Take that negative shit elsewhere

OutofyourleagueDonny 49 points ago +52 / -3

Can we please stop saying there’s no new evidence in this video? It’s clear that the people doing this are either shills or have not watched the entire video. Until you watch it in it’s entirety, please refrain from commenting this negativity.

OutofyourleagueDonny 6 points ago +6 / -0

He also said he hasn’t spoken to POTUS since before January 6th. He also would appear to be in a bunker or some shit, as he has a giant wave as the background and his service is shit. So either he’s lying and he’s in on it, or he isn’t one of the less than 10. That’s my take. Q also said disinformation is important. Don’t lose hope bc of this interview. Mike Lindell just gave the world some very important information today and it’s our job to spread it

OutofyourleagueDonny 2 points ago +2 / -0

Is she didn’t want the smoke then she wouldn’t have been walking around wearing masks that said trump won or censored or any of the other statement masks she wore. She wouldn’t have embraced POTUS and the MAGA movement. We’ve seen 4+ years of how the media, big tech, and the DS had dealt with anyone that supports POTUS. She knew what she was doing, she knew the stakes, she put on a show and basked in everything that comes with being aligned with POTUS from his supporters. When it came time to put her money where her mouth was, she caved. But not before she went on all her social media asked for cash to help her fight the dems. She spit on Q and the great awakening today. She lost a lot of support, it’s pretty simple. She could’ve fought, she lost her committee seats anyway, so it was about just saving her ass and trying to save face with the media and DS. We’ll see how far that gets her

OutofyourleagueDonny 15 points ago +15 / -0

Torber did regab it (is that a thing? If not can we make it a thing) but this account has been on there for a while

OutofyourleagueDonny 1 point ago +1 / -0

I also don’t live in Georgia so I can’t vote for her anyway. And when I do vote, I can promise that q has not been nor ever will be the reason why I vote one way or another. I didn’t say I didn’t like her policies, but over the past 2 days I’ve seen warning signs that she is just another politician trying to cash in on conservative values.

OutofyourleagueDonny 1 point ago +1 / -0

Well it didn’t matter now did it. They voted her off of her committees today. So she’s powerless anyway ?‍♂️

OutofyourleagueDonny 2 points ago +2 / -0

Being a congresswoman isn’t a job, it’s a duty. Her boss would be her constituents. It’s called the swamp for a reason, and if you don’t want to play in the mud, don’t run for office. Pretty simple if you ask me. She said herself that she has built a successful business, that’s now in 11 states. Mike lindell has proven that you can be blackballed by the media and big tech and run a hell of a successful business. She bent the knee after 2 days of cyber begging. She’s just another politician. If I’m wrong, cool, I’ll admit it. But I seriously doubt it

OutofyourleagueDonny 1 point ago +1 / -0

If I’m wrong, I’ll gladly admit to it. At this point it’s hard to trust any of these snakes in Washington

OutofyourleagueDonny 9 points ago +10 / -1

No necessarily. He doesn’t have to testify, his council will be making the arguments on his behalf. Part of the impeachment is the accusation that he knowingly said there was fraud, when they say there wasn’t, which got people all riled up and is what caused the bs on the 6th. If you’re going to make the argument that he was “lying” and got people to “riot” then his council can prove that he wasn’t lying, oh and here’s some evidence that there was fraud. OJ didn’t testify and he got off, and that dude legit murdered 2 people. Good lawyers can get the job done

OutofyourleagueDonny 2 points ago +2 / -0

What did her raising over $300k over the last 2 days do to stop the dems from taking her committee seats? She told mitt to “grow spine or a pair” on Twitter. Seems like she didn’t take her own advice. She could have just as easily made that speech and not called “Qanon” dangerous. She’s just another grifter politician trying to cash in on POTUS’ awesomeness.

OutofyourleagueDonny 11 points ago +11 / -0

To be fair, she’s the only one repping POTUS right now. She has a massive target on her tiny back. I can understand the caving to pressure, she’s getting it from all sides. But I still find it massively disappointing. Have balls, stand up for what you believe in, even in the face of the highest scrutiny and persecution. That’s what everyone should strive to do. It’s about principles and what’s right and wrong. If you can’t stand the heat in the kitchen, then get the fuck out. So for me, it’s bye bye marje

OutofyourleagueDonny 20 points ago +21 / -1

She just basically disavowed Q, sooooo yeah. I got a bad feeling about her the last 2 days when she’s been cyber begging to save her spot on these committees. She did over $150,000 both days according to her gab and ig. When I saw that, to me, she’s just as bad as the rest of them. Get into office, don’t care about the people, and fundraise from day 1 to keep your coffers full for the next campaign run. I said to my buddy, she’s the only one still waiving the MAGA flag but I was concerned about the sincerity of it. It’s a good way to build a big base that’s begging for leadership and she’ll probably use it as a catapult to a presidential race. I was really disappointed in her saying the q movement is dangerous. She lost a fan and social media follower in me today

OutofyourleagueDonny 8 points ago +8 / -0

So I watched the first 10 minutes or so and I took 3 things away from this:

1: that “window” behind him is fake as fuck. That’s either a terrible green screen or he’s in a bunker for safety.

2: with his miracles, he’s basically saying it had to be this way. You have to show people the corruption for them to believe. K motherfucking EK

3: he’s asking all networks to share it, so far only sounds like OAN will be doing so, but he’s also asking all of us to share it. If we’re going to get a comms black out, it’s going to be bc of this.

If anyone is blackpilling or needs some hopium, this dude is delivering that grade a black tar hopium. I can’t wait til Friday, this shit sounds better than Christmas.

Edit: watched the rest and he confirmed he’s hiding out somewhere safe

OutofyourleagueDonny 3 points ago +3 / -0

Is it the phone number? I’m trying to put it together based on what he posted. I believe 202 is an Atlanta area code but other than that I’m lost ??‍♂️

OutofyourleagueDonny 7 points ago +7 / -0

Bought one last week. My wife asked me what it was when I walked in with the box. I said it’s a my pillow. She asked me why I bought it and I said “I gotta support my guy mike lindell, a real patriot”

OutofyourleagueDonny 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah I saw the video of him on the private jet saying they were going to make a video. Curious as to what it will be is what I meant. If it’s the same stats that trump has been touting it won’t make any difference unfortunately. MSM won’t cover it they’ll just keep calling him a conspiracy theorist. We need real tangible evidence that can’t be ignored or disputed

OutofyourleagueDonny 10 points ago +10 / -0

Curious to see what his evidence is that he’s presenting on Friday. Interesting he would be dropping that a few days before the trial.

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