We also need a list of companies that are not involved the US take down that we can support. Tried to research, can find little. This needs to be addressed and made public with our financial support for these businesses. In the 70s, graduated from college to a extreme over pricing of meat everywhere. People stopped buying meat, about 6 weeks later, prices miraculously returned to normal. It is not rocket science. Will also help contain the growing hyper- inflation of everything.
This is a pipe dream, the SC betrayed the option of reviewing the issues prior to the election when there was already great evidence. The military is the same. They could all read and see on TV the same as us. Read history on these people in SC. You do not get there without passing through the fire of loyalty to the powers that be. We are the complacent Patriots. Can you blame Trump for wanting to have his life and protect his family? We are the real sheep because we think being awake will solve everything. By 2020 it will be all said and done. They knew we would not fight back, not talking about war. Sleep on.
And, Putin is not a idiot. Dems are only smart in their evil, they couldn’t balance a budget or run a nation if their lives depended on it. Shame we will have to spend a decade getting out of this mess they are again creating again, when Trump at least put the economy back on its feet in the right direction, for all of us. That is if he is willing to even under take the task again.
We could stand up as a nation, 70 to 100 million strong and yell no with our voices and file class action for fraud, treason and abuse of American population, failure to defend the American People, miss use of constitution.The reason the Dems do these things is because we just take it. We should try it. Enough letters and postcards to make them afraid. Force resignations, citizen arrest. After all it is our constitutional right to rid ourself of such a government.
What do you expect from an unbeliever who has no respect even for herself. It is sad and not worthy of our time. Boycott Hollywood, they are lost and do not want salvation till too late. Patriots and Christians have no business supporting the 95% of their sinful pursuits.
Well said, no hate mail here. I wonder if the Lord has allow this as He did many times in past generations to bring true repentance or is judgement being poured out of those who call themselves by His name, but live as their Own God.