Well firstly, do you guys agree with that statement? It seems to me that on social media this has boiled down all the way to just two camps left. The people who truly want to and believe we can pull the world out of this nosedive and actually save it, moving us into a golden age of recovery and healing after exposing all the bad actors in the world and punishing them. On the other side is women and their simps. Including the youngest americans who havent had time to really digest this stuff to truly understand its implications. These women, who, above all despise accountability at all costs, realize that sex, which for alot of them is their primary source of income, and its a good one for them, is massively threatened under trump. The lifestyle that the left endorses would fade away over time if Trump won and they wouldnt be able to maintain what they do. Thats how i see it. THE ELECTION IS RAPIDLY APPROACHING. The left is going to keep abortion front and center until go time because thats their base. We arent anywhere near the 5% number because of it. While i do believe 80%+ of the voting country will cast their vote for trump, i also believe that there is still room to steal it because of that fact. So.... either something comes out between now and election day that is so vile that even the abortion advocates switch their vote for or, the plan is to let them steal it again- and it was the plan the whole time. That really may be the precipice folks. Based on everything i have seen this is basically where im at right now. There is a huge abortion debate happening every day on social media. I was in a 6v1 argument all day on tiktok just trying to get these 6 women to agree that 30-36 week abortion was wrong "just because." They are ready to die on that hill. Any thoughts on the matter?


If it was set up by the DS in a panic attempt then it was a trained shooter at the very least. This is a true miracle. God bless President Trump and all of us wanting the light back in the worlds hearts. o7


This has to be it as far as what was being refrenced? Is the 2024 atlantic hurricane season going to be man made and unprecedented? I think so. Curious what yall think? o7


So my dad recently inherited some gold and also a form of gold flakes that need to be added to a solution to be turned back into gold. But anyway the jist of it is that this company my dad is talking to, elemental wants him to fill out a bunch of paperwork for him to basically become a dealer to make 90% over the 60% they could pay him. Does anyone know anything about any of this thay could help? I keep ttying to tell him to wait until after the election. But have any of you ever sold larger quantities of gold or ha e any insight on stuff like this? I figured id start here since i feel like this is my "place" on the internet. Thabks for any answers. We are in the begining stages of this but i need to hit my dad with any relevant information asap


Anyway the premise is my dad (66) is saying that donald trump before he ran for president way back in the day when he was building the NY skyline was a known crook because he refused to pay some of his contractors and that it hurt a lot of families. Can this be refuted? I know he filed for bankruptcies and what not but what is the counterpoint to this line of thinking? Did it really happen and why? Regardless thats not who he is today but my dad is saying that this stuff was known before he was president and thats why alot of people dont like him still and have a hard time getting on board. Im so close to flipping my pops in fact i already think its happened, but this is one point that he loves to stick to. Hope yall are having a good day o7


What will we see? He claims to be able to at a moments notice. Im curious what yall think would happen.


Would appreciate some advice guys


The hypotheticals that were being presented during arguments were not very hypothetical at all. Mostly all of these things happened in our countrys history recently. It seems as if we do not want immunity and even through they seem to be fighting for it that the stage is being set for other prosecutions. Now it can still be argued that presidents need immunity for various reasons such as national security. What do yall think. Do we need immunity for the executive? Is the Q plan to have immunity off the table because it seems ambivalent


Curious what the vibes are o7


So many cities declaring states of emergency on 4/8 during the eclipse. I saw a post abt the 10th mountian division movement that i didnt try to verify. The last eclipse had nowhete near this level of excitemebt inbolved in the leadup. Is this a giant pump fake or is everything really about to happen. Then there is that 2 days ahead of schedule drop that always sticks in the back of my head. So its simple... Im curious what, if anything, you guys think is gonna happen? If we have any real leads on info and if its really time for the party to start. A lot of murmurs and leads can point to this actually being it, but i can definitely see this being a giant fake also. Whats with the declarations of emergency?


Its very obvious we are getting t9 the end od this thing. Mirror obviously ment joe bidens presidency mirroring trumps and the q drops. As we get to the end and things are starting to become crystal clear i had this thought over coffee and im curious what yall think?


I think for as clear as everything has become in most ways. With isreal its almost the opposite. The waters are incredibly muddy in that respect. The more i think about it (i feel i have a good handle on this stuff), this is what is confusing me the most. Lets assume everything goes as planned and we win, Trump becomes prez, and the public finds out everything and it becomes mainstream. What does that mean for isreal? When is the moment it all ties back to isreali intelligence being a major player in this and what happens then? Everything seems to be going exactly as q said it would but isreal wasnt mentioned but a few times at most. The way it was said could imply that they are the last one standing ya know? Im just slightly confused in that respect. Obviously biden is on isreals side, and republicans seem to be as well. Mostly its just the lqbtq people rooting for palestine. Im curious what you guys think. Sorry, its just im having a hard time articulating whats going on in my brain. And i would love to hear your thoughts on the matter. We know of the atrocities commited by isreal across the board, but im having a hard time seeing the forest here insofar that everyone turns on them if thats whats supposed to happen. Antisemitism carries a ton of weight. Anyway ill be listening if yall got time to let me know how yall feel. o7


In fact its going to become more and more obvious. Do you guys remember when we were wondering what the question was? Did we ever figure it out? I think the question is going to have something to do with that. People at some point are going to have to realize that former presidents simply dont get the protection that is greater than what the current president is supposed to have. Trumo is the nost protected person on the planet. Its not close. Guys we know everything at this point. Im not sure there is much that can suprise us.


Pressure will build for declass no doubt. But is it obamas coup? Good morning guys i would love your thoughts.


Some diabetes medications seem to do more harm than good. He is otherwise healthy. He did get 2 jabs and lost some weight after he stopped driking liquor. Os there anything he can do besides entering the medical world to treat/cure and getting on those scary meds? Thanks agead of time. I know this isnt the place but i yrust yall more than anywhere else. Thats crazy in and of itself 🤣


Rudi guliani? Thats a name i ha ent heard much in that space. Could be him, kennedy, or flynn imo. What do yall think


Its being set up like trump needs it to happen but i think im expecting it to go the other way. 90-100m people are going to vote for trump right so our voice will be heard. Dont we need the supreme court to rule against immunity? Then what happens to trump besides our voice nullifying all these sham trials? Is he found not guilty on everything regardless? Thats how i see it going anyway


There should be no doubt that at this point they were always going to use michelle. Hillary clinton was a placeholder for michelle obama and im willing to bet other names are placeholders as well. Everyones way of life is on the line and the cabals last hope is michelle obama. It always has been. She has the most acclaim out of anyone on that side. To this day they think they can put her in last second and squeak out a win . They want to limit her exposure until the last possible second because its gonna come out that shes probably trans. What do yall think of my amazing deductive reasoning skills. We probably have been told everything 😁😁

Not really in hospital? Maybe they needed to control his position for something


The q op seems to be meant to tie all the multiple fronts of this war to one. 45s life is on the line and so is the deep states. This is a battle to the death and the DS greed and mistakes are being exposed. They had to charge hunter to avoid the deposition. All that does is kick the can and unify and tie hunter and joe together. They are truly running out of moves on the board. I CANT STRESS ENOUGH NOW IS THE TIME TO BE VIGILANT. A cornered animal and something about teeth... the noose will get tighter every day. Will we see a president mike johnson? Kamala seems clean in the public eye and that cant happen so i wonder abt that. Seems Trump will be vindicated and by then the DS will be fully exposed. I wonder if there will be a point when they really push the evil stuff they have been doing. The financial stuff and the two tiered system is great but that wont purge they evil out of the gov. There has to be something more. Not to fret though becausw everything in the q drops has been very very accurate so far. What a wonderful thing to witness. Thank you lord for openong my eyes to this in late 2021. There is the potentiality here to truly change the world. Im also curious to see how everything will end in isreal. Any thoughts guys. Ive been here a long time. And through the other sites all the way back to 8chan. My score is low because i only communicate on this .win site... but for one site its pretty good i gotta say. Anyway pepe gripe aside 😗😗 this is quite an experience and we are getting the the top of the rollar coaster, its almost time for the real ride o7


This is going to be a near impossible hill to climb to get back to even close to the 8 ball. They burning the house down on the way out. How do we fix this? Ive been thinking about it quite a bit lately. Idk if its appropriate for the board but its a real question.

Whats this? (media.greatawakening.win)
posted ago by PaNix ago by PaNix
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