PatientlyWaiting 2 points ago +2 / -0

So, looking for some hopium. Can anyone tell me what the hell is happening and do you realize if DC is given state status this country is gone?

PatientlyWaiting 1 point ago +1 / -0

My husband got the J&J..sigh. He’s a Patriot, 73 years old with severe asthma. So I understand his concern. I am praying he will be ok. I will not be getting the vax

PatientlyWaiting 1 point ago +1 / -0

Praying for you friend. You’re not going crazy-the world is though. I will not be getting the vax, however my husband got the J&J..so far no issues (ie-blood clots). I gave him all the info on the vax and let him decide for himself..just praying he will be ok. You need to decide for yourself about the vax. Research. For me it came down to it not having FDA approval..it’s implemented as an emergency response. I am not an anti-Vax person (likE for the flu), however there is not one drop of trust in me towards the CDC/WHO/FAUCI/BILL GATES people. Do your research and pray about it. Hang in there- this bumpy ride ain’t over

deleted 1 point ago +1 / -0
PatientlyWaiting 1 point ago +1 / -0

Hi, We have a Gog who has liver disease. The vet put her on a daily dose of DENAMARIN. It is awesome and you don’t need a prescription. Chewy.com sells it. It helps the liver health and has been a life saver. It’s safe and some people put their dogs on it pro-actively. Some humans take it also. Hope you see this post. We also don’t have human kids and our dogs are our children. Praying for your baby

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