Patriot7Teen 1 point ago +1 / -0

Well most of the libturds I work with either drive electric/hybrid cars, so I haven’t heard a peep about the gas prices. One literally laughed at me saying, “that must cost you a fortune to fill up that big ass truck” as he drove off in his Tesla.

Honestly it’s a sham to get patriots and break our undying spirits, since most of us are hard working, drive trucks and are the intelligent backbone of America. We can’t fund progress with no money. Cut off the funds of the brave men and women of the great awakening. 5D chess can be played by the opposition as well friends. Blessed be and praise our commander in chief Donald J Trump.

Patriot7Teen 2 points ago +2 / -0

I mean it is #12 unfortunately. It’s definitely not patriots though! I’ve been to 16 Trump/Patriot rallies and the only overweight, unfit people were AntiFa plants. There’s a reason liberal women want based men, because they’re built like Greek gods. Strong fast, intelligent and alpha as fuck. The studies I’ve read state most patriot conservatives have an IQ on par with MIT graduates and the top 5% of doctors and lawyers. Don’t even get me started on the most beautiful women in the world. A friend of mine works for a high end fashion magazine and she stated a large majority of their models are based as all fuck. They just pretend to be liberals for work. Once they get home, they can’t wait to wrap their legs around a patriot.