PatriotLife1787 2 points ago +2 / -0

Notice the part that says...if you have received medicine to prevent getting covid???? In other words....hydroxychloroquin.

PatriotLife1787 1 point ago +1 / -0

(This has to with McAfee's decoded post) This pirate ship is on McAfee's post. There is a MIRROR site and It allows transferring of qbittorrents with a nice qt user interface. Are qbittorrents non fungible?

PatriotLife1787 3 points ago +3 / -0

Did you noticed Elon's body language the other day when he was on stage talking about the new technology for his cars? He kept nervously looking off to the side, distracted by something...

PatriotLife1787 2 points ago +2 / -0

This is a MIRROR image. That is the Mickey Mouse Clock picture Soros bought a shitload of Disney stock There are lots of tunnels under Disneyland There also a rainbow in the picture The one eye covered could represent pedophilia

(I dont know how to put pics in these comments)

PatriotLife1787 1 point ago +2 / -1

They arent trying to get our guys out...they're taking away all of our fucking protection, so we cant protect ourselves here. They ship our troops over there, abandoned them. They gave away shitloads of our weapons, money, aircraft. Come on people! Why do you think our corrupt politicians are fucking leaving the country???