PatriotRage -1 points ago +1 / -2

The suicide rate among police is much higher than civilians. You realize that you've not posted anything to tie them to the case right? Those officers are from all over the city, in different positions, precincts and boroughs, yet you think just because they're a cop in New York they saw Frazzledrip? You really need to work on your logic and reasoning

PatriotRage -1 points ago +1 / -2

You've not given a single fact. Not one. All you've done is insist you've seen a video that there's no evidence of it even existing. Your description of its contents - which contradict many other descriptions of the contents - is not a fact. You can't provide any actual evidence or proof, because none exist, and we both know it.

PatriotRage 3 points ago +5 / -2

Biden's term is nearly 1/3 over and you still believe Trump will be "reinstated"?

PatriotRage -1 points ago +1 / -2

Translation: Now that you're faced with objective facts you can't offer any possible retort that refutes any of the points I've made, so now you'll just toss out some empty insult and avoid any further discussion entirely/

PatriotRage -1 points ago +1 / -2

#1 - You are quite funny. You say THE ONLY ONES THAT HAVE EVER BEEN SHOWN are proven fake. That is hilarious. No they haven't. So, you are telling us that you've seen EVERY image that this board collectively has seen (but hasn't posted) and you can prove definitively that ALL OF THEM (that you haven't seen) ARE fake? How can you possibly say this?

Okay, I'll rephrase...every single one that's ever been publicly revealed has been fake. You may be willing to believe tales from people who claim they saw it but can offer no proof, or someone who knows someone who knows someone that says they saw it, but I need actual evidence before I'll accept ANY claim

YOU, you yourself have access to the real deal and haven't shared it with anyone, anywhere. Is this what you are saying? Shall we have you arrested?

LMAO Why would I be arrested when the people who supposedly turn into real life versions of Leatherface and eat children on video haven't even been so much as interrogated?

Also it's impossible to have access to something that doesn't exist.

You also failed to understand the chain of custody portion of the warrant, and are misinterpreting it. Which doesn't surprise me, since you believe frazzledrip is real.

PatriotRage -1 points ago +1 / -2

NYPD detectives and a NYPD Chief, the departmentโ€™s highest rank under Commissioner, said openly that if the FBI and Justice Department fail to garner timely indictments against Clinton and co- conspirators, NYPD will go public with the damaging emails now in the hands of FBI Director James Comey and many FBI field offices.

They "said openly", yet there's no record of this happening at all. No video, no transcripts, press conference, press release, NOTHING. And not a single "source" is named.

Also have you not noticed their threat to "go public" with the contents never actually happened?

โ€œWhatโ€™s in the emails is staggering and as a father, it turned my stomach,โ€ the NYPD Chief said. โ€œ**There is not going to be any Houdini-like escape from what we found. **

Except for the fact that no one has been charged, arrested, prosecuted whatsoever.

We have copies of everything. We will ship them to Wikileaks or I will personally hold my own press conference if it comes to that.โ€

Again, NONE of this happened. Its's been years, and no wikileaks, no press conference.

How is it you're so oblivious to the fact that this is all bullshit?

PatriotRage -1 points ago +1 / -2

It doesn't take narcissism to spot an obvious lie

PatriotRage 1 point ago +3 / -2

Well, you say that with conviction, but offer no backing data.

Here's the chain of custody for the laptop. The NYPD never even had it. https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/4465430-WEINER-Search-Warrant-2016.html

This is just one of many reasons the claim that "cops who viewed the laptop committed suicide/died/were killed" is obviously a LIE.

  1. That info has never come from any official source, just hearsay from people with no authority.
  2. No list of such has ever been released by the NYPD.
  3. No one from the NYPD has ever confirmed any contents of the laptop.
  4. You did not read any articles about multiple cops committing suicide in their cars. Link them and I'll venmo you $100 right now.

There have been screenshots out on the web, but I have not downloaded them, nor do I want such an image on my personal devices.

No, there haven't. They only ones that have ever been shown are proven fakes.

Does it not bother you or at least give you pause that the majority of people who swear they've seen the video have all used pics, screenshots and clips that have been proven fake? EVERY SINGLE ONE. There has never been one piece of evidence of that video that hasn't been debunked. Yet for some reason you continue to take these anonymous hucksters at their word?

Wanting something to be true because you hate the person it incriminates isn't proof.

The burden of proof isn't on me, I'm not the one making outlandish claims about the existence of a fictitious cartoonish nightmare snuff film.

Show me one, JUST ONE piece of actual evidence or a source that supports anything you've said. And no, claims from randos on alleged videos you say you've transcribed do not count.

PatriotRage 8 points ago +14 / -6

I spent years an an amateur herpetologist and the venom yield from milking snakes is so miniscule that this theory is literally impossible. There aren't enough snakes on the planet to do what is being suggested,

PatriotRage 0 points ago +2 / -2

I don't know if this reaction is from an inability to understand the literature (you'd think someone claiming to be a doctor would know better - but this is merely saying consenting patients may be given the vaccine while under sedation for other reasons, i.e. someone scared of needles.

This is not the nefarious admission people think it is.

PatriotRage -2 points ago +1 / -3

Your posts before this pic: "I chose this name so I can share the horror of what I witnessed those two evil women do to a child in the video"

Your posts now: "Not talking about it, don't care if you don't believe me"

PatriotRage -1 points ago +2 / -3

Yes, it's all fiction. The NYPD never had the laptop, there has never been a single cop tied to the case or linked to viewing the laptop or anything on it. Cops commit suicide all the time - at a much higher rate than civilians - but there has never been a single shred of a link between any deceased officer and that laptop.

Why would they make it up? For the same reason most of this other stuff is made up. Look how many people have claimed to see it, but yet not a single one can EVER tell you where or produce any clips or even a screenshot. That's not possible, and I'm baffled as to how anyone can still believe that video exists. It makes patriots look gullible.

The description of them making the child look at them wearing her face is the most cheesy horror movie schlock nonsense I've ever heard. The amount of indescribable pain caused by removing a small child's face tearing away nerve endings would cause instantaneous shock and passing out. The tale of them taunting a still-conscious, screaming little girl who'd just had her face ripped off, wearing it like a Halloween mask while simultaneously withdrawing her blood is so absurd and beyond the limits of reality that anyone who legit believes that happened probably shouldn't be allowed out of their home without supervision.

PatriotRage 0 points ago +2 / -2

Real Raw News is a joke of a site ran by a known con artist who outright admitted the site was fake to troll Trump supporters

PatriotRage 1 point ago +4 / -3

None of ANY of that happened. The police deaths, the vomiting cops, none of it, Not only has this story changed drastically (and your version is even more extreme than the usual), but the NYPD never even had Weiner's laptop, the chain of custody shows it going straight to the FBI.

PatriotRage -1 points ago +2 / -3

A "spoof" that appeared on an album cover before Huma ever even met Hillary? Lol no. Just admit you're either lying or you got fooled into believing you watched a real video.

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