PatriotWillWin45 3 points ago +3 / -0

Exactly. I'm not falling for this kind of shit anymore. Serbia, Iraq, Libya, Syria, now Iran is next. Iran is a tough nut to crack militarily because it's a huge country with a lot of mountains and vast networks of bunkers. NATO putting boots on the ground in Iran would cost a lot of soldiers so it's to be expected that the public opinion needs to be brought onboard first by demonizing Iran.

PatriotWillWin45 5 points ago +6 / -1

The West and "democracy" cannot give lessons to anyone. In the West our governments are preparing to take children away from their parents if they refuse to give them hormones and "transition" them after a groomer has targeted them. Chemically castrating our children is much worse than enforcing modesty on women.

If "women's liberation" leads to the kind of degeneracy that we have now in the West, then Iran is absolutely right in putting women back in their place.

Besides, you have absolutely no evidence to claim that the people of Iran, or even only the women of Iran, disagree with mandatory hijab.

You're just a liberal who only cares about individual rights.

PatriotWillWin45 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don't think you understand the level of demographic replacement in the UK. In the UK there aren't just Muslim neighborhoods. There are Muslim cities. What I linked happened in Birmingham which is basically a Muslim city. There are many more women wearing the niqab in Birmingham or London than in moderate Muslim countries like Turkey or Morocco or Egypt.

As for the slippery slope, it's not a fallacy. The normalization of homosexuality is what inevitability led to the grooming of children. Think about it: if a homosexual couple is normal and is a family, why would you not show it to children? If you don't want to show to children two men kissing, you are implying that their relationship is somehow wrong. You are, to use their term, for "heteronormativity".

Therefore the solution is making homosexuality illegal and putting homos in camps. That's the only way. The sole presence of a homosexual "couple" undermines the most important value of society, which is the family.

We either put them in concentration camps, or they'll put us in a concentration camp for "homophobia". Which already happens in Europe. In Europe they put you in jail if you criticize homosexuality.

PatriotWillWin45 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's a big myth that goes around right wing circles that Muslims are a bastion against homos. They aren't. Muslims are cucked just like Christians.

Here's what happened in the UK when the LGBT lobby forced schools to groom children, including Muslim children: some very polite protest.

And note how they are terrified of being called "homophobic" (a bullshit word invented by a Jew).

People really underestimate how powerful the LGBT lobby really is. Islam has no chance. They are slowly converting even Muslim countries.

PatriotWillWin45 6 points ago +6 / -0

What happened to the Rothchild family for example that led to all of this?

It's their religion to control the world and enslave the rest of humanity.

PatriotWillWin45 1 point ago +1 / -0

So, what's the solution?

The solution is not having a chauvinist foreign ethnicity that control things for the interests of its own tribe instead of the interests of society at large.

PatriotWillWin45 10 points ago +11 / -1

America was funded as a White nation. Why can't White people have their own White nation, when there are dozens of countries that are 99℅ black?

Why are White people the only ones who cannot have their own land?

PatriotWillWin45 2 points ago +2 / -0

Jesus was against usury. Jesus said that Jews are devils and liars. The Jews decided to kill Jesus. The Jews killed him by getting White people to do the dirty work for them, with false accusations. The Jews lied about him afterwards.

Exactly the same things happened to Hitler. You should seriously consider that Hitler might have been the reincarnation of Jesus.

PatriotWillWin45 0 points ago +2 / -2

They are all nazis

Do you use the word "nazi" like a generic word for authoritarian? Just like people say "grammar-nazi" for someone who is very strict on grammar rules?

National-Socialism is a specific and complex and fascinating ideology and culture. It's a whole weltanschauung which is the complete opposite of Jewish identity and culture. Hence, a Jew cannot be a "Nazi" by definition because the whole Jewish worldview is incompatible with Hitler's.

Please read some books instead of talking about ideologies that you know nothing about.

PatriotWillWin45 1 point ago +3 / -2

Soros was a 15 years old pretending to be Hungarian who was running errands to not blow his cover. "Teamed up" you said, hahaha!

PatriotWillWin45 9 points ago +10 / -1

All the people that you mentioned are Jews or have children married to Jews. Pelosi is on video at the AIPAC bragging that her father was a shabbos goy.