Paul1149 2 points ago +2 / -0

I got it from his blog, or maybe from one of his interviews, and was going from memory. I would be interested in any differences from the way I have it.

Paul1149 87 points ago +87 / -0

Do a search for 'Joe Tippens, cancer'.

They were doing cancer research on mice. The cohort with cancer came down with worms, so they gave them fenben. Next thing they knew, the mice were cured of cancer.

Oddly, they didn't shout from the rooftops that cancer might be cured with an ultracheap over the counter medicine.

Paul1149 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don't know whether you are serious or not, but this is the kind of 'heads I win, tails you lose' mentality that runs amok in this movement. A poor substitute for sound thinking.

Paul1149 2 points ago +2 / -0

Because it's a major life-altering issue of our day. He should be championing choice instead of paying it lip service, at the very least.

by gamepwn
Paul1149 4 points ago +4 / -0

Virginia, New Jersey almost, 2021.

Lots of people taking brave stands. Don't discount them. Know where your red line is, and stick with it.

Paul1149 2 points ago +2 / -0

One example: https://communities.win/p/140vaFseAj/x/c/4JJhb0w1lbk

There are others. Too many, in my view, think this is 75 dimension chess and a movie. That didn't work with Rosenstein, Wray, Sessions, or Barr.

Paul1149 1 point ago +1 / -0

You started out with signal but then occluded it with noise.

Paul1149 6 points ago +7 / -1

My trust is in Jesus Christ. I don't see where it is written that Trump is always 5 moves ahead of the cabal.

Paul1149 20 points ago +23 / -3

I don't see Jones turning on Trump. I see him warning Trump for Trump's own good. And I believe his warning is entirely accurate. And his observation about the vaccines' purpose being to weaken humanity's immunity so we will be dependent on ongoing further gene interventions is something I've said almost verbatim. I don't follow Jones, and I know he can be bombastic and simply too much, but I pray Trump takes his warning here to heart, because it is correct and vital. This is no time for expediency at the cost of morality.

Paul1149 2 points ago +2 / -0

It depends on whether prevention or treatment, which variant you're dealing with, and other things. Go to https://covid19criticalcare.com/covid-19-protocols/i-mask-plus-protocol/. Their prevention dosage equals the paste dosage you gave, but the early treatment protocol jumps up. They are on version 18 of the protocol; they keep tweaking it and adjusting to variants.

by gamepwn
Paul1149 27 points ago +27 / -0

They took an oath to defend the Constitution, not comply with man. Don't expect much help from the military, either, which is being purged of anyone with principles. If the republic is to be saved, it will be by individuals who make the decision to stand for what is right; and only then with God's help.

Paul1149 1 point ago +1 / -0

I agree completely with this. Recall that when obama produced his fraudulent birth certificate, Trump said, ok, the matter is resolved. He knew darn well the cert was fake, but he also knew it was a losing political position going into the election.

I believe he's doing the same thing here, but this is not a dead birth certificate issue, it is a matter of life and death for hundreds of thousands. And his support for freedom of choice in the matter is very weak. I believe he's lying about the vax issue for expediency, and that this time it is a moral failing. The double-think about this really irks me. I follow only one man unquestionably, and that is Jesus Christ.

Paul1149 1 point ago +1 / -0

You are a hero. Usually I am unmasked, but when the store required masks the other day, whether vaxxed or not, I complied. It's something I need to think about. I do draw the line at the vaxx, though.

Paul1149 2 points ago +2 / -0

Once the reason the FDA is trying to bury the Vaxx approval data for 75 years comes out, I don't think his Op. Warp Speed is going to look so rosy to anyone. Something is seriously amiss here, and it has significantly affected my enthusiasm. I will still back him, but nowhere near as ardently. All I can say is pray that spiritual strongholds are torn down and the truth comes out.

Paul1149 2 points ago +2 / -0

Don't sweat it. We've all done this. There is so much nonsense floating around - on both sides - that we have to check everything to be sure.

Paul1149 2 points ago +2 / -0

Seacrest Studios | Children's National https://childrensnational.org/visit/resources-for-families/child-life-and-integrative-care-services/seacrest-studios Seacrest Studios makes every patient at Children’s National feel like a star.

Established by the Ryan Seacrest Foundation in 2015, our state-of-the-art facility gives kids an interactive space to explore radio, television and social media, share their on-air talents and participate in entertaining programs that are broadcast directly to patient rooms.

Our studio is the ultimate playroom, providing fun games, arts and crafts and other creative outlets that contribute to the healing process for children and families dealing with illness. On any given day, you can find patients hosting their own shows on topics ranging from sports to science or singing and dancing to their favorite karaoke songs. Our 920 square-foot, glass-fronted studio located in the Costco Wholesale Atrium gives visitors an up-close glimpse into the fun activities happening inside. There’s also more than enough room to host birthday/graduation celebrations, concerts, costume parties and more.

What makes our studio truly unique is that patients who are unable to leave their rooms can virtually interact with guests and celebrities who visit the studio. By tuning into our station, WPAW-90 (channel 90), patients can participate by calling in to request a song, answer daily trivia questions and win prizes.... MORE...

Paul1149 1 point ago +1 / -0

I've had covid three times, and the last bout will keep resurfacing if I don't nebulize regularly. I use a solution of peroxide, silver and iodine. Do a search for an article on it by Mercola. I also inhale eucalyptus oil fumes to relax the cytokine storm. I've never had much fever though.

Unfortunately I can't take IVM because of a porous blood-brain barrier due to Lyme and coinfections. But the paste did no better or worse than the tablets in that regard, so they're probably equally effective.

Paul1149 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yes. Everyone needs to get clear in their minds that there is a line they will not cross.

Paul1149 4 points ago +4 / -0

You're right. I feel bad for him, but it comes down to there being a cost for doing what's right when the authorities are evil. Either we stand now, or the nation falls.

Paul1149 4 points ago +5 / -1

Trump doesn't seem to realize it, but he's painting himself into a wicked corner with his interminable vaccine boasting. When the truth comes out about why the FDA wants to bury for 75 years how they were developed and approved, along with a more accurate understanding of the damage they've done, he will have nowhere to turn. In this case, his base is wiser than he. He ought to listen.

Paul1149 15 points ago +16 / -1

HAHA. Good one. I like that.

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