This. He has much bigger things to take care of. We (Europe) can wait ...
Hmmm, quite possibly Disinfo - but IF it came down to it .... .. Who would I rather be in the trenches with .. and lead me into battle?
Flynn or Bannon .... ?
Is the Pope a catholic? ..?... actually on reflection that's not the best analogy....
Pages missing from 13th to 22nd, hmmm?
Do it ?
Nice post, and very well articulated. Username is also intriguing....
Coincidence that he took over from Benedict XVI who was the 1st to 'resign of his "own" initiative' since 1294?
Maybe ...
Lindsey is ASSHO
Sad, but ...says it all
Now, as much as I admire and respect our (TRUE) superb Medical "Front Line Covid Medical - That Kicks ASS out of the (Do your job) Tik Tok Dancing Medics! ❤
Very Possible' ' Swamp Rats' review before "allowing" us to see, so would make perfect sense.
AMEN! (Sorry based Ladies, AWOMEN is just Fuckipidy at its height)
... Or Haggis (Its not that bad, honest ... ?)
Bring It?
Scottish Patriot here. Confirmed- Suspension is not just Stateside....
As "We" like to chant...
Here We Here We Here We Fuckin' GO!!!
Patriots of The World, UNITE! ?????????
Tried. Twatter Account suspended- Again?
Unless GA was ALLOWED to happen - 3/11 and 5/1 - to catch them in the act ....?
I soooooo hope O'Keefe is on that call ... ?
LG - Riding on GEOTUS coat tails, to help secure a tiny majority, then turns like a snake. I always wondered why GEOTUS quoted - VERBATIM- during one of his Rally's that GREAT Northern Soul Classic "The Snake"
"On her way to work one morning ...",?
To all the Doomers - I.e. those who don't comprehend the power of words - This speech IS NOT in anyway a Concession Speech. A peaceful transfer from one Administration- a LOT of whom "Resigned" today - to the next (Trump) administration , is a goal we should all CELEBRATE, not capitulate.
Of course he knows we're disappointed (right now), but then again - it's only THE BEGINNING.
Please, from Bonny Scotland , read the TRUE message as intended.
We went through it >700 years ago, against the same Tyrants that were out in the open in 1776, but remain to this day.
FREEDOM!!!!! ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
This. If there is ONE thing 'we' should ALL be United on, and leave them with nothing but agitators, it's this.
(Where We Go None, We Go None)