I turn off the wifi on my laptop when I am not using it, to presumably prevent hacking into it when I am not on it. However, I have noticed the CURRENT WEATHER appearing on my home screen, before I enter my password to actually use it! I searched, and a few years ago, people said it wasn't possible, but one commenter said, "The new windows might do it" (or some comment like that). Well, it seems that it HAS to be able to do it if it is showing current weather! So now, I am going to have to turn my laptop completely off to provide the level of security I thought I had! (I guess it won't be long before they can access my laptop even with the power off)
I watched a bit of the Glenn Beck show today, talking about how it is well established that Fauci was fully aware of the Wuhan Lab activities. It was mentioned that Rand Paul is never going to give up on his pursuit to bring light to all things covid, especially Fauci's involvement. Paul has also been outspoken regarding other "swamp" activities in the past. My question is, was the attack on Senator Paul by the neighbor actually a failed assassination attempt, using MKUltra-type means to cause the neighbor to attack him, to stop him from looking into many of the deep state activities? The attack was in 2018, prior to covid, but is it possible they were worried about him back then? It would have been a perfect way to silence the opposition. (or has he just been controlled opposition this whole time?)
1954 miles of U.S.- Mexico border
700 miles currently fenced/walled
$20,000,000 per mile stated to be the cost to build new fence/wall sections (seems way too high, but we'll go with it)
1,254 miles left to fence/wall
1,254 x $20,000,000 = 25 billion dollars
The entire border wall could be completed for less than the cost of just one of the several Ukraine funding bills!
Side note: Cost to build 4-lane interstate highways is about $5,000,000 per mile (so where they came up with $20,000,000 per mile of border fence/wall is a good question; probably just more grifting by the contractors)
Why are you people still pushing covid shots? It is so abundantly clear how useless, and actually harmful, they are, that you should be held liable for crimes against humanity! Do the BigPharma companies bribe you people enough to put people's health at severe risk, and risk the lawsuits coming your way? I am disgusted that my taxes are funding such evil! I would be happy to debate ANYONE in your office on this issue, but I know that being the pitiful leftists that you are, I likely won't even receive a response to this email.
Most sincerely,
xxxxxx xxxxxxx
And, as expected, no reply.
My wife and I were driving home from the Adirondacks on the NY Thruway yesterday and saw a horrific accident as it happened, about 50 feet in front of our car! I saw the car drifting to the right, and thought, "oh, he'll steer back", but car just continued to the right, hit the guiderail at the end, crushed the rail all the way to the concrete barriers that are ironically there to protect the toll apparatus! The driver must of fallen asleep at the wheel, or "died suddenly". Debris flew out into the road, and I was glad that we were in the left lane, because a large piece of the guiderail flew into the right lane. We stopped just ahead, called 911, and I started to go back to help, when another vehicle stopped, where a passenger was an EMT. He ran back to the scene. I saw many people at the scene, and decided I wouldn't be any help. We left, and as we left, the car burst into flames! Based on the severity of the crash (we could see that the front of the car was TOTALLY crushed in), we wondered if the passenger(s) could be extracted before the flames! It was the worst car accident I have ever seen happen!
Now here is where it get's weird. I searched online yesterday and couldn't find a news item about it. I still couldn't today, but found where someone mentioned it on Reddit. So the question is, are details being withheld for a reason? (or am I just too conspiracy-minded :) ) I can't recall anything about the vehicle other than it was a car.
Now that they are drumming up this year's SB as the biggest ever, with presumably the largest viewing audience EVER, across the world, wouldn't it be a great time for the "white hats" to break in to the regular programming to announce what would amount to "The Great Awakening"?
I had to switch to a new user name a few weeks ago because I had logged out and then couldn't remember the password (I didn't think I had even used one). I was looking up a password for something else today and found it! (I got my old frog back! :) ) Just out of curiosity, I went through my password list; I have over 90! (and to think I used to use the same password for multiple sites; probably not too secure :) )
I received an invitation email today to attend a GOP fundraiser, where the MINIMUM fee was $500! Here was my reply:
I, and MANY conservative Republicans (perhaps most) will no longer support the GOP! We may support Republican candidates, but the GOP has shown, through actions, and inactions, that they do not represent what is best for the country, but rather, what will increase the wealth and power of fellow GOP politicians and their wealthy donors.
Have a great day!
In usual leftist fashion, CBS is using a single case of someone who is a legitimate voter whose "voting right" was challenged by a private citizen in GA, as a way to try to make any effort to ensure only legal votes are cast seen as "racist". They don't use the race card, but it's pretty obvious that is the attempt. They did include a nice clip of a women who is involved with the private citizens group doing the voter checking, who said when asked how she felt about a black man's right to vote being challenged, "Well, I hope that he would appreciate making sure that everyone's vote counts, because any illegal votes would cancel his vote" (I'm botching the quote, but hopefully the essence is here). CBS then ended the segment by saying something like, "Well, they are concentrating their efforts on people most likely to vote for Democrats", as a way to make sure any watcher knows it's racist.
I was watching CBS this morning and they actually had a short segment about a show? that is coming out where many people associated with the JFK assassination investigation state that the evidence seems clear that there was more than one shooter. Is MSM slowly letting out various truths that have been hidden all these decades?
My 92-yr-old mother fell and broke her hip. She is supposed to have surgery very soon (or had it last night; I haven't received new information yet today). All prayers for her would be appreciated. She is otherwise very mentally and physically healthy!
Saw an interview of Dershowitz by Spicer in regard to Trump's trials. Although Dershowitz believes the trials are political, he made sure that EVERY TIME he said "Trump believed he won the election", he followed it with "but he didn't". What was particularly aggravating was that Spicer never questioned Dershowitz's contention that the election was absolutely won, fairly and squarely, by Biden!
I have been watching some of the old "Hollywood Squares" shows, and they had "Dame Edna" on as the center square. I remember this character appearing on various shows in the '80s and '90s. I thought, "Was this an early trannie advocate?". So I looked him up. The character was played by a comic from Australia named Barry Humphries. He first started the character in 1955! Turns out he was far from being a trannie, but apparently crosse the line in 2018:
In 2018, Humphries was criticised on social media for making comments considered by some to be transphobic.[108] The comments included referring to gender affirmation surgery as "self-mutilation" and transgender identity as a whole as a "fashion—how many different kinds of lavatory can you have?" The comments prompted the Barry Award, a comedy festival award in Melbourne named after the comedian, to be renamed the Melbourne International Comedy Festival Award the next year.[109] (from wikipedia, so sue me)
He died this year, but is not included with the "celebrity death" list USA Today keeps, which includes MANY people I have never heard of. Just shows that if you don't tow the line (or is it "toe the line") in show business, you won't be counted as a celebrity when you die. Of all the groups in the world who shouldn't care what someone thinks about something, pretty sad that a comedy festival showed their full wokeness by changing the name of an award because he showed signs of being "transphobic".
I have found that chat GPT does nothing more than regurgitate MSM talking points on political/medical/science questions. This is the first time I have seen it provide no response. The tunnels from Eqypt come up as the answer on Google. They must really engineer that AI to make sure some blatant answers are blocked.
Just caught a few minutes on Newsmax's take on the speaker removal. It was like watching a RINO convention! They had Huckabee on there talking about how damaging it was for Republicans, and the "anchors" going along with it. I had to switch to Real America's Voice :)