PinkPossum 2 points ago +2 / -0

The military courts. This is all leading towards military tribunals and such. I'm sure that one of the other Anons with a far better grasp of military operations/law can explain that aspect much better than I.

PinkPossum 4 points ago +4 / -0

Well, this certainly explains why Newsome accepted responsibility for mismanaging the forests of CA so that the wildfires burned half the state. Those forests are Federal lands, and the Fed contracts the state of CA to take care of them. Newsome didn't, and with this EO in effect, Gov. Newsome was going to have his assets seized and have to pay back the federal monies paid for forest management...

PinkPossum 3 points ago +3 / -0

Laptops and hard drives are corroborating evidence. Because of all the VPNs, security measures, servers, etc etc, the likelyhood of being able to "hack" both the server data AND the hard drive data and make them be identical is slim to none. Think about being able to match the texts/emails on Bobulinski's 3 dead cell phones to the same on Hunter's laptop. Same thing. If 10 laptops were "liberated", there is a great deal of corroborating evidence to anything the White Hats have, and no one can put forth accurately that false info was created by Trump's people. So yes, I imagine there's quite a few folks in DC scared shitless. RICO behavior is SOP for too many Lobbyists and the NGOs they work for. Details about that stuff is going to be all over pretty much any legislar's computer. And that's just the tame stuff.

PinkPossum 2 points ago +2 / -0

Don't forget Hydra in Captain America: The Winter Soldier. Hydra and the cabal have much in common. Too much.

PinkPossum 1 point ago +2 / -1

Where emotion exists, conflict exists. It's just that simple.

PinkPossum 13 points ago +13 / -0

So- what if USSS means US SIGINT Service, not Secret Service? It's part of the NSA.


PinkPossum 2 points ago +2 / -0

UN Resolution Agenda 21 has been posted in New Topics, along with the link to the text.

PinkPossum 2 points ago +2 / -0

The link provided is a pdf download to the full text of Agenda 21. It's a big read, but this resolution is where the Left is getting their policies from. It's based on Marxist ideas, but isn't completely Socialist or Communist- it's a new thing, and is called Globalism. The rhetoric they use to promote the ideology sounds great, until one looks at how they actually accomplish the goals. Mike Pompeo hilited one such way in his tweet responding the Chinese Embassy in the US- they tweeted directly from the A21 text about freeing women's minds and empowering them, and he responded that they are forcing abortions and sterilization on them to "free" them from childrearing. The Green New Deal is straight out of A21, as is the Paris Climate Accord. Every one of Obama's policies and regulations were taken straight from the pages of Agenda 21. Trump has been fighting this UN resolution for 4 years. It's past time that we all be Awakened to the Globalist Playbook, so that We, The People know what is really behind the policies of the Left.

PinkPossum 2 points ago +2 / -0

Hmmm...now there's a project! Challenge accepted.

PinkPossum 5 points ago +5 / -0

Nope. The Embassy directly quoted it. I'm pretty impressed with Pompeo that he chose to counter the direct quote by outing what the Agenda's rhetoric actually looks like in practice. I tend to think it's a strong indication that he's a white hat. Btw- the "not being familiar with Agenda 21/2030" was directed at the rest of the responses, not you! I figured it was a loaded question, to see who recognized A21 rhetoric in action.

PinkPossum 11 points ago +11 / -0

The Chinese Embassy post is quoting the section on Women's Equality in Agenda 21/2030 . Pompeo is shining a spotlight on how Globalists intend to "empower women"- forced abortions and forced sterilizations "free" women from child rearing and create a larger workforce to produce more for the elites. It's concerning that people here follow Q, but know nothing about Agenda 21/2030, which is the Globalist's playbook- it's the checklist that leads to their idea of Utopia. Obama's 2 terms accomplished way too many of the items on that checklist, Trump undid them, and now Biden/Harris are supposed to reinstate them AND finish off the list. You all really need to know the enemy better.