Exhibits 44-48 are documents showing their Request for Production of Ghislaine Maxwell’s emails from 1999-2010.
Sh!t. These were filed in 2016. I think they are laying the groundwork for Maxwell’s emails to be exposed right now.
I have had numerous discussions with people & they don’t understand the difference.
They all think the vaccines are FDA approved.
Even after I show them the documentation from the FDA sites referenced above.
I don’t know what else to do.
There’s no way you can definitively prove the vaccine caused the deaths due to other potential factors.
It’s the same for “COVID related deaths.” There’s no way you can prove COVID caused their death due to other potential factors.
Tell him to definitively prove COVID caused a single death. He won’t be able to.
This is most likely what was occurring in the Wuhan lab.
They attach a desired gene sequence to a retrovirus, so the desired gene sequence will incorporate into the genome.
They genetically modified the SARS virus to make it more virulent.
I bet an employee within the lab contracted it, left the lab & it started to spread.
Só, you’re kind of right.
DNA (in nucleus) is converted to RNA (outside nucleus) - transcription
RNA (outside nucleus) is converted to protein (outside nucleus).
However, there are “retroviruses” that use “reverse transcriptases” that can convert RNA TO DNA, whiich means RNA could enter the nucleus.
If COVID is a retrovirus which is looking like it might be, injecting mRNA could potentially enter the nucleus & cause DNA damage.
That would explain why people are testing positive after the vaccine. The mRNA has entered the nucleus, incorporated itself into the person’s genome (DNA) & is now self replicating (creating spike protein).
DNA damage could cause serious problems (most likely cancer).
Let me know if you have any more questions.