Between this and Nessun Dorma reportedly playing at 17 after the hour!
You are correct Anon! I meant quadriplegic.
I am also praying that this technology can heal those with Parkinson's disease like Michael J. Fox. There are a great many who suffer from neurological disorders and diseases that completely disable them.
MOVES and COUNTERMOVES anon! Sometimes you must sacrifice a chess piece for the ultimate victory.
Follow the logic and the strategy.
Did hiring a WEF stooge as CEO allow for certain opportunities?
Did this "stooge" keep leftists on the platform who otherwise would have abandoned it?
Who is it that is in need of awakening? MAGA republicans, or commie liberals?
Does a platform with no liberals lead to a successful awakening operation?
Do not let emotions cloud your judgement. Q told us this much.
Gotta watch that film Anon! It is mandatory homework viewing. In fact, all the the Tom Clancy films are relevant.
Sum of All Fears
Patriots Games
Clear and Present Danger
The Hunt for Red October
See my post from a couple years back for relevant comms . . .
It is also the song that plays at the end of The Sum of All Fears when all the Deep State actors are executed for their plot to start World War III!
Zoom out to view the big picture. If you think a tiny emoji is the sum of his contribution to the Q plan, then you haven't been paying attention. The Trump emoji is the cherry on top of a massive trove of TOP KeK contributions to the Q movement.
Oh common Anons!
What more proof do you need that Elon is full steam ahead on the Q plan?
He bought Twitter during a time of mass social media censorship.
He rebranded it to X and began a mission of free speech.
His X platform is the only big brand site to allow dank memes and real conversations.
He fully endorsed President Trump for President.
He is donating $45 million per month to the Trump campaign.
He added a custom emoji in solidarity with President Trump's survival of the assassination attempt.
Pandering to MAGA? If this is pandering, then please sir! I want some more!
The mark of the beast is already here. Its the cell phone in your pocket. Every man, woman and child is already being monitored. The Patriot Act post 9/11 saw to that. We've been living in a mark of the beast society for over 20 years at this point.
Neuralink is not going to add any control mechanisms that aren't already in play. In fact, it has done great good for the people who have used it. A paraplegic was granted the ability to use a computer unassisted for the first time in his life. Truly miraculous technology.
There could only be one GIF for tonight brothers (and sisters)!