Qanucklehead 0 points ago +2 / -2

It's not working anymore but when I clicked on the counter this morning a QR code popped up. When I clicked on the link, Trump's pic and supposed phone number popped up with a message window. I clicked open and I got this message - The Golden Age. It also asked for your name, email and city. Supposedly he will give updates and take advice. I phoned the number and tried to leave a message but it said the box is full. I looked up the area code and it is Wash, DC. Here's the number if you wanna have at it... 1 202 933 9934

Qanucklehead 0 points ago +1 / -1

Not sure, but it just got a whole lot better! Click on the countdown clock, a QR code pops up, take a pic of it and go to the link, it brings you to Trump's phone number (legit number? I don't know) a message window pops up, click on message and enjoy...

Qanucklehead 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thanks. So, right under my nose...

Qanucklehead 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thanks, but I do have that already. I meant the website that lists all the proofs, like when someone asked Q to have Trump use Tip-Top in a speech and Trump said it and emphasized it by saying Tippy-Top as one example.

Qanucklehead 1 point ago +1 / -0

Awesome, thanks for the info. Tomorrow when I have time I'll do just that.

Qanucklehead 1 point ago +1 / -0

The first link I would need to set up an account for but the second one was very helpful. It shows that the Astra-zeneca and the JandJ shots used the fetal cell lines. And although I didn't see Pfizer mentioned through a quick scan, I do have the interview of the whistleblower who said they were told to keep that a secret from the public. Thank you so much. You guys (and gals) on here are great. I put out a similar request on X and Truth and recieved zero replies.

Qanucklehead 3 points ago +3 / -0

Thanks. I know about the Pfizer whistleblower and screenshot the email she received, but will have to look into that Stanley fellow.

Qanucklehead 4 points ago +4 / -0

Thanks. I have already been allowed back to work. I am fighting for backpay and possible damages as well, not an exemption anymore.

Qanucklehead 3 points ago +3 / -0

Thanks. I will update, but at this rate (a little over 4 years already) it may take a few decades.

Qanucklehead 5 points ago +5 / -0

Yes, I will definitely keep you updated. My position is much stronger today than it was when all this began, because according to the congregation for the faith themselves,(now run by a pro-LGBT agenda dude) they say these vaccines should be avoided but only when there is no health risk to the general population. as we here all know, there is more and more evidence everyday that these vaccines were useless, harmful, and therefore not needed to protect the general population. And I will have no problem proving that I personally believed that from the beginning because I have been part of a group of co-workers who have been claiming this from day one, and we have correspondence. I even have video of when our union called the police on us to remove us from their premises because we were unmasked and unvaxxed. I also recorded my 2 hou rinterrogation by two supervisors and had a witness present.

Qanucklehead 3 points ago +3 / -0

Thank you so much. I will look ito these.

Qanucklehead 3 points ago +3 / -0

In the British Columbia Human Rights Tribunal. Took 4 years to get this reply. My complaint stems from the fact that I was denied a religious exemption. My company's reason is that the vaccines themselves contain no fetal cells, which is true. My argument is that fetal cells were used in the testing stages of many or all the vaccines. They argued that religious leaders (namely the "Pope") said it was okay because the cells were derived decades ago and it is for a greater good. I have enough evidence via the Catholic Cathecism that there is never a good reason to tolerate an intrinsic evil, and am lucky enough to have a pastor who will back me up on Traditional Catholic beliefs, as well as evidence of my attendance at a Trad-Cat Church since the start of the scamdemic. All I am looking for is the actual documented info regarding the testing.

Qanucklehead 3 points ago +3 / -0

We need to remember that Trump gets intelligence briefings as the incoming president, so he knows exactly what is going on. He just msisspelled the words don't and shoot, reminds me of the time he misspelled missile and stopped after the attempted assassination in June, 2018. This tells me that the drones are a white hat operation, probably sniffing out dirty bombs. This would make sense considering the inauguration is not far off. Isn't that one of the cards up the deep state's sleeve?

Qanucklehead 4 points ago +4 / -0

Too bad it's electric, boogie, woogie, woogie. Or is it? How long before he's allowed to use REAL Tesla tech?

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