Aside from myself, my mother is the only who did not get the vaccine. Yet she wants to get it.

She's not even remotely liberal... is pro-Trump. But she is scared of covid for some reason.

I have given her 10+ links showing how bad it was. Including how it doesn't prevent you from catching covid.

But she still wants to get it.

This alarms me because im only 21 and living with her. If she died 2 years or sooner after it.. I will not have a damn idea what to do since I've never lived independently. The lockdowns last year slowed down whatever future lively plans I could have had. That as well as that I've been slow af at trying to learn to live independently.

If all my family died in 2 years or less I will literally not fucking know what to do with myself. This is all why I contemplated suicide on here because I feel like I might end up in a hopeless situation with no way to adapt.

Okay I don't know if the long term effects are really that, but at least I'll know for certain that if my mom never gets the shot that I know I won't have to worry for her and at least I still have someone with me and won't end up clueless and directionless on what to do with my future life.

If she can bother to read all the links I sent (she has yet to) then hopefully she can rethink.

I'd seriously hate it if she gets it then regrets it later. Especially if it can't be reversed.


I kind of just don't get it.

The cures were already there. They were suppressing those supplements but Trump shouldn't have just let them suppress them. He should have fought to keep them available and let everyone get access to them.

If he had just done that, we would have been much better off instead of pointless vaccines that don't even work in terms of fighting off covid.

I'm not sure why he didn't just blow up the covid scam, expose the fact that China released it on purpose, and put the country on HCQ and Ivermectin, encourage everyone to do away with masks and lockdowns, while acknowledging that there was never a need for vaccines in the first place. For some reason, he decided to go along with the narrative..

Not firing Fauci cost him the election, I think.

What's extremely ironic is that Trump has shown to be a very pro-life individual. Yet, these vaccines have sterilized and killed people before, and many believe it's a depopulation tool. Either Trump doesn't know the truth about what these vaccines really do, or he does but he can't speak out about it because Kushner or someone else has him by the balls or something, and could be suppressing the information from him. If that's the case then he seriously needs to kick Kushner the fuck out of his political circle. Kushner is causing him to lose.

Another ironic thing is that way back then, he commented on how children have gotten autism and other things from vaccines!

He still shills for these vaccines despite all the problems we've seen. I feel like there's going to be a point where he can't publicly ignore the vaccine's problems anymore.

Many people have said he might be apart of the swamp because of him shilling for the vaccine. I wouldn't go that far, because the swamp would be easier on him if that was the case.


If we got him back in office, I question if he can reverse everything that Biden did, especially deporting all the illegals that came in since the borders opened.

Whites need a bigger majority percentage in America and the only way to achieve that is mass deportation. Muslims should also be no more than 1% of the population, if even.


The mass panic would be unreal. It could be the worst mass panic in history.

What I would be curious about is the action that they would take once they find out.

Would they just, commit mass suicide events? Make mass demands for any treatments and antidotes/cures that may reverse the injection's effects or at the very least alleviate the effects and significantly lessen the chance of premature death?

What else would they do that isn't either mass suicide or clamor for cure?

It would be very, very concerning to think about.

All I can do right now is hope that the worst predictions for the vaccine's long term effects to turn out to be wrong.. I'm referring to the prediction that is 100% fatality rate for all vaxxed within 2 or 3 years. FUCK that prediction to hell and I never wanted any other prediction to be wrong more than that one. Most of the people that I've known in my life has taken it. Among them I don't know of any deaths or life threatening side effects but still.

I can't help but actually feel sorry for most of these people that took it. They thought they were doing the right thing. They had no idea they were signing up to be lab monkeys. If they knew the truth at the beginning then they would've never taken the shots.

My hope is that at least the vast majority can stay in the clear from absurdly premature death. Even being in the clear from sterilization would be a bonus. Perhaps there is a better chance to fix these people the sooner they wake up to the truth...

I said this before but I legitimately wouldn't know what to do in the worst case scenario. I would suffer survivors guilt. I'm only 21 and I never even lived independently because covid slowed me down from doing that. If everyone around me dies I seriously would feel totally lost to the point I feel like that I even might as well just commit suicide because I wouldn't know what to do with my life otherwise. It would be easier to cope if I was further in life than I am..


Honestly I'm curious if it is normally populists or globalists/communists that would be stronger if it came to outright physical confrontation such as fist fights.

I guess in this thread we could also talk about if they challenged us to gun fights.


Let's just say the audit in Arizona gets completed. And let's say it causes two other states to complete audits too.

I do imagine that at first, the left will do everything they can to discredit the audits and say they're fake. But of course they wouldn't be. That narrative could easily fail.

I feel like there's a point they will no longer be able to pretend Biden won legitimately and will have no choice but to admit that Trump won and Biden had to cheat. But of course, there is no way they would allow Trump to go back into power without a fight. A nasty fight.

So at the same time of potentially admitting Trump's win, I imagine them going absolutely bloodthirsty. There are many different things they may do:

-Order Antifa, BLM and illegal aliens to riot in suburbs and attempt assassination on as many Trump supporters as they can. Considering Arizona is a border state, lots of illegals likely already flooded there, I'm sure Islamic terrorists are among those illegals and could be like Antifa where the left can count on them to enforce their bloodlusted will on us.

-Order the FBI or some other group of federal agents to attack suburbs and, thus, Trump supporters.

-Ask for either Iran, China, or the UN to send agents onto our soil for war.

-Straight up declare civil war on us.

-Don't they actually control the nukes? Honestly, scarily enough, I don't know what would be stopping them from dropping bombs on swing states, or in Mar-A-Lago as an attempt to kill Trump. Would the US military be willing to prevent this from happening? I honestly will not put it past the communists to attempt to nuke parts of the country in a desperate attempt to cling onto their power.

What other kinetic actions could they take against us if the audits get completed? I just feel like that's what will happen, they would rather cause nationwide chaotic carnage than let Trump anywhere near the White House again.

I'd actually be concerned if they ask foreign agents to enter our soil (Iran, China, UN). Do we have the physical manpower to win against the globalists if they use literally ALL of the possible strength and ammo against us?


That's what the general consensus appears to be.

Even Zuckerberg admitted "we don't know the long term effects of changing someone's DNA/RNA".

I have noticed, the best predictions and worst predictions never happen. It's a middle ground normally.

If there was a 100% fatality rate for all vaccinated within 2 years.. let's be real.. society would become dysfunctional forever and the West may already have signed its extinction warrant. This would be headlines 24/7 with honest media.

I have seen people say that the flu seasons would amp up vaccine deaths. However, I believe Australia is already under flu season and I have seen nothing about them dropping like flies. Unless Australia didn't use covid vaccines but I'm very certain they did.

I would hope it's just.. for most, higher chance of illnesses, diseases and getting sick. Good chance of sterilization though I would guess maybe it's not 100% sterilization rate.

Maybe most, as in 50% or more out of the vaxxed, will just... turn out okay


Referring to this: https://communities.win/c/GreatAwakening/p/12ih0OX9WT/sorry-i-have-to-vent-i-have-a-hu/

I have to admit the comments I got were of great encouragement.

I sure hope that not everyone vaccinated will die of 2 years. I mean.. how the hell did people think of that in the first place?

I remember Luc Montagnier "allegedly" said it though it turns out the video based on that shows he in fact did not say that.

If everyone vaccinated woke up, you know there would be quite some mass panic when they regret taking that shit. They might beg for an antidote or something. Hopefully there's an antidote. I would ease up a lot if I find out there was one. Like therapies or something. Because I do think the vaccinated deserve a second chance.. they didn't have any idea they were signing up to be lab monkeys, they were unknowingly doing it.

If the vaccinated had like, 10 years to live, that would still suck but at least that's still a long while. But 2 years? Jeez man. Just sounds extreme.

Hopefully it's just increased likeliness of getting sicked, amongst other things. Increased likeliness of diseases but not made so fragile to die so easily.

I do have a question to ask: since I have seen people say we could see vaccine deaths possibly amp up during flu season, I believe it's already flu season for the southern hemisphere.. so places like Australia. Anyone know what the situation is like in Australia? Do they have a large percentage of their population vaccinated, and since I believe they are at flu season or almost are, are they dropping like flies? I think that should be indicator for what our flu season will be like.


I'm at big risk of contemplating suicide.

Everyone in my family except my mother took the vaccine. Even she wants to get it though I'm in the process of denying it from her.

Most of my friends took it too. Most people I knew in person took it.

Good god.

If all of those bad rumors are true then my life is essentially ruined.

Only age 21. Literally. Just. Started. Adulthood. And now I gotta fear that most people in my life are doomed to drop dead for taking this shitty experimental injection.

I literally would not know what to do with myself if they really do end up dying. Other than deciding to kill myself. Probably by hanging or jumping off a huge height.

Because I would not be able to cope with all those deaths.

So I would aggressively fucking kill myself.

I do not have either the mental or physical preparation for most people in my life to be dying off from that garbage poison.

Well I guess I would want revenge for all the communist motherfuckers but even if that revenge was successful, it will not be good enough to prevent me from eventually committing suicide afterwards.

So yeah. Man. So sad. I feel like I've had a failed life. An incomplete life with no chance of properly completing it. I would be mostly alone and not really even capable of supporting myself. I never even lived alone yet. Covid slowed those plans down for me.

What's depressing to think about it is how I wouldn't have to think like this if nobody accepted these injections. If no one got vaccinated it would be possible to go back to pre-2021 times (or pre-2020 times away from the scamdemic) if we toppled this regime. Then I could go back happy life. But even if we toppled the regime there is still the massive problem of vaccinated people at big risk of dying.

Then if all the vaccinated people I know die, I just feel like it's over for me. Even toppling the regime and going back to freedom won't save me. I would just feel completely lost. Unsure what to do with my existence. And would just end up fucking killing myself.

Sorry just needed to vent this somewhere. My gut wrenches from reading all of the stuff about the covid vaccine and how lethal it is. Well I wouldn't have my gut wrenching over it if it wasn't for the fact that most of my family members and most other people I know IRL took this fucking shot. I feel like this harms me way more than the regime itself does. And in a permanent way that can't be fixed. Thus this leads me to contemplate suicide and eventually commit.

So sorry, guys.