posted ago by Quackchinchin ago by Quackchinchin +38 / -1

Aside from myself, my mother is the only who did not get the vaccine. Yet she wants to get it.

She's not even remotely liberal... is pro-Trump. But she is scared of covid for some reason.

I have given her 10+ links showing how bad it was. Including how it doesn't prevent you from catching covid.

But she still wants to get it.

This alarms me because im only 21 and living with her. If she died 2 years or sooner after it.. I will not have a damn idea what to do since I've never lived independently. The lockdowns last year slowed down whatever future lively plans I could have had. That as well as that I've been slow af at trying to learn to live independently.

If all my family died in 2 years or less I will literally not fucking know what to do with myself. This is all why I contemplated suicide on here because I feel like I might end up in a hopeless situation with no way to adapt.

Okay I don't know if the long term effects are really that, but at least I'll know for certain that if my mom never gets the shot that I know I won't have to worry for her and at least I still have someone with me and won't end up clueless and directionless on what to do with my future life.

If she can bother to read all the links I sent (she has yet to) then hopefully she can rethink.

I'd seriously hate it if she gets it then regrets it later. Especially if it can't be reversed.