posted ago by Quackchinchin ago by Quackchinchin +43 / -2

That's what the general consensus appears to be.

Even Zuckerberg admitted "we don't know the long term effects of changing someone's DNA/RNA".

I have noticed, the best predictions and worst predictions never happen. It's a middle ground normally.

If there was a 100% fatality rate for all vaccinated within 2 years.. let's be real.. society would become dysfunctional forever and the West may already have signed its extinction warrant. This would be headlines 24/7 with honest media.

I have seen people say that the flu seasons would amp up vaccine deaths. However, I believe Australia is already under flu season and I have seen nothing about them dropping like flies. Unless Australia didn't use covid vaccines but I'm very certain they did.

I would hope it's just.. for most, higher chance of illnesses, diseases and getting sick. Good chance of sterilization though I would guess maybe it's not 100% sterilization rate.

Maybe most, as in 50% or more out of the vaxxed, will just... turn out okay