RTMFK1 2 points ago +2 / -0

yes it is ddl. Gangs of New York is the movie.

RTMFK1 1 point ago +1 / -0

My understanding is that horse paste is dosed at .2mg/kg, so if your horse weights 80kg and it takes an 80 kg amount of paste(almost 1/8 of the tube{The tube I am referencing is for a 680kg/1500pound horse}) you get .2mg/kg into your horses system.

2mg is 10X .2mg, so your 80kg horse would need to take ten times the .2mg/kg dose or an amount for an 800kg horse to get a 2mg/kg of body weight dose. That would be almost 1.2 tubes of horse paste.

RTMFK1 7 points ago +7 / -0

More hidden text on the 1776 page, under the picture.

"There are no longer (in the grand scheme) coincidences. John McAfee rest in peace. Let’s focus on the future, shall we? NCSWIC"

RTMFK1 10 points ago +10 / -0