I just noticed this.... And can now never unsee it. Thanks? Haha
In Vegas, it's insane how these people are "following the rules", almost in a militant fashion.
If I had to guess, I'd say it's similar to the "tactical pauses" the military held a couple years ago, about the time that suicide and mental illness were the talking points. Now that the narrative has shifted to people of a certain demographic being punished for crimes more heavily/often than other demographics, then they will continue those "tactical pauses" to beat everyone over the head about this new taking point. But that's just a guess
Good to know, thanks!
I've thought about doing this, but the one thing keeping me from it is not knowing whether drinking black coffee would ruin any progress I made.
That they worship something other than Christ would not surprise me. If you wouldn't mind, since it's been mentioned several times already but I seem to be overlooking it, provide some details on the "art" hanging over the bed? I'm curious to know the artist, timeframe of its creation (specifically the year or decade at least), country of origin, etc. And to clarify, I'm not interested in arguing over pooper or his heathen mother, they can all rot in Moloch's asshole for all I care. But since others are convinced the scene above the bed is "clearly satanic", and I simply don't see it that way (although its style is definitely different from traditional European artists) I'm curious to know the ground truth on it.
The "art" on the wall, while admittedly strange in style (likely central American in origin) depicts several elements from scripture. The beheaded man is John the Baptist, the rooster is from when Peter denied knowing Jesus three times, the three men in the upper right look more like the three wise men at Jesus' birth. The thing in the middle is likely Jesus in the Ark of the Covenant. The original ark contained the laws of God, and Jesus is the fulfillment of Law. There's a LOT of symbolism going on in that thing in the wall, and most of it, from what I can tell, has a biblical explanation, especially when considering that it has Central American origin, they obviously added their own cultural style to it.
I'm glad I'm not the only one noticing this. People joyously saying "read the Bible, God wins" apparently skipped over Isaiah 63. Christ came back as a savior the first time. He'll come back as a conqueror next.
Same, the filings should be publicly available, if they were filed in the US. I haven't seen what courts these lawsuits were filed in though.