Riblitz 3 points ago +3 / -0

This is an evil elite that must live in the shadows.

Therefor, I would tend to think a lot of satanists would flock to Judaism in especially recent times. Due to a consistent pattern of being a target of eradication. Jews have the best cover and protection in place for a Luciferian Cult to exploit. Also, plenty of government, legal and institutional power.

Logically, it would just seem to make sense to infiltrate a group like that and keep your power base there. You would need infiltrators all over humanity of course.

What better place for a demon to hide than one where there is an instant and massive reaction if you attempt to demonize them?

And this is only referring to satanic elite, posing as a Jews for the benefits it gains them.

Riblitz 1 point ago +1 / -0

Hilly billy goat herders in Afghanistan we're able to bring 2 world super powers to their knees with nothing but AK-47s and IEDs.

Aircraft, tanks and warships cannot stand on street corners and pull the uni-party line. The elites can't rule over a bombed out nuclear ruin. It takes personnel to accomplish that.

Private citizens in the US are holding 41% of known small arms in the world, 310 million of them. 97% of those guns are in republican districts.

Sure, a lot of people are all talk. But, it only takes a small minority to rise up in defiance. Like, incredibly small <5%. All of the super weapons, all of the institutional control would amount to nothing.

As long as the population is armed. There's nothing they can really do to enslave it completely.

Riblitz 5 points ago +5 / -0

Biden's right hand on the sofa is especially strange looking.

Riblitz 6 points ago +6 / -0

Perhaps W is the only ex-prez Republican they have to put out there. Maybe they think George will somehow fill the vacuum left by Trump's departure in the MSM crowd. To replace the anomaly of Trump with something more standard.

It's laughable, by even normie standards. But, I think they are trying to somehow message "Look everybody! This is how a republican is suppose to be. Not like that crazy ol' orange Drumpf guy."

"See? This is how a real republican leader is, remember? Now be good little sheep and go back to sleep." Pathetic. If they think they can erase Trump in the minds of Americans with that turd... well, they are that ridiculous.

Riblitz 2 points ago +2 / -0

"She's" running for Gov. on the GOP ticket solely to split the republican vote.

Watch, "she" won't drop out even when "she's" obviously going to lose. "I just can't abandon my constituents!!!".

Hopefully, people will see through it.

Riblitz -1 points ago +1 / -2

Trump allowed The CCP to buy up anything you could not physically remove from this country and completely shut them out of anything you could. He let them buy or invest heavily into land, farms, factories & also media IP & assets. But he would not let them have military, technology & industrial IP/Businesses or unrestricted access to citizen's private information or data collection in the US in general.

So, lets look at where The CCP is at now. Most importantly in my mind they just had a 100yr flood. In which, they sacrificed their farmland & many farmers in order to save their manufacturing base downstream. Only 12.7% of China is suitable for farmland and it's mostly in one area, this is why they have been vulnerable to famine in the past. They are super invested in foreign nation's farms & food processing all over the world. So they are not worried about this decision at this time.

Yes, they are heavily invested, you could even say over-extended on foreign assets. On paper, they have tons of food and and a blossoming economy that will bring great returns. But, this is all dependent on physical access. Access to foreign markets to sell their goods and buy enough food and materials to sustain their population and manufacturing.

This is all fine & good and looks great on paper. And in the course of a civil, managed decline of western civilization carried out in secrecy. Perfectly safe. The Great Reset.

However, if the conditions should arise where The CCP is held accountable for the damages of their engineered virus here in the US. If their corruption & their collaborators are exposed as having been conspiring and working to seize control of the US. Everything would change. Anyone involved would be hunted down worldwide, no amount of threats or protests from foreign nations would stop this from happening. We hunt terrorists, anywhere, anytime, anyplace. That includes, personnel, funds & assets. If you are with them, you are against us. Period, end of story.

Seen now as a hostile nation, having already attacked the US, legally all CCP agents and assets are seized. In addition to the immense monetary loss. No more food & raw resources flow from the US to China. My guess is other nations would follow suit too.

Still having many years until their belt & road initiative is completed The CCP is utterly reliant on overseas shipping & air to move their products. Products that no one truly needs to survive. Even if greatly inconvenienced, the band would play on, everywhere but China.

The US Navy alone would completely lock them down with an embargo. They wouldn't be able to move a single container in or out of that country. What good is all that money if you can't buy food? What good is all this production if you can't move products?

I would guess the Chinese population is still very familiar with the Great Famine under Mao. This would create a lot of pressure on the CCP. If I wanted to implode the CCP, that's how I would do it. They just simply do not have enough food, nor do they have enough muscle to ensure physical access to or re-assert control of foreign assets. The CCP's gamble is to make sure the kid-gloves stay on long enough for them to become an insurmountable force. Their faith in everyone continuing to be civil and fair regardless of their actions is misplaced in my estimation. Believing their own lies and misconceptions will be their downfall.

P.S. China relies on the global security the US provides in order to operate the way they do. They're betting it all on that security continuing.

Riblitz 0 points ago +1 / -1

Jesus Christ! His head is visibly malformed, like it's caving in! I had to do a double-take. It's like the beginning stages of a leftie "caved-in head" meme. Unbelievable.