President Walter!
Agreed, but the track record of the Supremes ain’t great.
I loathe Joe Biden: Illegitimate, corrupt, criminal, frail and demented.
Unlike the left’s fevered hatred of Trump, I have sound reasons for my contempt.
That struck me as well. Beyond that, who thinks that a perpetual computer simulation of themselves would be interesting to anyone after their death? Egomaniacs.
The evidence is out there. More than enough. CONVICT!!
This man is a based genius.
I am certain Trump’s tax records are rock solid. The main problem is this: his taxes will be far too complex for the average CPA, much less the average citizen. You can expect there will be things that are politically damaging, at least on the surface.
That’s all his enemies need to try to inflict damage. I don’t think it will work.
ERCOT is not the villain in this, the acting US Sec. of Energy is.
In anticipation of the extreme weather, ERCOT applied for permission to bring on additional generation capacity, capacity that would involve burning fossil fuels.
The Sec. denied permission to do so, permitting only enough additional generation to prevent collapse of the power grid. Despite how bad it was, with millions of people shivering in their homes, the power grid did not collapse. It was tenuous, but it held.
The short story is this: the FED is more concerned about climate change than it is about Americans.
I worked in Child Protective Services years ago. Anonymous reports of child abuse are investigated vigorously. Further, in most states, any adult aware of a child abuse situation is legally obligated to report it.
I understand there are safety concerns. Please make an anonymous report.
In an age without heroes, Rush was mine.
I mourn him and thank God for loaning him to us.
I pray the truth will be known, accepted, and justice done.
Open the eyes of the blind, Lord.
Well, there certainly SHOULD have been.
Sometimes the /sarc tag isn’t needed.
We express our consent through elections. When those have been hopelessly corrupted, there is no consent.
There is a fatal flaw in the logic: President Trump did not lose, he won by historic margins.
Honest elections will right the country in short order.
Please God, let justice be done!
There is a flaw in her baseless argument. A photocopy of an ID isn’t valid proof of identity. You have to present the original.