RighteousWeed 2 points ago +2 / -0

Upcoming Unreleased Manuscripts

Blood Thirsty Monsters, Or, Beastly Bedtime Stories 2024, Or, The First President of New America Secrets of the Loquacious Luciferins Travails of Time Travelers in Twenty Thirty

ingersoll lockwood, writer of the Baron Trump books.... lived in the 1800s...

RighteousWeed 2 points ago +2 / -0

actually, go to the ingersol lockwood site... the have hidden texts and amazing info... like how ingersol warned of the Nazi before it was a thing, how he interacted with the writer of Dune.. tho he also lived well before either event happened yet wrote about it.... check out the site and try to make sense of how this evolved from a lawyer who was a writer... and has some as yet to be released manuscripts... highlight the whole screen to see hidden links/words written in white against a white backdrop. Have fun patriots....

RighteousWeed 1 point ago +1 / -0

17 lines... just... wow... so, a ? doesn't end a sentence these days??? askin for a fren

RighteousWeed 3 points ago +4 / -1

they lied and denied for a decade, then Brennan and his dumb ass admitted they, as a private company, WERE doing it to combat GLOBAL WARMING... the biggest farce in the universe.... its called a solar cycle... but that's besides the point.

I want to be a part of a class action lawsuit... anything they put in the air gets into us.... anything they do to affect nature, affects us... they need to stay in their lanes or pay the consequences.

RighteousWeed 1 point ago +1 / -0


RighteousWeed 1 point ago +1 / -0

mt ararat... the ark landed between two mountains... the center part of the ark is lower. Early days of the science channel they had old old us army expedition video of going up to the ark... that middle part when the ice had melted one year. They went up and left with old trunks... don't know, just know what i saw...

mt. moses... the ACTUAL place where 10 commandments were written, discovered within 25 years ago... by following the path of israelites leaving egypt... had been the wrong place historically...yes, it's fenced off and protected by military forces.

RighteousWeed 1 point ago +1 / -0

seriously, the fauxbiden (Bidan) seems to have brown eyes then blue eyes... not contacts... different eyes... stay on the lookout... plus the ears... the signature... the smile....

RighteousWeed 1 point ago +1 / -0

his slogan, "just like the pillow i scream into at night"

RighteousWeed 1 point ago +1 / -0

at 1am dallas time and the whitehouse looks like its' more like 6am with the sun rising... either they got better cams OR there has to be something lighting up the area. odd for sure

RighteousWeed 7 points ago +7 / -0

it's coming off all the cali people moving here... and we thought smog was from cars

RighteousWeed 1 point ago +1 / -0

umm, yes, it is patented as sars-cov-2... it was started in Ft. Dietrich, shut down by congress, and Fuckie had it moved to wuhan, chose the professor to oversee it's development and had the research materials sent there. This has already been a part of disclosure... early on.

RighteousWeed 3 points ago +3 / -0

OMMFG.... noobs, please, learn the truth... Q is not a person. it's a group. Q+ is a person. and it's not Barron.... could Barron be a part of it???? possible at this point but HIGHLY doubtful.

RighteousWeed 2 points ago +3 / -1

look up nesara and quantum banking system.

RighteousWeed 2 points ago +2 / -0

i utterly refuse to wear a mask... not because they say, not to make others feel safe, and not if a cop asks.... and fyi, in the earlier days of the crazy, in Waco, cops assaulted a guy for not wearing a mask OUTSIDE... in Dallas they try to say you have to wear it here or there and when you say you're exempt, i can't tell you how many times people said, "there is no exemption".... so i have the exemption list and a copy of the mandate...

It's taking away our liberties... and following along with bullshit science ... ignorantly... ok, going to stop now, makes me Very Angry.

RighteousWeed 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm looing at it now, i see it flying in the night... didn't see earlier

RighteousWeed 1 point ago +1 / -0

ok, so, at sunset, what happens??? and again at sunrise??? during the day it should be flying... DURING THE DAY. Proper to take it down at night.....

RighteousWeed 0 points ago +1 / -1

before leaving office, Obama pretty much gave everyone a pardon for any crimes committed up to that point... They had to basically let them create more crimes and get them for that.

RighteousWeed 2 points ago +2 / -0

oh, and by the way... wanna see the title 4 flag??? you can see it on Q post 4950

RighteousWeed 2 points ago +2 / -0

whoa whoa whoa there buddy, by blood, I am a son of the American Revolution... my family came here before 1776... came over as indentured servants actually... it is not a masonic group... it is a group that has free masons in it... it's like covid deaths... only 6 FROM covid... the rest died WITH covid.... here's a clue, everyone who breathes air has covid if it is truly air borne.

as for Russell... i swear to you i heard of this decades ago... and we were taught in school that DC was not actually part of the US... then the actual history of the Fed... what we have now they tried 3 other times to create the "Federal Reserve" before the bankers were successful.

now could Russell be full of shit??? absolutely (i don't believe that to be the case). However, his Quantum banking system, his periodic table, and his claiming of the title 4 flag are most definitely true. So, if that be the case, when Trump is duly elected as the Commander and Chief of the Restored Republic of the United States of America, if Russell is true, he'll surrender the flag to Trump.

so, i guess we'll see by March 4th at the latest.

RighteousWeed 1 point ago +1 / -0

wow... just... wow. what do former presidents get??? secret service detail...

however, Trump has his own personal security that is possibly better than secret service... as do his kids. Literally the best money can buy. Plus, and most importantly, he has God and His purpose for Trump is far from complete.

RighteousWeed 1 point ago +1 / -0

Q+... not gonna give you that one, re-read the drops, it's in there Qanon doesn't exist Looking Glass... so many ways to explain this... easy way would be for you to look up: PsySpies, tv show Fringe (based on ACTUAL science... truly), or best of all https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Looking_Glass

RighteousWeed 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm saying, for that drop, that particular person...

if it were football squares style, i'd choose... Russell-Jay: Gould Barron Trump JFK jr. (Jfk II) Mike Pompeo Jesus Princess Diana

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