by Nslauer
Rizzo9004 0 points ago +1 / -1

is that the bar where they both worked? with the counterfeiting/laundering/drug stuff?

Rizzo9004 2 points ago +3 / -1

yes that is really irritating

by Nslauer
Rizzo9004 -2 points ago +1 / -3


by Nslauer
Rizzo9004 0 points ago +2 / -2

Chauvin and Floyd should both receive death sentences for knowingly participating in this ridiculous freemasonic burlesque. Theyre both part of the op.

Rizzo9004 8 points ago +9 / -1

since when have any of the fake and compromised talking heads and politicians of whatever ostensible stripe had a problem with hypocrisy? it's the way they flex their power over the proles, by not-so-quietly doing whatever they want.

Rizzo9004 -1 points ago +1 / -2

I would say we're nowhere near revealing the 'full' truth, re: the ayys, the genetic manipulation that resulted in humans, the little green men in the trees etc lol, let alone the full disclosure of the level of predation by the hierarchy on human consciousness.

It's also too bad more people havent realized that the 'plan' was merely a cleanup by the smaller Trump/Pompeo/Kushner Illuminati faction of their competition. This is why you see the other side being given the opportunity to implement their 'Great Reset', why China was allowed to release a US-developed virus on us, why we're being vaccinated with whatever that is (sterile water or sterilizing DNA lol, take your pick), and why the election was allowed to be manipulated - these are Illuminati rules, if you hadn't noticed that.

Rizzo9004 -1 points ago +1 / -2

Everything that is going to happen already happened in 2017-19. The rest is just a script being played out to maintain social order and set legal precedents, while at the same time offering nothing but frustration for those that still believe in celebrity.

Rizzo9004 0 points ago +1 / -1

No, the whole point (AGAIN) of the "great awakening" is to realize that no one given access to media or influence is not initiated into some control structure. I don't care if it's James Woods, or the mossad shills from Rebel media, the presently-fashionable Lindell/Powell/Wood/Flynn axis, Alex Jones, IDC who. And definitely not some ball-tossing fellow, regardless of how wonderful his ball-tossing may be.

Rizzo9004 0 points ago +3 / -3

i wont accept it, i dont GAF what some groidball "elite" thinks, and the entire point of the ostensible "great awakening" is that we stop needing the approbation of these fake celebrities

Rizzo9004 1 point ago +2 / -1

nothing will be left standing, most of these businesses will have to relocate out of conservative/pro-2A and/or pro-white areas...

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